Catalyst::Model::Proxy(U3s)er Contributed Perl DocumentatCiaotnalyst::Model::Proxy(3) [1mNAME[0m Catalyst::Model::Proxy - Proxy Model Class [1mSYNOPSIS[0m # a sample use with C<Catalyst::Model::DBI::SQL::Library> # lib/MyApp/Model/DBI/SQL/Library/ package MyApp::Model::DBI::SQL::Library::MyDB; use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBI::SQL::Library'; __PACKAGE__->config( dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=myapp', password => '', user => 'postgres', options => { AutoCommit => 1 }, ); 1; # lib/MyApp/Model/ package MyApp::Model::Other; use base 'Catalyst::Model::Proxy'; __PACKAGE__->config( target_class => 'DBI::SQL::Library::MyDB', subroutines => [ qw ( dbh load ) ] ); # get access to shared resources via proxy mechanism sub something { my $self = shift; my $sql = $self->load('something.sql'); #located under root/sql my $query = $sql->retr ( 'query' ); my $dbh = $self->dbh; # ... do some stuff with $dbh $dbh->do ( $query ); } # back in the controller # lib/MyApp/Controller/ package MyApp::Controller::Other; use base 'Catalyst::Controller'; my $model = $c->model('Other'); $model->something; [1mDESCRIPTION[0m This is the Catalyst Model Class called "Catalyst::Model::Proxy" that implements Proxy Design Pattern. It enables you to make calls to target classes/subroutines via proxy mechanism. This means reduced memory footprint because any operations performed on the proxies are forwarded to the original complex ( target_class ) object. The target class model is also cached for increased performance. For more information on the proxy design pattern please refer yourself to: [1mMETHODS[0m new Initializes DBI connection [1mSEE ALSO[0m Catalyst [1mAUTHOR[0m Alex Pavlovic, "" [1mCOPYRIGHT[0m This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. [1mPOD ERRORS[0m Hey! [1mThe above document had some coding errors, which are explained[0m [1mbelow:[0m Around line 106: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1' perl v5.14.2 2013-03-15 Catalyst::Model::Proxy(3)