NAME Vero::API - Perl interface to the Vero API. SYNOPSIS use Vero::API; my $vero = Vero::API->new( token => 'your-secret-auth-token' ); $vero->identify_user( id => 'BR0001', email => '', name => 'Jose da Silva', country => 'br', ); $vero->track_event( 'favorited-item', id => 'BR0001', item_id => 'bicicleta laranja', ); DESCRIPTION A quick and simple perl interface to Vero <> API. "Vero::API" uses Mojo::UserAgent for talking to the Vero API using Mojo::JSON. Response is parsed back from JSON and returned as perl data structure. METHODS "new(token => 'your-auth-token')" Constructs a new "Vero::API" object storing your "token". "token" Returns the stored token. "identify_user(id => 'clientid', email => '', %extra_info)" Calls the API to register/update a user record. "track_event($event_name, [id => $clientid,] [email => $email], %extra_info)" Calls the API to register an event for that user. You can pass either one of id, email or both. Extra info passed in as a hash will be available to use on email templates triggered by that event. Example: $vero->track_event('bought-item', id => 'BR0001', item => 'Clock', price => '1.00'); STATUS SEE ALSO verocli AUTHOR Carlos Lima <> LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2013, Carlos Lima <>. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.