
                  The easiest way to write a webapp with Perl                                    

=== ABOUT ===

This project is inspired by  Ruby's Sinatra framework: a framework for building
web applications with minimal-effort, allowing a simple webapp to be created with
very few lines of code, but allowing the flexibility to scale to much more
complex applications.

=== NEWS === 

Dancer's development moves very fast, to stay tuned follow 
sukria on Twitter: or his blog

See also the project on Github for the latest changes:

=== EXAMPLE ===

To create a new Dancer application, use the helper script "dancer" provided
with this distribution:

    $ dancer -a mywebapp
    + mywebapp 
    + mywebapp/config.yml
    + mywebapp/views
    + mywebapp/views/layouts

You then have a new Dancer application in 'mywebapp', which is already a
functioning "Hello World" application, ready for you to work upon.

Here is an example of a webapp built with Dancer:


    use Dancer;

    get '/' => sub {
        "Hello There!"

    get '/hello/:name' => sub {
        "Hey ".params->{name}.", how are you?";

    post '/new' => sub {
        "creating new entry: ".params->{name};


When running this script, a webserver is running and ready to serve:    

    $ perl ./
    >> Listening on
    == Entering the development dance floor ...

Then it's possible to access any route defined in the script:

    $ curl http://localhost:3000/
    Hello There!


Dancer depends on the following modules

    - HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI
    - HTTP::Body
    - Exception::Class
	- MIME::Types
	- URI

Optional modules may be needed if you want to use some features (but are not 
required for a basic usage). 

Dependency-checks for additional features are performed at runtime.

Most common modules you may want are:

    - Template (for Template::Toolkit support)
    - YAML (for configuration files)
    - Plack (if you want to deploy your application with PSGI)


This is a work in progress.

Dancer supports PSGI/Plack, to run a Dancer app with PSGI/Plack just bootstrap
your application with the helper script `dancer' like the following:

	$ dancer -a MyWebApp

You'll find a file in there called `app.psgi', use this file to configure your
PSGI environment, as explained in the revelant documentation of your PSGI

For instance, with plackup, just do the following:

	$ plackup -a app.psgi

=== WEBSITE ===

For more details about the project, checkout the official website: or checkout the documentation at

See also the Github project page: for the latest


Bug reports are appreciated and will receive prompt attention - the preferred
method is to raise them using Github's basic issue tracking system:

=== CONTACT ===

You can reach the development team on IRC: irc://