Mojolicious::Plugin::RESTRoutes - routing helper for RESTful operations


    version 0.010011


    This Mojolicious plugin adds a routing helper for REST
    <>ful CRUD
    operations via HTTP to the app.

    The routes are intended, but not restricted to be used by AJAX



    Can be used to easily generate the needed RESTful routes for a

            my $userroute = $self->rest_routes(name => 'user');
            # Installs the following routes (given that $r->namespaces == ['My::Mojo']):
            #    GET /api/users                      --> My::Mojo::User::rest_list()
            #   POST /api/users                      --> My::Mojo::User::rest_create()
            #    GET /api/users/:userid              --> My::Mojo::User::rest_show()
            #    PUT /api/users/:userid              --> My::Mojo::User::rest_update()
            # DELETE /api/users/:userid              --> My::Mojo::User::rest_remove()

    Please note: plural forms will be used in the route, i.e. "users"
    instead of "user".

    You can also chain rest_routes:

            $userroute->rest_routes(name => 'hat', readonly => 1);
            # Installs the following additional routes:
            #    GET /api/users/:userid/hats         --> My::Mojo::Hat::rest_list()
            #    GET /api/users/:userid/hats/:hatid  --> My::Mojo::Hat::rest_show()

    The target controller has to implement the following methods:

      * rest_list

      * rest_create

      * rest_show

      * rest_update

      * rest_remove

    Parameters to control the route creation


      The name of the resource, e.g. a "user", a "book" etc. This name will
      be used to build the route URL as well as the controller name (see
      example above).

    readonly (optional)

      If set to 1, no create/update/delete routes will be created

    controller (optional)

      Default behaviour is to use the resource name to build the CamelCase
      controller name (this is done by Mojolicious::Routes::Route). You can
      change this by directly specifying the controller's name via the
      controller attribute.

      Note that you have to give the real controller class name (i.e.
      CamelCased or whatever you class name looks like) including the full

              $self->rest_routes(name => 'user', controller => 'My::Mojo::Person');
              # Installs the following routes:
              #    GET /api/users         --> My::Mojo::Person::rest_list()
              #    ...

    How to retrieve the parameters / IDs

    There are two ways to retrieve the IDs given by the client in your
    rest_show, rest_update and rest_remove methods.

    Example request: GET /api/users/5/hats/no9

    1. New way: the stash entry fm.ids holds a hash with all ids:

            package My::Mojo::Hats;
            use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
            sub rest_show {
                    use Data::Dump qw(dump);
                    print dump($self->stash('fm.ids'));
                    # { user => 5, hat => 'no9' }

    2. Old way: for each resource there will be a parameter ***id, e.g.:

            package My::Mojo::Hat;
            use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
            sub rest_show {
                    my ($self) = @_;
                    my $user = $self->param('userid');
                    my $hat = $self->param('hatid');
                    return $self->render(text => "$userid, $hatid");
                    # text: "5, no9"

    Furthermore, the parameter idname holds the name of the last ID in the

            package My::Mojo::Hat;
            use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
            sub rest_show   {
                    my $p_name = $self->param('idname');
                    my $id = $self->param($p_name);
                    return $self->render(text => sprintf("%s = %s", $p_name, $id || ''));
                    # text: "hatid = 5"



    Adds the routing helper. Is called by Mojolicious.


    Jens Berthold <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Jens Berthold.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The MIT (X11) License