README for the Perl Module Time::Period

Copyright (c) 1997 Patrick Ryan.  All rights reserved.

This Perl module uses the conditions given by Perl.  This module may only
be distributed and or modified under the conditions given by Perl.

Document Contents

  - Document Contents
  - Overview
  - Getting the Distribution
  - Installation of the Module
  - Using the Module
  - Contacting the Author
  - Removing the Module

-------- is a Perl module that contains code to deal with time periods.
Currently, there is only a function in this module.  That function is
called inPeriod().

inPeriod() determines if a given time is within a given time period.
It will return 1 if it is, 0 if not, and -1 if either the time or the
period passed to it were malformed.  The time is specified in non-leap
year seconds past January 1, 1970, as per the time() function.  The period
is a string which is of the form described in Period's man page.

Getting the Distribution

This distribution can be retrieved at
<URL=> or from CPAN at

Installation of the Module

Make sure the user executing this has sufficient permissions to add and
modify files in the global perl installation.  The user should use this
sequence to install this module.

  perl Makefile.PL
  make install
  make realclean

Using the Module

The module is simple to use.  It is fully documented with pod
documentation.  To read it, execute

  perldoc Time::Period

after the module is installed.

A HTML version of the pod documentation is included in the distribution.
It was created with pod2html, which comes with Perl.

Contacting the Author

I welcome any feedback on this module.  If you have comments, questions,
or ideas, feel free to send them to me, Patrick Ryan,

Removing the Module

Under a user with sufficient permissions and from the Period distribution 
directory, execute

  perl Makefile.PL

if there isn't a file called Makefile.  Then execute

  make uninstall