NAME POE::Component::IKC::ReallySimple - POE Component for simple inter-kernel communication SYNOPSIS use POE qw(Component::IKC::ReallySimple); # in server poemsg_receive( ReceiveState => sub { print shift; } ); $poe_kernel->run(); # in client poemsg_send('HI'); DESCRIPTION POE::Component::IKC::ReallySimple tries to make inter-kernel communication very simple. POE::Component::IKC is great but it can be a lot of setup for simple projects. This module hides the ick and complication of inter-kernel messaging. The synopsis really says it all. "poemsg_receive" sets a program up to receive simple messages. "poemsg_send" sends a message. This is UDP-like in that there is no real error checking to ensure the data goes through. At this time, there is also no way to tell where your data came from. EXPORTED FUNCTIONS poemsg_send poemsg_send($data); poemsg_send($data,$server_ip); Sends a message to a POE program. By default, it is assumed that the program is listening on this assumption may be modified by passing a second parameter which is a dotted quad ip address. Returns 1 if a successful server connection was made. Returns 0 if the server could not be contacted. poemsg_receive poemsg_receive( ReceiveState => \&subroutine ); poemsg_receive( ReceiveState => \&subroutine, ServerIP => $server_ip, ServerPort => $server_port ); Listen and wait for incoming messages. "&subroutine" will be passed the transmitted data when a message is received. The only guarantee about the incoming data is that it is a defined scalar. Parameters: "ReceiveState" takes a code reference which will receive passed data as indicated above. This parameter is not optional. "ServerIP" sets the ip address to which the server binds. This parameter is optional and defaults to "". "ServerPort" set the socket port to which the server binds. This parameter is optional and binds "31338". "$poe_kernel->run()" must still be done in the server. sometime soon, this will be a little bit easier. AUTHOR Matt Cashner CPAN ID: MCASHNER COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001 Matt Cashner. All rights reserved. This program is free software licensed under the... The MIT License The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.