NAME Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Sweet - Making sweet things sweeter SYNOPSIS package MyApp::Model::Article; use base 'Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Sweet'; use DateTime; __PACKAGE__->table('article'); __PACKAGE__->columns( Primary => qw[ id ] ); __PACKAGE__->columns( Essential => qw[ title created_on created_by ] ); __PACKAGE__->has_a( created_on => 'DateTime', inflate => sub { DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => shift ) }, deflate => sub { shift->epoch } ); MyApp::Model::Article->connection('DBI:driver:database'); package MyApp::Controller::Article; # Simple search, backwards compatible with C<Class::DBI->search> MyApp::Model::Article->search( created_by => 'sri', { order_by => 'title' } ); MyApp::Model::Article->count( created_by => 'sri' ); MyApp::Model::Article->page( created_by => 'sri', { page => 5 } ); # More powerful search with deflating $query = { created_on => { -between => [ DateTime->new( year => 2004 ), DateTime->new( year => 2005 ), ] }, created_by => [ qw(chansen draven gabb sri) ], title => { -like => [ qw( perl% catalyst% ) ] } }; MyApp::Model::Article->search( $query, { rows => 30 } ); MyApp::Model::Article->count($query); MyApp::Model::Article->page( $query, { rows => 10, page => 2 } ); DESCRIPTION Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Sweet provides convenient count, search, page and cache functions in a sweet package. It integrates this functions with "Class::DBI" in a convenient and efficient way. RETRIEVING OBJECTS All retrieving methods can take the same query and attributes. Query is the only required parameter. query Can be a hash, hashref or a arrayref. Takes the same options as SQL::Abstract where method. If values contain any objects they will be deflated before querying database. attributes case, cmp, convert and logic These attributes are passed to SQL::Abstact's constuctor and alter the behavior of query. { cmp => 'like' } order_by Specifies the sort order of the results. { order_by => 'created_on DESC' } rows Specifies the maximum number of rows to return. Currently supported RDBM's is Interbase, MaxDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. For other RDBM's it will be emulated. { rows => 10 } offset Specifies the offset of the first row to return. Defaults to 0 if unspecified. { offest => 0 } page Specifies the current page in "page". Defaults to 1 if unspecified. { page => 1 } count Returns a count of the number of rows matching query. "count" will discard "offset", "order_by" and "rows". $count = MyApp::Model::Article->count(%query); search Returns an iterator in scalar context and a array of objects in list context. @objects = MyApp::Model::Article->search(%query); $iterator = MyApp::Model::Article->search(%query); page Retuns a page object and a iterator. Page object is an instance of Data::Page. ( $page, $iterator ) = MyApp::Model::Article->page( $query, { rows => 10, page => 2 ); printf( "Results %d - %d of %d Found\n", $page->first, $page->last, $page->total_entries ); CACHING OBJECTS Objects will be stored deflated in cache. Only "Primary" and "Essential" columns will be cached. cache Class method, if this is set caching is enabled. Any cache object that has a "get", "set" and "remove" method is supported. __PACKAGE__->cache( Cache::FastMmap->new( share_file => '/tmp/cdbi', expire_time => 3600 ) ); cache_key returns a cache key for a object consisting of class and primary keys. Overloaded methods _init Overrides "Class::DBI"'s internal cache. On cache hit it will return a cached object, on cache miss it will create an new object and store it in cache. retrieve On cache hit the object will be inflated by "select" trigger and then served. update Object is removed from cache and will be cached on next retrieval. delete Object is removed from cache. UNIVERSALLY UNIQUE IDENTIFIERS If enabled a UUID string will be generated for primary column. A CHAR(36) column is suitable for storage. __PACKAGE__->sequence('uuid'); AUTHOR Christian Hansen <> THANKS TO Danijel Milicevic, Jesse Sheidlower, Marcus Ramberg, Sebastian Riedel, Viljo Marrandi SUPPORT #catalyst on <irc://> <> <> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Catalyst Class::DBI Data::Page Data::UUID SQL::Abstract <> An comparison of different cahing modules for perl.