NAME Lingua::EN::WordsToNumbers - convert numbers written in English to actual numbers DESCRIPTION This module is a tiny wrapper for Lingua::EN::Words2Nums, which is very nice, but has an unfortunate name (which doesn't help when you're searching CPAN for modules that turn words into numbers). SYNOPSIS use Lingua::EN::WordsToNumbers qw(words_to_numbers); print words_to_numbers("Forty-two"); # "42" Lingua::EN::WordsToNumbers->set_debug('y'); # debug mode on Lingua::EN::WordsToNumbers->set_debug('n'); # debug mode on Lingua::EN::WordsToNumbers->set_billion(10**12); # use "English billion" AUTHOR Earle Martin CREDITS All credit is due to Joey Hess (JOEY) for writing Lingua::EN::Words2Nums which does the actual work. This module was jointly conceived with Leon Brocard (LBROCARD) one lunchtime. LEGAL Copyright 2004-2007 Earle Martin. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.