# NAME List::Rubyish::Circular - A circular list implementation based on List::Rubyish # SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use List::Rubyish::Circular; my $list = List::Rubyish::Circular->new(qw(jkondo reikon cinnamon)); is_deeply, $list->cycle->to_a, [qw(reikon cinnamon jkondo)]; is_deeply, $list->cycle(2)->to_a, [qw(jkondo reikon cinnamon)]; is_deeply, $list->rcycle->to_a, [qw(cinnamon jkondo reikon)]; is_deeply, $list->rcycle(2)->to_a, [qw(jkondo reikon cinnamon)]; # $list is still a circular list after destracive operation $list->push(qw(tokky)); is_deeply, $list->to_a, [qw(jkondo reikon cinnamon tokky)]; is_deeply, $list->cycle->to_a, [qw(reikon cinnamon tokky jkondo)]; is_deeply, $list->rcycle(2)->to_a, [qw(tokky jkondo reikon cinnamon)]; # DESCRIPTION List::Rubyish::Circular is a cirlular list implementation besed on [List::Rubyish](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?List::Rubyish), so that You can utilize some convenient methods from List::Rubyish against a circular list. # METHODS ## cycle ( I<$count> ) Shifts list to the left according to `$count`. If $count not passed in, its value is 1. This operation is destructive. my $list = List::Rubyish::Circular->new(qw(jkondo reikon cinnamon)); is_deeply, $list->cycle->to_a, [qw(reikon cinnamon jkondo)]; is_deeply, $list->cycle(2)->to_a, [qw(jkondo reikon cinnamon)]; ## rcycle ( I<$count> ) The opposite of `cycle`. # SEE ALSO - [List::Rubyish](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?List::Rubyish) # AUTHOR Kentaro Kuribayashi <kentarok@gmail.com> # SEE ALSO # LICENSE Copyright (C) Kentaro Kuribayashi This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.