Acme::Tools version 0.20


To install this module type the following:

   tar zxf Acme-Tools-0.16.tar.gz
   cd Acme-Tools-0.16

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

Or using the cpan command:

   cpan Acme::Tools

Or if you've installed 'App::cpanminus' and have the 'cpanm' tool available, run:

   cpan App::cpanminus     #or:  apt-get -y install cpanminus  #on ubundu or debian
   cpanm Acme::Tools

To install system wide, run make install, cpanm or cpan as root.


Acme::Tools is a collection of more or less useful subs lumped together in one module.

All subs are exported, so beware of name space pollution. (What did you expect of an acme module?)

To import just some subs, do:

 use Acme::Tools qw(pivot ansicolor);

See documentation for more.


This module in itself does not require these modules to be used, but
some of the subs in  Acme::Tools  require  them:

 require Compress::Zlib;
 require Digest::MD5


Put the correct copyright and licence information here.

Copyright (C) 1971-2015 Kjetil Skotheim

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.