GenoScan version v1.0.3

This Perl module is the implementation of the GenoScan software for genome-scale miRNA discovery. It is
composed of a set of Perl pm files accompanied by a C library. The module has been tested to install and run
in Linux Ubuntu and Mac OS X. See the online documentation at CPAN for more detailed information about
how to use GenoScan.


To install this module in Ubuntu, navigate to this folder in a
terminal and type the following:

   perl Build.PL
   sudo ./Build install


This module requires the following Perl modules to be installed:

In addition, a GNU C compiler is required for module installation.

The following third-party program is also required: RNAfold

To run GenoScan in classify and benchmark modes (see documentation), R is needed


The quickest way to test the algorithm is to use the script in the t/ folder. After the
module is installed, navigate the the t/ folder and type the following:

perl -d fake_genome -o output

For a description of command line arguments, input and output files, please see the CPAN documentation.


The distribution contains the datasets used for benchmarking in [1]. These are located in the datasets
directory. Each dataset has a hairpin version containing only hairpins, and a window version with
200 nt windows containing the hairpins.


Copyright (C) 2014 by Benjamin Ulfenborg

This module is free to use, modify and redistribute at will.


[1] Ulfenborg B, Klinga-Levan K, Olsson B (2014) GenoScan: Genomic Scanner for Putative miRNA Precursors.
    Bioinformatics Research and Applications, LNBI 8492, pp. 266-277.