NAME Coro::PriorityQueue SYNOPSIS use Coro::PriorityQueue; use Coro; my $queue = Coro::PriorityQueue->new(10); my $producer = async { foreach my $i (1 .. 10) { $queue->insert($i); } $queue->shutdown; }; my $consumer = async { while (1) { my $i = $queue->remove or last; printf("%d * 2 = %d\n", $i, $i * 2); } }; $producer->join, $consumer->join; DESCRIPTION Priority queues automatically order their contents according to the inserted item's priority. Calling code must ensure that their queue items are comparable via this strategy (e.g. by overloading the <=> operator). Underneath, this is implemented as a simple array heap, using Coro::Semaphore to control access. METHODS new($max) Creates a new queue that can store $max items. insert($item) Inserts an item into the queue. Will block the thread until a slot is available if necessary. If the queue has been shut down, croaks. It is an error to insert undef into the queue. remove Removes and returns an item from the queue. Blocks until an item becomes available if necessary. If the queue is shutdown, returns undefined immediately. count Returns the number of items currently stored. is_empty Returns true if the queue is empty. is_full Returns true if the queue is full. shutdown Shuts down the queue, after which no items may be inserted. Items already in the queue can be pulled normally until empty, after which further calls to "remove" will return undefined. AUTHOR Jeff Ober <>