CIAO-Lib-Param version 0.01 =========================== CIAO::Lib::Param is a Perl interface to the parameter library (cxcparam) shipped with the Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observa- tions (CIAO) software package. It implements an interace to IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) style parameter files. INSTALLATION This module can use either the cxcparam library in the CIAO distribution, or a standalone version (see RESOURCES). Several scenarios are possible, some of which require preliminary steps before issuing the standard commands: * To compile against the CIAO library, ensure that you are in the CIAO environment (i.e. type "ciao" or whatever alias you have set up). * If you are using the standalone library, and pkg-config is available on your system, no further preliminary steps are required. * If all else fails, try specifying the following environmental variables: CXCPARAM_LIBS the link flags required for the library CXCPARAM_INCS the C preprocessor flags required to find the header files CXCPARAM_DEFS any additional compile definitions. and then proceed with the standard steps: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES Without the cxcparam library (see RESOURCES), this module is nigh on to useless. This module requires this additional Perl module: File::Path COMPATIBILITY This module has been tested against the CIAO 3.2.1 cxcparam library on the following systems: 32bit Solaris 2.8 32bit Linux Debian sarge 32bit Linux Debian sid 32bit Linux Fedora Core 2 RESOURCES The official cxcparam library is distributed as part of CIAO at An *unofficial* standalone package is available at COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2005 by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory This code is released under the GNU General Public License. You may find a copy at .