Net::Async::Redis - talk to Redis servers via IO::Async


        use Net::Async::Redis;
        use Future::AsyncAwait;
        use IO::Async::Loop;
        my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
        $loop->add(my $redis = Net::Async::Redis->new);
        my $value = await $redis->get('some_key');
        $value ||= await $redis->set(some_key => 'some_value');
        print "Value: $value\n";
        # You can also use ->then chaining, see L<Future> for more details
        $redis->connect->then(sub {
        })->then(sub {
            my $value = shift;
            return Future->done($value) if $value;
            $redis->set(some_key => 'some_value')
        })->on_done(sub {
            print "Value: " . shift;


    Provides client access for dealing with Redis servers.

    6ee Net::Async::Redis::Commands for the full list of commands, this
    list is autogenerated from the official documentation here:

    This is intended to be a near-complete low-level client module for
    asynchronous Redis support. See Net::Async::Redis::Server for a
    (limited) Perl server implementation.

    This is an unofficial Perl port, and not endorsed by the Redis server
    maintainers in any way.

 Supported features

    Current features include:

      * all commands <> as of 6.2.6 (October
      2021), see for the methods and parameters

      * pub/sub support <>, see "METHODS -

      * pipelining <>, see

      * transactions <>, see "METHODS -

      * streams <> and consumer
      groups, via "XADD" in Net::Async::Redis::Commands and related methods

      * client-side caching <>,
      see "METHODS - Clientside caching"

      * "" in RESP3
      protocol for Redis 6 and above, allowing pubsub on the same
      connection as regular commands


    As with any other IO::Async::Notifier-based module, you'll need to add
    this to an IO::Async::Loop:

        my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
            my $redis = Net::Async::Redis->new

    then connect to the server:

        use Future::AsyncAwait;
        await $redis->connect;
        # You could achieve a similar result by passing client_name in
        # constructor or ->connect parameters
        await $redis->client_setname("example client");

 Key-value handling

    One of the most common Redis scenarios is as a key/value store. The
    "get" and "set" methods are typically used here:

        use Future::AsyncAwait;
        await $redis->connect;
        $redis->set(some_key => 'some value');
        my ($value) = await $redis->get('some_key');
        print "Read back value [$value]\n";

    See the next section for more information on what these methods are
    actually returning.

 Requests and responses

    Requests are implemented as methods on the Net::Async::Redis object.
    These typically return a Future which will resolve once ready:

        my $future = $redis->incr("xyz")
            ->on_done(sub {
                print "result of increment was " . shift . "\n"

    For synchronous code, call ->get on that Future:

        print "Database has " . $redis->dbsize->get . " total keys\n";

    This means you can end up with ->get being called on the result of
    ->get, note that these are two very different methods:

      ->get('some key') # this is being called on $redis, and is issuing a GET request
      ->get # this is called on the returned Future, and blocks until the value is ready

    Typical async code would not be expected to use the "get" in Future
    method extensively; often only calling it in one place at the top level
    in the code.

  RESP3 and RESP2 compatibility

    In RESP3 some of the responses are structured differently from RESP2.
    Net::Async::Redis guarantees the same structure unless you have
    explicitly requested the new types using the "configure" hashrefs
    option, which is disabled by default.

    Generally RESP3 is recommended if you have Redis version 6 or later
    installed: it allows subscription operations to share the same
    connection as regular Redis traffic.

 Error handling

    Since Future is used for deferred results, failure is indicated by a
    failing Future with failure category of redis.

    The "catch" in Future feature may be useful for handling these:

     $redis->lpush(key => $value)
             redis => sub { warn "probably an incorrect type, cannot push value"; Future->done }

    Note that this module uses Future::AsyncAwait internally.



    Defaults to false, this can be controlled by the USE_OPENTRACING
    environment variable. This provides a way to set the default
    opentracing mode for all Net::Async::Redis instances - you can
    enable/disable for a specific instance via "configure":

     $redis->configure(opentracing => 1);

    When enabled, this will create a span for every Redis request. See
    OpenTracing::Any for details.


    NOTE: For a full list of the Redis methods supported by this module,
    please see Net::Async::Redis::Commands.


    Applies configuration parameters - currently supports:

      * host

      * port

      * auth

      * database

      * pipeline_depth

      * stream_read_len

      * stream_write_len

      * on_disconnect

      * client_name

      * opentracing

      * protocol - either 'resp2' or 'resp3', default is autodetect

      * hashrefs - RESP3 (Redis 6.0+) supports more data types, currently
      the only difference this makes to us is that it now supports hashrefs
      for key/value pairs. This is disabled by default to ensure
      compatibility across newer+older versions.

    Note that enabling hashrefs will cause connections to fail if the
    server does not support RESP3.


    Returns the host or IP address for the Redis server.


    Returns the port used for connecting to the Redis server.


    Returns the database index used when connecting to the Redis server.

    See the "select" in Net::Async::Redis::Commands method for details.


    Returns the Redis endpoint URI instance.


    Returns the buffer size when reading from a Redis connection.

    Defaults to 1MB, reduce this if you're dealing with a lot of
    connections and want to minimise memory usage. Alternatively, if you're
    reading large amounts of data and spend too much time in needless
    epoll_wait calls, try a larger value.


    Returns the buffer size when writing to Redis connections, in bytes.
    Defaults to 1MB.

    See "stream_read_len".


    Returns the name used for this client when connecting.

METHODS - Connection


    Connects to the Redis server.

    Will use the "configure"d parameters if available, but as a convenience
    can be passed additional parameters which will then be applied as if
    you had called "configure" with those beforehand. This also means that
    they will be preserved for subsequent "connect" calls.


    Establishes a connection if needed, otherwise returns an
    immediately-available Future instance.


    The string describing the remote endpoint.


    A string describing the local endpoint, usually host:port.

METHODS - Subscriptions

    See for more details on this topic.
    There's also more details on the internal implementation in Redis here:

    NOTE: On Redis versions prior to 6.0, you will need a separate
    connection for subscriptions; you cannot share a connection for regular
    requests once any of the "subscribe" or "psubscribe" methods have been
    called on an existing connection.

    With Redis 6.0, a newer protocol version (RESP3) is used by default,
    and this is quite happy to support pubsub activity on the same
    connection as other traffic.


    Subscribes to a pattern.


     # Subscribe to 'info::*' channels, i.e. any message
     # that starts with the C<info::> prefix, and prints them
     # with a timestamp.
        ->then(sub {
            my $sub = shift;
                ->each(sub {
                 print localtime . ' ' . $_ . "\n";
     # this will block until the subscribe is confirmed. Note that you can't publish on
     # a connection that's handling subscriptions due to Redis protocol restrictions.
     $other_redis_connection->publish('info::example', 'a message here')->get;

    Returns a Future which resolves to a Net::Async::Redis::Subscription


    Subscribes to one or more channels.

    Returns a Future which resolves to a Net::Async::Redis::Subscription


     # Subscribe to 'notifications' channel,
     # print the first 5 messages, then unsubscribe
        ->then(sub {
            my $sub = shift;
        })->then(sub {

METHODS - Transactions


    Executes the given code in a Redis MULTI transaction.

    This will cause each of the requests to be queued on the server, then
    applied in a single atomic transaction.

    Note that the commands will resolve only after the transaction is
    committed: for example, when the "set" command is issued, Redis will
    return QUEUED. This information is not used as the result - we only
    pass through the immediate response if there was an error. The Future
    representing the response will be marked as done once the EXEC command
    is applied and we have the results back.


     $redis->multi(sub {
      my $tx = shift;
      $tx->incr('some::key')->on_done(sub { print "Final value for incremented key was " . shift . "\n"; });
      $tx->set('other::key => 'test data')
     })->then(sub {
      my ($success, $failure) = @_;
      return Future->fail("Had $failure failures, expecting everything to succeed") if $failure;
      print "$success succeeded\m";
      return Future->done;

METHODS - Clientside caching

    Enable clientside caching by passing a true value for
    client_side_caching_enabled in "configure" or "new". This is currently
    experimental, and only operates on "get" in Net::Async::Redis::Commands

    See for more details on
    this feature.


    A Ryu::Source which emits key names as they are invalidated.

    With client-side caching enabled, can be used to monitor which keys are


    Returns a Future representing the client-side cache connection status,
    if there is one.


    Returns the Cache::LRU instance used for the client-side cache.


    Returns true if the client-side cache is enabled.


    Returns the current client-side cache size, as a number of entries.

METHODS - Generic



    A convenience wrapper around the keyspace notifications API.

    Provides the necessary setup to establish a PSUBSCRIBE subscription on
    the __keyspace@*__ namespace, setting the configuration required for
    this to start emitting events, and then calls $code with each event.

    Note that this will switch the connection into pubsub mode on versions
    of Redis older than 6.0, so it will no longer be available for any
    other activity. This limitation does not apply on Redis 6 or above.

    Use * to listen for all keyspace changes.

    Resolves to a Ryu::Source instance.


    Number of requests awaiting responses before we start queuing. This
    defaults to an arbitrary value of 100 requests.

    Note that this does not apply when in transaction (MULTI) mode.

    See for more details on this


    Indicates whether OpenTracing::Any support is enabled.

METHODS - Deprecated

    This are still supported, but no longer recommended.

METHODS - Internal


    Called for each incoming message.

    Passes off the work to "handle_pubsub_message" or the next queue item,
    depending on whether we're dealing with subscriptions at the moment.


    Attempt to process next pending request when in pipeline mode.


    Called when there's an error response.


    Deal with an incoming pubsub-related message.


    Represents the IO::Async::Stream instance for the active Redis


    Called when the socket is closed.


    Generate a label for the given command list.


    Queues or executes the given command.


    A Ryu::Async instance for source/sink creation.


    Factory method for creating new Future instances.


    Returns the Net::Async::Redis::Protocol instance used for encoding and
    decoding messages.


    Used internally to prepare for client-side caching: subscribes to the
    invalidation events.




    Some other Redis implementations on CPAN:

      * Mojo::Redis2 - nonblocking, using the Mojolicious framework,
      actively maintained

      * MojoX::Redis - changelog mentions that this was obsoleted by
      Mojo::Redis, although there have been new versions released since

      * RedisDB - another synchronous (blocking) implementation, handles
      pub/sub and autoreconnect

      * Cache::Redis - wrapper around RedisDB

      * Redis::Fast - wraps hiredis, faster than Redis

      * Redis::Jet - also XS-based, docs mention very early development
      stage but appears to support pipelining and can handle newer commands
      via ->command.

      * Redis - synchronous (blocking) implementation, handles pub/sub and

      * HiRedis::Raw - another hiredis wrapper


    Tom Molesworth <>


    With thanks to the following for contributing patches, bug reports,
    tests and feedback:



      * @eyadof

      * Nael Alolwani

      * Marc Frank


    Copyright Tom Molesworth and others 2015-2021. Licensed under the same
    terms as Perl itself.