CGI::SSI - Use SSI from CGI scripts

     # autotie STDOUT or any other open filehandle

       use CGI::SSI (autotie => STDOUT);

       print $shtml; # browser sees resulting HTML

     # or tie it yourself to any open filehandle

       use CGI::SSI;

       open(FILE,'+>'.$html_file) or die $!;
       $ssi = tie(*FILE, 'CGI::SSI', filehandle => 'FILE');
       print FILE $shtml; # HTML arrives in the file

     # or use the object-oriented interface

       use CGI::SSI;

       $ssi = CGI::SSI->new();

       $ssi->if('"$varname" =~ /^foo/');
          $html .= $ssi->process($shtml);
          $html .= $ssi->include(file => $filename);

       print $ssi->exec(cgi => $url);
       print $ssi->flastmod(file => $filename);

     # or roll your own favorite flavor of SSI

       package CGI::SSI::MySSI;
       use CGI::SSI;
       @CGI::SSI::MySSI::ISA = qw(CGI::SSI);

       sub include {
          my($self,$type,$file_or_url) = @_; 
          # my idea of include goes something like this...
          return $html;

    CGI::SSI is meant to be used as an easy way to filter shtml through CGI
    scripts in a loose imitation of Apache's mod_include. If you're using
    Apache, you may want to use either mod_include or the Apache::SSI module
    instead of CGI::SSI. Limitations in a CGI script's knowledge of how the
    server behaves make some SSI directives impossible to imitate from a CGI

    Most of the time, you'll simply want to filter shtml through STDOUT or
    some other open filehandle. `autotie' is available for STDOUT, but in
    general, you'll want to tie other filehandles yourself:

        $ssi = tie(*FH, 'CGI::SSI', filehandle => 'FH');
        print FH $shtml;

    Note that you'll need to pass the name of the filehandle to `tie()' as a
    named parameter. Other named parameters are possible, as detailed below.
    These parameters are the same as those passed to the `new()' method.
    However, `new()' will not tie a filehandle for you.

    CGI::SSI has it's own flavor of SSI. Test expressions are Perlish. You
    may create and use multiple CGI::SSI objects; they will not step on each
    others' variables.

    Object-Oriented methods use the same general format so as to imitate SSI

        <!--#include virtual="/foo/bar.footer" -->

      would be

        $ssi->include(virtual => '/foo/bar.footer');


        <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/foo.cgi" -->

      would be

        $ssi->exec(cgi => '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi');

    Usually, if there's no chance for ambiguity, the first argument may be
    left out:

        <!--#echo var="var_name" -->

      could be either

        $ssi->echo(var => 'var_name');




        $ssi->set(var => $varname, value => $value)

      is the same as 

        $ssi->set($varname => $value)

        Creates a new CGI::SSI object. The following are valid (optional)

         DOCUMENT_URI    => $doc_uri,
         DOCUMENT_NAME   => $doc_name,
         DOCUMENT_ROOT   => $doc_root,
         errmsg          => $oops,
         sizefmt         => ('bytes' || 'abbrev'),
         timefmt         => $time_fmt,

    $ssi->config($type, $arg)
        $type is either 'sizefmt', 'timefmt', or 'errmsg'. $arg is similar
        to those of the SSI `spec', referenced below.

    $ssi->set($varname => $value)
        Sets variables internal to the CGI::SSI object. (Not to be confused
        with the normal variables your script uses!) These variables may be
        used in test expressions, and retreived using $ssi->echo($varname).

        Returns the value of the variable named $varname. Such variables may
        be set manually using the `set()' method. There are also several
        built-in variables:

         DOCUMENT_URI  - the URI of this document
         DOCUMENT_NAME - the name of the current document
         DATE_GMT      - the same as 'gmtime'
         DATE_LOCAL    - the same as 'localtime'
         FLASTMOD      - the last time this script was modified

    $ssi->exec($type, $arg)
        $type is either 'cmd' or 'cgi'. $arg is similar to the SSI `spec'
        (see below).

    $ssi->include($type, $arg)
        Similar to `exec', but `virtual' and `file' are the two valid types.

    $ssi->flastmod($type, $filename)
        Similar to `include'.

    $ssi->fsize($type, $filename)
        Same as `flastmod'.

        Returns the environment similar to Apache's mod_include.


    The following methods may be used to test expressions. During a `block'
    where the test $expr is false, nothing will be returned (or printed, if

        The expr can be anything Perl, but care should be taken. This causes

         $ssi->set(varname => "foo");
         <!--#if expr="'\$varname' =~ /^foo$/" -->ok<!--#endif -->

        The $varname is expanded as you would expect. (We escape it so as to
        use the `$varname' within the CGI::SSI object, instead of that
        within our progam.) But the `$/' inside the regex is also expanded.
        This is fixed by escaping the `$':

         <!--#if expr="'\$varname' =~ /^value\$/" -->ok<!--#endif -->

        The expressions used in if and elif tags/calls are tricky due to the
        number of escapes required. In some cases, you'll need to write
        `\\\\' to mean `\'.

    `Apache::SSI' and the SSI `spec' at

    Copyright 2000 James Tolley All Rights Reserved.

    This is free software. You may copy and/or modify it under the same
    terms as perl itself.

    James Tolley <>