# NAME Neovim::RPC::Plugin::Taskwarrior - UI for taskwarrior # VERSION version 0.0.1 # DESCRIPTION This plugin needs a few things to work. First, `nvim` must be configured to use [Neovim::RPC](https://metacpan.org/pod/Neovim::RPC) (duh). Then configure nvim to use the vim side of this plugin as well as TableMode. I use `Plugged`, and my configuration looks like: ``` Plug 'yanick/Neovim-RPC-Plugin-Taskwarrior' Plug 'dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode', { \ 'on': [ 'TableModeEnable' ] \ } ``` Once all of that is done, you can invoke the taskwarrior UI via `:Task`. Or straight from the command-line as ``` $ nvim -c 'call Task()' ``` The plugin has a slew of commands built-in. Right now, if you want to change the aliases, just go and dive in `taskwarrior.vim`. ``` | command | mode | description | | ---- | --- | --- | | <leader>d | normal, visual | mark task(s) as done | | <leader>D | normal, visual | delete task(s) | | <leader>ll | normal | show all +PENDING tasks | | <leader>lf | normal | show all +focus tasks | | <leader>lq | normal | show tasks, prompt for filter | | <leader>m | normal, visual | mod task(s), prompt for modification | | <leader>m | normal, visual | append to task(s), prompt for modification | | <leader>i | normal, visual | show info for task(s) | | <leader>ph | normal, visual | set priority of task(s) to be high | | <leader>pm | normal, visual | set priority of task(s) to be medium | | <leader>pl | normal, visual | set priority of task(s) to be low | | <leader>W | normal, visual | set 'wait' for task(s) | ``` The plugin will set the buffer listing the tasks as a file of type `task`. # AUTHOR Yanick Champoux <yanick@babyl.dyndns.org> [](http://coderwall.com/yanick) # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Yanick Champoux. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.