NAME CGI::Wiki - Storage, retrieval, searching and formatting of Wiki pages REQUIRES Uses Text::WikiFormat and HTML::PullParser to do the HTML translation, Digest::MD5 to make checksums, and Class::Delegation to avoid ugliness. DESCRIPTION Helps you develop Wikis quickly by taking care of the boring bits for you. The aim is to allow different types of backend storage and search without you having to worry about the details. SYNOPSIS my $wiki = CGI::Wiki->new(%config); # See below for parameter details my $q = CGI->new; my $action = $q->param("action"); my $node = $q->param("node"); if ($action eq 'display') { my $raw = $wiki->retrieve_node($node); my $cooked = $wiki->format($raw); print_page(node => $node, content => $cooked); } elsif ($action eq 'preview') { my $submitted_content = $q->param("content"); my $preview_html = $wiki->format($submitted_content); print_editform(node => $node, content => $submitted_content, preview => $preview_html); } elsif ($action eq 'commit') { my $submitted_content = $q->param("content"); my $cksum = $q->param("checksum"); my $written = $wiki->write_node($node, $submitted_content, $cksum); if ($written) { print_success($node); } else { handle_conflict($node, $submitted_content); } } METHODS new my %config = ( storage_backend => 'mysql', dbname => 'wiki', dbuser => 'wiki', dbpass => 'wiki', search_backend => 'dbixfts', # defaults to undef extended_links => 0, implicit_links => 1, allowed_tags => [qw(b i)], # defaults to none macros => {}, node_prefix => 'wiki.cgi?node=' ); my $wiki = CGI::Wiki->new(%config); Currently the only storage backends supported are "mysql" and "postgres", and the only search backend supported (other than no search at all) is "dbixfts", which uses the DBIx::FullTextSearch module, and so can only be used with MySQL. The parameters will default to the values shown above (apart from "allowed_tags", which defaults to allowing no tags, and "search_backend", which defaults to not providing any search methods). (If you're using a method of database authentication that doesn't require a password, then leave out "dbpass" or just put any old junk in there.) * macros - be aware that macros are processed *after* filtering out disallowed HTML tags. Currently macros are just strings, maybe later we can add in subs if we think it might be useful. Macro example: macros => { qr/(^|\b)\@SEARCHBOX(\b|$)/ => qq(
) } retrieve_node_and_checksum my ($content, $cksum) = $wiki->retrieve_node_and_checksum($node); Works just like retrieve_node, but also gives you a checksum that you must send back when you want to commit changes, so you can check that no other changes have been committed while you were editing. Currently it's just the md5sum of the node content. format my $html = $wiki->format($submitted_content); Escapes any tags which weren't specified as allowed on creation, then interpolates any macros, then calls Text::WikiFormat::format (with the config set up when new was called) to translate the raw Wiki language supplied into HTML. write_node my $written = $wiki->write_node($node, $content, $checksum); if ($written) { display_node($node); } else { handle_conflict(); } Writes the specified content into the specified node in the backend storage, and indexes/reindexes the node in the search indexes, if a search is set up. Note that you can blank out a node without deleting it by passing the empty string as $content, if you want to. If you expect the node to already exist, you must supply a checksum, and the node is write-locked until either your checksum has been proved old, or your checksum has been accepted and your change committed. If no checksum is supplied, and the node is found to already exist and be nonempty, a conflict will be raised. All parameters are mandatory. Returns 1 on success, 0 on conflict, croaks on error. Methods provided by storage backend See the docs for your chosen storage backend to see how these work. * delete_node (also calls the delete_node method in the search backend, if any) * list_all_nodes * retrieve_node * verify_checksum Methods provided by search backend See the docs for your chosen search backend to see how these work. * search_nodes SEE ALSO CGI::Wiki::Store::MySQL CGI::Wiki::Store::Pg CGI::Wiki::Store::Database CGI::Wiki::Search::DBIxFTS Text::WikiFormat Other ways to implement Wikis in Perl include: * CGI::pWiki * AxKit::XSP::Wiki * UseModWiki AUTHORS Kake Pugh ( FEEDBACK Please send me mail and tell me what you think of this. It's my first CPAN module, so stuff probably sucks. Tell me what sucks, send me patches, send me tests. Or if it doesn't suck, tell me that too. I love getting mail, even if all it says is "I used your thing and I like it", or "I didn't use your thing because of X". I will buy beer or cider (one pint, litre, or similarly-sized bottle of, not exchangeable for lager or other girly drinks, will probably need to be claimed in person in whichever city I'm in at the time) for the first three people to send me such mail. CREDITS Various types helped out with code review, encouragement, JFDI, style advice, code snippets, module recommendations, and so on; far too many to name individually, but particularly Richard Clamp, Tony Fisher, Mark Fowler, and Chris Ball. And never forget to say thanks to those who wrote the stuff that your module depends on. Come claim beer or home-made cakes[0] at the next YAPC, people. [0] cakes require pre-booking GRATUITOUS PLUG I'm only obsessed with Wikis because of the Open-Source Guide to London --