
=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

YAGL - Yet Another Graph Library

=head1 VERSION

version 0.1


    use YAGL;

    my $g = YAGL->new;

    # Populate the graph with 124 vertices, with randomly allocated
    # weighted edges between some of the vertices. The 'p' argument is
    # the probability that a given node A will *not* be connected to
    # another randomly selected node B.

        { n => 124, p => 0.1, max_weight => 100_000 } );

    # Add vertices to the graph.


    # Add edges to the graph.  You can store arbitrary attributes on
    # edges in hashrefs.

    $g->add_edge( 'abc123', 'xyz789', { weight => 1_000_000 } );
    $g->add_edge( 'I_AM_A_TEST', 'abc123', { weight => 12345 } );

    # Write the graph out to a CSV file.  This file can be read back
    # in later with the 'read_csv' method. The CSV format is limited,
    # it can only store the following columns:
    # node,neighbor,weight,is_directed


    # Pick a start and end vertex at random from the graph.

    my @vertices = $g->get_vertices;

    my $i     = int rand @vertices;
    my $j     = int rand @vertices;
    my $start = $vertices[$i];
    my $end   = $vertices[$j];

    # Using breadth-first search, find a path between the start and
    # end vertices, if any such path exists.  Otherwise, this method
    # returns undef.

    my @path;
    @path = $g->find_path_between( $start, $end );

    # Get a string representation of the graph in the graphviz
    # language for passing along to graphviz tools like `dot`.

    my $dot_string = $g->to_graphviz;

    # Color the vertices


    # Find a Hamiltonian cycle in the graph, if any exist:

    $g->hamiltonian_walks(closed => 1, n_solutions => 1);


This library implements a
data structure, and a number of common algorithms on graphs.  It can
be used for both directed and undirected graphs.  Features include:


=item * Generating random graphs.

=item * Serializing graphs to and from CSV files.

=item * Vertices and edges can have arbitrary attributes associated
with them (stored in hashrefs).

=item * Breadth-first search (BFS) to find the shortest path between
two nodes.

=item * Depth-first search (DFS).

=item * Find minimum spanning trees of weighted graphs.

=item * List the connected components.

=item * Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path through a
weighted graph.

=item * A general method for exhaustive search with backtracking.

=item * Finding Hamiltonian walks (open and closed) using exhaustive
search with backtracking.

=item * Vertex coloring.


For a possibly interesting example, see the file
C<examples/ladders.pl>, which is an approximate port to Perl of the
C<LADDERS> program from the book I<The Stanford GraphBase> by Donald
E. Knuth.  It uses Dijkstra's algorithm to build a "word ladder" of
the form:


Finally, note that this library is still in development.  There are
some important algorithms that are not yet implemented.  Also, some
algorithms that are implemented for undirected graphs are not yet
implemented for directed graphs.  Test coverage is OK, but can still
be improved.

=head1 METHODS



=item C<new>

Initialize a new undirected graph:

    my $g = YAGL->new;

To make a directed graph, set the C<is_directed> argument:

    my $g = YAGL->new(is_directed => 1);

Note that a YAGL object must be set as directed or undirected when
it's created, and it can't be changed later.

=item C<generate_random_vertices>

Generate C<n> vertices with random names, and distribute edges
randomly among them with a 1-C<p> probability of connection.  Further,
assign random weights to each edge up to the value of C<max_weight>.

Note that this needs to be called on a graph object that already
exists.  Also, it is usually best to call this on a brand new, empty
graph, since it will overwrite or update existing vertices and edges
if the random vertex name generator comes up with a name that is
already in use.  This is unlikely in practice since the random names
are alphanumeric gibberish like "cu991".


    my $g = YAGL->new;
    $g->generate_random_vertices({n => 48, p => 0.1, max_weight => 1000});



=item C<n>

Number of vertices.

=item C<p>

Probability that a given vertex I<A> will B<not> be connected to
another randomly selected vertex I<B>.  In other words, the
probability that I<A> will be connected to I<B> is 1-C<p>.

=item C<max_weight>

All edges are given a random integer weight less than or equal to this





=item write_csv

Write a CSV representation of this graph out to a (named) file.

=item read_lst

Read in a *.lst file that represents a graph (from L<https://hog.grinvin.org>).

=item read_hcp

Read in a *.hcp file that represents a graph (from L<https://sites.flinders.edu.au/flinders-hamiltonian-cycle-project/fhcp-challenge-set>).

=item read_csv

Read in a CSV file that represents a graph.

=item to_graphviz

Generate a Graphviz representation of this graph (really, a string).

=item draw

Given a file name, dumps a representation of the graph (as GraphViz)
and uses C<dot> to build an image of the graph.  All of this happens
in C<$TMPDIR>. This assumes you have a copy of C<dot> on your system.

    # To view the file, open $TMPDIR/24-ham-00.jpg




=item is_empty

Returns true if the graph is empty - that is, if it has no vertices.

=item is_complete

Return true if this is a complete graph.  A complete graph is one
wherein each vertex is connected to every other vertex.

=item is_tree

Return true if this graph is a tree.  A graph is a tree if its number
of edges is one fewer than its number of vertices.  This definition is
taken from Even's book I<Graph Algorithms>.

=item is_connected

Return true if for each vertex A in this graph, there is a path
between A and every other vertex in the graph.

=item has_cycle

Return true if there is a cycle in this graph; in other words, if this
graph is not a tree.

=item is_colored

Return true if this graph has already been colored using the
C<color_vertices> method.

=item is_directed

Return true if this is a directed graph.  Graphs can only be marked as
directed during object initialization, by setting the C<is_directed>
argument to C<new>.

=item C<is_bipartite>

Returns true if the graph G is bipartite.  False otherwise.

Note that this method operates on a copy of the graph, to avoid
overwriting any existing vertex colorings.




=item add_vertex

Add a vertex V to this graph, if it does not already exist.  Return
C<undef> if V already exists.


=item add_vertices

Add multiple vertices to this graph.  Takes an array as its argument.

    my @to_add = qw/a b c d e f/;

=item get_neighbors

Given a vertex in the graph, get its neighbors - that is, the other
vertices to which it is connected.


=item has_vertex

Return true if the vertex in question is a part of the graph.


=item remove_vertex

Remove the named vertex from the graph, if it exists.


Note that removing a vertex will also delete all edges (and edge
attributes) between the given vertex and its former neighbors.

=item get_vertices

Return a list of the vertices in the graph.

    my @v = $g->get_vertices;

=item get_degree

Given a vertex V, return the degree of that vertex -- that is, the
number of edges between V and other vertices (its neighbors).

=item set_vertex_attribute

Given a vertex V, store a hashref of attributes about that vertex.

=item get_vertex_attribute

Given a vertex V and an attribute string, retrieve the value of that attribute.

    my $weight = $g->get_vertex_attribute('s', 'weight');
    # 123

=item get_vertex_attributes

Given a vertex V, return all of the vertex's attributes, whatever they
are.  Reads from the object's internal hashref, so beware: these
values could be anything.

    my $attrs = $g->get_vertex_attributes('s');

=item delete_vertex_attributes

Given a vertex V, delete all of its attributes (if any).


=item set_vertex_color

Given a vertex V and some color C, sets a 'color' attribute on
V. Shorthand for using C<set_vertex_attribute>.

    $g->set_vertex_color('s', 'red');

=item get_vertex_color

Given a vertex V, get its color (if any).  Shorthand for calling





=item get_edge

Get the edge between two vertices, A and B.  Return C<undef> if no
such edge exists.  If the edge does exist, return an array reference
containing A, B, and a (possibly empty) hash reference of edge

    my $edge = $g->get_edge('s', 'a');

=item get_edges

Get a list containing all of the edges in the graph.  Specifically,
this will be a list of array references, with the contents of each
array reference as described in the documentation for C<get_edge()>.

    my @edges = $g->get_edges;

=item edge_between

Given two vertices A and B, return something truthy if there exists an
edge between A and B.  Otherwise, return C<undef>.

    if ($g->edge_between('s', 'a')) {
      say 'Yes';

=item get_edge_attributes

Given two vertices A and B that have an edge between them, return
whatever attributes are stored for that edge.  Note that this can be
any arbitrary Perl data structure that could be stored in a hash

=item get_edge_attribute

Given two vertices A and B that have an edge between them, and a
specific (text) attribute T, return whatever values are associated
with T for that edge.  For example, a (numeric) weight.

    my $edge_weight = $g->get_edge_attribute('s', 'a', 'weight');

=item get_edge_weight

Shortcut for the following call to C<get_edge_attribute()>.

    my $edge_weight = $g->get_edge_attribute('s', 'a', 'weight');

=item set_edge_attribute

Given two vertices A and B that have an edge between them, store a
specific attribute key-value pair (a hash reference) that you want to
associate with that edge.

    my $edge_weight = $g->set_edge_attribute('s', 'a', { weight => 123 });

=item delete_edge_attributes

Given two vertices A and B that have an edge between them, delete all
of the attributes (weight, color, etc.) associated with that edge.

    $g->delete_edge_attributes('s', 'a');

=item add_edge

Given two vertices A and B, add an edge between them, as well as a
hash reference containing any attributes that should be associated
with that edge.  Note that if either of the vertices do not yet exist,
they will be created.

    $g->add_edge('s', 'a', { name => 'my great edge'});

=item add_edges

Given a list of array references that describe vertices in the format

    [['a', 'b', { weight => 123 }], ... ]

add all of the edges listed, as well as the attributes that should be
associated with each edge.  Note that if either of the vertices do not
yet exist, they will be created.

    $g->add_edge('s', 'a', { name => 'my great edge'});

=item remove_edge

Given two vertices A and B, remove the edge (if any) between them, as
well as any associated attributes.

    $g->remove_edge('s', 'a');


=head2 SEARCH


=item dijkstra

Given two vertices START and END on a graph with weighted edges, find
the shortest path between them using Dijkstra's algorithm.

    $g->dijkstra($a, $b);

=item has_walk

Given a list of vertices, determine whether they constitute a walk.
Given an optional argument, will determine if it is a closed walk.

    $walk = qw/a f d b c e l m j k i h g/;
    $g->has_walk($walk, {closed => 1});

=item paths_between

Given two vertices I<START> and I<END>, return a list of all the paths
between them.

Note that this method is implemented using exhaustive search, so it
will grind to a halt for larger graphs.

=item find_path_between

Given two vertices START and END in an unweighted graph, find the
shortest path between them using breadth-first search.

=item mst

The F<mst> method finds the minimum spanning tree of the current graph
object.  As such, it takes no arguments; instead, it searches for the
lowest-weight edge in the graph, chooses a vertex from one end of that
edge as the starting vertex, and builds the spanning tree from there.

=item dfs

The F<dfs> method performs depth-first-search on the graph beginning
at the vertex START; for each vertex visited by the search, invoke

=item connected_components

The F<connected_components> method returns the connected components of
the graph, as a list of lists.

If there are no connected components, it will return an empty list:


If there is only one connected component, it will return a list with
one element: a list of the vertices of the connected component:

    [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']]

If there are I<n> connected components, it will return a list with
I<n> elements:

    [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], ['e', 'f', 'g']]

=item exhaustive_search

The F<exhaustive_search> method performs an exhaustive search of all
trees in the graph.  The way this works is very close to the algorithm
for depth-first-search, except that F<exhaustive_search> unmarks the
vertices it has visited after the recursive self-call; this is
described in more detail on p.623 of Sedgewick's I<Algorithms>, 2nd

It takes two arguments: the name of the starting vertex, and an
optional subroutine argument.

    $g->exhaustive_search('a', sub { say $_[0] });

=item hamiltonian_walks

The C<hamiltonian_walks> method does an exhaustive search to find all
of the open or closed Hamiltonian walks on the graph, if they exist.
It takes an optional C<closed> argument to determine which type to
look for.

    $g->hamiltonian_walks(closed => 1);
    $g->hamiltonian_walks;      # Finds open walks by default.

=item is_planar

The C<is_planar> method tests whether a graph is planar.




=item clone

Given a graph object, the C<clone> method makes a fresh copy of that object.




=item _array_eq

Given two array references, are their contents equal?  NB. Only works on flat, non-nested arrays.

=item _memberp

Given a string element and an array, return true if the element is in the array.

=item _add_neighbor

The C<_add_neighbor> method is the internal helper used to add an edge
(and any edge attributes) between two vertices.

=item _remove_neighbor

The C<_remove_neighbor> method is an internal helper used for deleting
an edge between two vertices.

=item _st_walk

The C<_st_walk> method is used internally for building walks (paths)
along spanning trees, such as are built inside C<find_path_between>
and C<dijkstra>.

=item _edge_attrs

The C<_edge_attrs> method is an internal helper that returns all of
the graph's edge attributes.

=item _vertex_attrs

The C<_vertex_attrs> method is an internal helper that returns all of
the graph's vertex attributes.

=item _make_vertex_name

The C<_make_vertex_name> method is used to generate random vertex
names, such as when generating random graphs.




=item get_color_degree

The C<get_color_degree> method returns the "color degree" of a vertex:
that is, how many colors its neighbors have.

=item color_vertices

The C<color_vertices> method colors the vertices of the graph using
the algorithm due to Brelaz, as described in Skiena, I<Implementing
Discrete Mathematics>.  Specifically:


=item 1. Number the colors from 1 to k.

=item 2. Color the vertex of largest degree with color 1.

=item 3. Then repeatedly select the vertex with highest I<color
degree>, where the color degree is the number of adjacent vertices
which have already been colored, and color it with the smallest
possible color.


=item uncolor_vertices

The C<uncolor_vertices> method "uncolors" every vertex in the graph by
setting its color attribute to C<undef>.

=item vertex_colors

The C<vertex_colors> method returns a list containing each vertex and its color.

=item chromatic_number

The C<chromatic_number> method does not actually return the chromatic
number.  It returns the number of colors that were used to color the
vertices of the graph using the C<color_vertices> method.

=item set_cover

=item _covers_all_items

=item del

=item _disjoint

=item get_anti_neighbors

=item complement





=item Even, Shimon. I<Graph Algorithms>.

=item Skiena, Steven. I<Implementing Discrete Mathematics>.

=item Sedgewick, Robert. I<Algorithms, 2nd ed.>


=head1 SEE ALSO


=item * L<Graph> by Jarkko Hietaniemi

=item * L<Graph::Fast> by Lars Stoltenow

=item * L<Boost::Graph> by David Burdick


=head1 BUGS

Undoubtedly! Please file any issues at L<https://github.com/rmloveland/YAGL>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Richard Loveland <r@rmloveland.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 by Rich Loveland

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.