Image::Grab - Perl module to easily grab images from the 'net.

Behavior Changes:
    Since 1.1, I've made Image::Grab look for background images. This could
    cause you problems if the background images match your regexps or if you use

    Since 0.9.5, I've added the search_url method in lieu of overloading regexp.
    This means that you'll have to check your scripts.

    Since 0.9.3, I've added the do_posix method and changed the behavior so that
    POSIX date substitution is only done if do_posix is set. This is because
    strftime appears to garble the 128th character and on in long string
    substitutions. I've seen this in Digital Unix, Linux and Solaris.

    You must have the following modules already installed:

      Digest::MD5 2.07
      HTML::Parser 2.20
      HTML::Tree 0.51
      MIME::Base64 2.11
      URI 1.02
      libnet 1.0606
      libwww-perl 5.43

    (Earlier versions of some packages may work, but I haven't tested them.)

      $ perl Makefile.PL
      $ make test
      $ make install

    And that should do it. Let me know of any problems (<>)

    Unless you have cookies for, the cookies.t test will be
    skipped. The tests rely on cookies being set in your ~/.netscape/cookies
    file. You could set these yourself by visiting the Huston Chronicle website
    (http://www.chron/content/comics) and getting an account. If you don't do
    this, these tests won't even run.

    If you are testing this from behind a firewall, be sure that your proxy
    environment variables are set correctly (e.g.

    If you care to, let me know how you are using this module. It's nice to know
    what different people are using this for.