NAME GPS::Lowrance - Connect to Lowrance and Eagle GPS devices REQUIREMENTS The following non-standard modules are required to use this module: Carp::Assert GPS::Lowrance::LSI GPS::Lowrance::Trail Parse::Binary::FixedFormat Win32::SerialPort or Device::SerialPort GPS::Lowrance::Trail requires these modules: Geo::Coordinates::DecimalDegrees Geo::Coordinates::UTM XML::Generator If you want to use the screen capture function, you also need the following module: GD This module should work with Perl 5.6.x. It has been tested on Perl 5.8.2. Installation Installation is standard: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install For Windows playforms, you may need to use "nmake" instead. SYNOPSIS use GPS::Lowrance; use GPS::Lowrance::Trail; $gps = GPS::Lowrance->connect( Device => 'com1', BaudRate => 57600, ); $trail = $gps->get_plot_trail( plot_trail_number => 0 ); $gps->disconnect; REVISION HISTORY Changes to this package since v0.20: 0.21 12 Mar 2004 * fixed bug with uploading plot trails - added eg/ file - eg/renamed to - get_product_description is now cached - added stubs for unimplemented functions - added get_graphical_symbol to GPS::Lowrance::Screen * changed syntax for calls to get_current_screen to GPS::Lowrance::Screen - added get_graphical_symbol_info, get_number_of_graphical_symbols * removed checksum from get_product_info (not needed) - added missing module in REQUIREMENTS list in POD - added support for preserving waypoint numbers and symbols DESCRIPTION This module provides a variety of higher-level methods for communicating with Lowrance and Eagle GPS receivers. This is an experimental module with only a partial implementation to read data from the device. It is documented, however. More detailed information can be found in the POD. Examples can be found in the "eg" directory in this package. CAVEATS This is a beta version of the module, so there are bound to be some bugs. In the current form it is also far from complete. See the module documentation for a complete list of Known Issues. Compatability This module should work with all Lowrance and Eagle devices which support the LSI 100 protocol. It has been tested on the following model(s): Lowrance GlobalMap 100 (same as Eagle MapGuide Pro?) If you have tested it on other models, please notify me. AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2004 by Robert Rothenberg . This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.