Audio::Ofa::Util - Retrieve audio fingerprints and metadata for unknown
    audio files

    This module tries to make retrieving audio fingerprints and metadata for
    unknown audio files as easy as possible. It interfaces with the modules
    Audio::Ofa and WebService::MusicBrainz, provides a simple LWP based
    interface to the MusicDNS library, and can make use of
    Audio::Extract::PCM to read some popular music formats.

    The most comprehensive way to use this is to start with a (possibly
    untagged) file name and get full metadata:

        my $util = Audio::Ofa::Util->new(filename => 'song.ogg');
        my @tracks = $util->musicbrainz_lookup or die $util->error;
        for (@tracks) {
            print 'Artist: ', $_->artist, "\n";
            print 'Title:  ', $_->title, "\n";
            print 'Track:  ', $_->track, "\n";
            print 'Album:  ', $_->album, "\n\n";

    To create an audio fingerprint:

        my $util = Audio::Ofa::Util->new(filename => 'song.ogg');
        $util->analyze_file or die $util->error;
        print $util->fingerprint, "\n";

    To create a fingerprint and look it up at MusicDNS:

        my $util = Audio::Ofa::Util->new(filename => 'song.ogg');
        $util->musicdns_lookup or die $util->error; # calls analyze_file implicitly
        print $util->artist, ' - ', $util->title, "\n";

    To look up a known fingerprint at MusicDNS (you need the length of the
    song, too):

        my $util = Audio::Ofa::Util->new(fingerprint => $fp, duration => $millisecs);

    The overall process goes like this:

    *       We create an audio fingerprint, which stores some
            characteristics of a recording in a rather small amount of data.
            This is what libofa (and the Perl binding in Audio::Ofa) does.
            This module (Audio::Ofa::Util) faciliates this with
            "analyze_file" by allowing to fingerprint some widely used music
            formats and storing the results so they can be used for the next

    *       The audio fingerprint is submitted to the MusicDNS web service.
            Using a proprietary fuzzy algorithm and their database, they
            determine which song we have at hand. MusicDNS returns some
            metadeta: The artist, the song title, and a PUID. This "portable
            unique identifier" is an arbitrary index into their database and
            is unique for every recording of a given song.

            Note that while libofa's audio fingerprints may change after
            transformations of a recording (such as lossy audio compression
            or radio transmission), the fuzzy algorithm will (ideally) still
            find the same PUID.

    *       Because we usually want to know more than the artist and title,
            we look up the PUID in a second Web Database called MusicBrainz.
            It provides us with all desired metadata such as all the albums
            the song has appeared on in this particular version, and the
            respective track numbers.

            This module provides a basic MusicBrainz PUID lookup through
            "musicbrainz_lookup". If you want to know even more (such as
            members of the band and the previous bands of those members),
            you can use WebService::MusicBrainz, to which this module
            provides an easy frontend.

    See "analyze_file".

  fingerprint, duration
    See "analyze_file" and "musicdns_lookup".

  client_id, client_version, metadata, bitrate, extension, artist, title,
album, track, genre, year, puids
    See "musicdns_lookup".

    Note that puids accesses an array reference. If it is not defined or not
    set, it means that no PUID has been looked up yet. If it is an empty
    array, it means that no PUIDs were found.

    Description of the last error that happened.

    Constructor. Accepts key-value pairs as initializers for all of the
    fields, c.f. "ACCESSORS", but currently only the following calls make

        Audio::Ofa::Util->new(filename => $filename);
        Audio::Ofa::Util->new(fingerprint => $fp, duration => $dur);
        Audio::Ofa::Util->new(puid => $puid);

    This creates an Audio Fingerprint of a sound file. The audio file is
    read using Audio::Extract::PCM, which currently uses the extarnal "sox"
    program and supports encodings such as MP3, Ogg/Vorbis and many others.

    You must set "filename" before calling this method.

    The fingerprint is calculated by "ofa_create_print" in Audio::Ofa, and
    the "fingerprint" field of the object will be set. Additionally, the
    "duration" (in milliseconds) and the "extension" will be set to the
    values provided by the file name.

    In case of an error, an empty list is returned and the error message can
    be retrieved via "error". Otherwise, a true value will be returned.

    This looks up a track at the MusicDNS web service.

    To do a fingerprint lookup, the keys "fingerprint" and "duration" must
    be present, where duration is the length of the song in milli seconds.
    Additionally, the following fields (defaults in parentheses) will be
    sent to the MusicDNS service:

    client_id (hardcoded client id), client_version (module name and
    version), fingerprint, metadata (1), bitrate (0), extension ("unknown"),
    duration, artist ("unknown"), title ("unknown"), album ("unknown"),
    track (0), genre ("unknown"), year (0).

    To do a fingerprint lookup, "fingerprint" and "duration" must have been
    set (can be given to "new"), where "duration" is the song length in
    milli seconds.

    If "fingerprint" hasn't been set, "analyze_file" is called implicitly.

    client_id defaults to a hard-coded Client ID. You can get your own from

    You should set as much of the above-mentioned metadata (like artist,
    etc.) as you have available, because the MusicDNS terms of service
    require this in order to help clean errors in their database.

    In the case of an error, "musicdns_lookup" returns an empty list and the
    error message can be retrieved with the "error" method.

    In the case of success, "musicdns_lookup" sets the fields "puids" to the
    found PUIDs, and sets the fields "artist" and "title" to the first of
    the found values, and returns a true value. In list context, it returns
    a list of objects which have "artist", "title" and "puid" methods.

    This looks up a PUID at MusicBrainz. The PUID can come from a call to
    "musicdns_lookup". In fact this is implicitly done if there is no PUID
    stored in the object (cf. "SYNOPSIS").

    This returns a list of WebService::MusicBrainz::Response::Track objects
    on success, or the first of them in scalar context. Otherwise it returns
    an empty list and the error message can be retrieved via the "error"

    This method returns a list of tracks or the first track in scalar
    context. The tracks are represented as objects that are guaranteed to
    have the methods "artist", "title", "album", "track" and "wsres", where
    the latter is an WebService::MusicBrainz::Response::Track object, and
    the four former return values that have been retrieved from that object
    for your convenience.

    In the case of an error, an empty list is returned and the error can be
    returned via the "error" method.

    *       MusicBrainz::Client - A client for the old MusicBrainz web

    *       MusicBrainz::TRM - Obsolete TRM-based audio fingerprinting

    *       tunepimp - C library which does pretty much everything that this
            module does. It even includes Perl bindings, but as of this
            writing, they don't compile in the current tunepimp version and
            only support the old TRM fingerprints.

    *       <> - Web site of the MusicDNS web service
            as provided by MusicIP

    *       <> - Web site of MusicBrainz

    *       <> - How PUIDs work

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
    the Free Software Foundation (; either version 2 of
    the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    The GPL, which is quite restrictive (when compared to LGPL or Artistic),
    seems to be necessary because of libofa's licenses, but IANAL and if you
    need a license change please contact me.

    Please note that in addition to the license which allows you to use this
    software, the MusicDNS web service has its own terms of service. The
    most important fact is that you can use it for free unless you use it
    commercially. See <> for more information. You
    are encouraged to register your own client id (for free) if you build a
    client on top of this module.

    Christoph Bussenius (pepe at

    Please mention the module's name in the subject of your mails so that
    they will not be lost in the spam.

    If you find this module useful I'll be glad if you drop me a note.