# NAME Plack::Middleware::Text::Minify - minify text responses on the fly # VERSION version v0.1.6 # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Plack::Builder; builder { enable "Text::Minify", path => qr{\.(html|css|js)}, type => qr{^text/}; ... }; ``` # DESCRIPTION This middleware uses [Text::Minify::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Minify::XS) to remove indentation and trailing whitespace from text content. # ATTRIBUTES ## path This is a regex or callback that matches against `PATH_INFO`. If it does not match, then the response won't be minified. The callback takes the `PATH_INFO` and Plack environment as arguments. By default, it will match against any path except for HTTP status codes with no bodies, or request methods other than `GET` or `POST`. ## type This is a regex or callback that matches against the content-type. If it does not match, then the response won't be minified. The callback takes the content-type header and the Plack reponse as arguments. By default, it will match against any "text/" MIME type. # KNOWN ISSUES ## Support for older Perl versions This module requires Perl v5.9.3 or newer, which is the minimum version supported by [Text::Minify::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::Minify::XS). ## Use with templating directive that collapse whitespace If you are using a templating system with directives that collapse whitespace in HTML documents, e.g. in [Template-Toolkit](https://metacpan.org/pod/Template) ``` [%- IF something -%]