Welcome to the Frightening World of Java/Perl interoperability! See 'Changes' files for the latest & greatest! See below for instructions on how to install on a Windows box running ActiveState Perl. 1/19/04 The Java portion has been bumped up to 5.x only because the java classes now reside in the com.zzo.javaserver package. So to start the server you should now: % java -cp /path/to/JavaServer.jar com.zzo.javaserver.JavaServer This does NOT effect the perl stuff at all. The perl stuff got a minor bump 'cuz the test script should work now... However previous 4.x Perl versions are compatible with the new 5.x JavaServer.jar Once again a major version change meaning the 4.x is NOT backwards compatibile with previous JavaServer versions. The 4.x stuff gives you very basic authorization, ability to turn off the event_port if you're not doing GUI work, and 'callbacks' that allow your Java classes to make Perl calls. Also in 4.x 'use_tied_arrays' is now the default, to use 'old-style' array handling you have to say 'use_old_style_arrays=>1' in your constructor - which you really should not be using anymore! Again check out the 'Changes' file and the perldoc and a new examples directory called 'java2perl' for some callback examples. WARNING: the callback infrastructure is EXPERIMENTAL - use at your own risk & let me know how it goes. Big Thanks to Achim Settelmeier for the Callback & Authorization stuff - keep that twisted mind working! DON'T FORGET - If you recompile any Java classes that JavaServer is using you MUST STOP AND RESTART JavaServer so it will pick up your changes!! Good Idea Department: If you stick all of your Java classes you use with JavaServer into one directory the startup script for JavaServer will be much simpler since you won't have to fiddle with the CLASSPATH all the time since all of your stuff will be in one spot - always. Version 3.x of JavaServer & Java.pm are NOT backwards compatible!!! You MUST use a 3.x version of JavaServer with a 3.x version of Java.pm & same for 2.x and 1.x versions! Check out the 'Changes' file for new stuff in the 3.0 version of the Java code bundled with Java-3.0 - basically a protocol change to allow for multi-lined Strings. There are two parts to this: 1. The 'Backend' - which is contained in 'JavaServer.jar'. The backend must be running for the 'Frontend' (part #2) to work. Run 'install_java_server.pl' to get this part going. The 'main' Java class is called 'JavaServer' so you end up running the thing as 'java -classpath <classpath> JavaServer' JavaServer listens on a port for incoming connexions from Frontends - you can alter the default port of 2000 by specifying it on the command line like: java -classpath <classpath> JavaServer 8000 Will start the server listening on port 8000. You would then need to tell the Java Perl module to connect to port 8000 instead of the default like: my $java = new Java(port => 8000); More on this below. 2. The 'Frontend' - which is the Perl module 'Java.pm' which you install as any other Perl module. First be sure to run 'install_java_server.pl' to get your JavaServer environment set up and happy. Make sure 'JavaServer' is up and running before you try to run any tests! Basically you just need to add 'JavaServer.jar' to your classpath on the 'java' command line (which unfortunately forces you to also add in classes.zip manually). Run the 'install_java_server.pl' and it will create a shell or batch file for you (most likely) - or at least tell you what you need to to. Please see the javadoc on Java for LOTS more information. JavaServer Tested On Matrix: JVM 1.1.8 1.2 Platorm ------- NetBSD Yep <Not available> Solaris Yep Yep Windows '98 Yep Yep Linux Yep Yep In theory - according to 'Write Once Run Anywhere' that is! - JavaServer should run no problem under any 1.1+ JVM. It doesn't really do anything too fancy. The 'SwingEventListener' does need Swing to be loaded (or accessible) to the JVM to use Swing events & of course Swing classes. You can run JavaServer just fine if Swing isn't available - it'll automatically detect that Swing isn't available and use 'EventListener' rather than 'SwingEventListener'. That gets ya all the plain old AWT events. 'SwingEventListener' subclasses 'EventListener' & just adds all them bizzare Swing events. A great place to look is the 'test.pl' script and in the 'examples' directory. ACTIVESTATE USERS Thanks to John Z. for this info: 1. to install under activeperl, users needs to download nmake15. and use the nmake instead of make on the usual perl install. location of nmake15.exe is under ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/nmake15.exe instrtuction on how its used with activestate modules is www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/docs/faq/ActivePerl-faq2.html