NAME Hailo - A pluggable Markov engine analogous to MegaHAL SYNOPSIS This is the synopsis for using Hailo as a module. See hailo for command-line invocation. # Hailo requires Perl 5.10 use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use Hailo; # Construct a new in-memory Hailo using the SQLite backend. See # backend documentation for other options. my $hailo = Hailo->new; # Various ways to learn my @train_this = qw< I like big butts and I can not lie >; $hailo->learn(\@train_this); $hailo->learn($_) for @train_this; # Heavy-duty training interface. Backends may drop some safety # features like journals or synchronous IO to train faster using # this mode. $hailo->learn("megahal.trn"); $hailo->learn($filehandle); # Make the brain babble say $hailo->reply("hello good sir."); DESCRIPTION Hailo is a fast and lightweight markov engine intended to replace AI::MegaHAL. It has a lightweight Moose-based core with pluggable storage and tokenizer backends. It is similar to MegaHAL in functionality, the main differences (with the default backends) being better scalability, drastically less memory usage, an improved tokenizer, and tidier output. With this distribution, you can create, modify, and query Hailo brains. To use Hailo in event-driven POE applications, you can use the POE::Component::Hailo wrapper. One example is POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hailo, which implements an IRC chat bot. Etymology *Hailo* is a portmanteau of *HAL* (as in MegaHAL) and failo . ATTRIBUTES "brain_resource" The name of the resource (file name, database name) to use as storage. There is no default. "save_on_exit" A boolean value indicating whether Hailo should save its state before its object gets destroyed. Defaults to true. "order" The Markov order (chain length) you want to use for an empty brain. The default is 5. "storage_class" The storage backend to use. Default: 'SQLite'. This gives you an idea of approximately how the backends compare in speed: Rate DBD::Pg DBD::mysql DBD::SQLite/file DBD::SQLite/memory DBD::Pg 2.22/s -- -33% -49% -56% DBD::mysql 3.33/s 50% -- -23% -33% DBD::SQLite/file 4.35/s 96% 30% -- -13% DBD::SQLite/memory 5.00/s 125% 50% 15% -- To run your own test try running utils/hailo-benchmark in the Hailo distribution. "tokenizer_class" The tokenizer to use. Default: 'Words'; "ui_class" The UI to use. Default: 'ReadLine'; "storage_args" "tokenizer_args" "ui_args" A "HashRef" of arguments for storage/tokenizer/ui backends. See the documentation for the backends for what sort of arguments they accept. METHODS "new" This is the constructor. It accepts the attributes specified in "ATTRIBUTES". "run" Run the application according to the command line arguments. "learn" Takes a string or an array reference of strings, and learns from them. "train" Takes a filename, filehandle or array reference and learns from all its lines. If a filename is passed, the file is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. Unlike "learn", this method sacrifices some safety (disables the database journal, fsyncs, etc) for speed while learning. "reply" Takes an optional line of text and generates a reply that might be relevant. "learn_reply" Takes a string argument, learns from it, and generates a reply that might be relevant. "save" Tells the underlying storage backend to save its state. To override the filename you can provide one as an argument. "stats" Takes no arguments. Returns the number of tokens, expressions, previous token links and next token links. SUPPORT You can join the IRC channel *#hailo* on FreeNode if you have questions. SEE ALSO Hailo::UI::Web - A Catalyst and jQuery powered web interface to Hailo POE::Component::Hailo - A non-blocking POE wrapper around Hailo POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hailo - A Hailo IRC bot plugin LINKS Hailo: A Perl rewrite of MegaHAL - A blog posting about the motivation behind Hailo BUGS Bugs, feature requests and other issues are tracked in Hailo's issue tracker on Github . AUTHORS Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson and Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.