SimLife 1. SYNOPSIS 2. REQUIREMENTS 3. INSTALLATION 4. COPYRIGHT 1. SYNOPSIS SimLife is a program for simulating cellular automata and similar, e.g. Life. You can add your own sets of rules which can have their own sets of parameters - see life.spr for an example. SimLife works with X and Win32. On-line help is provided - start up the program and click the Help menu option or press F1. (Reading what's there will help!) 2. REQUIREMENTS (available where you picked up simlife) Optional modules (from CPAN): (none) Linux and X-Windows: Perl 5.004 Tk 400.202 Win32: Perl 5.005 Tk 800.000 ~80K disk space. 3. INSTALLATION Note that SimLife can be installed pretty well anywhere - the only restriction is that all the simlife* files must be together in the same directory. # Create the directory. mkdir /usr/opt/simlife # Copy the tar.gz to the lib directory. cp simlife-VERSION.tar.gz /usr/opt # Change to the opt directory. cd /usr/opt # Unpack the archive using method A or B: # Method A for those using GNU tar tar xvfz simlife-VERSION.tar.gz # Method B for those not using GNU tar gunzip simlife-VERSION.tar.gz tar xvf simlife-VERSION.tar # Change to the simlife directory. cd simlife # This is optional. Make sure SimLife is executable. chmod +x simlife # If this is an upgrade from a previous version and you're not using Win32 # then keep your options. mv ~/.simlife-opts ~/.simliferc # This is optional. For Debian users only: if you want SimLife to appear on # your X menu do the following: cp debian-menu /etc/menu/simlife update-menus # Note that the name of the file supplied, 'debian-menu', is changed in the # move to 'simlife'. Note also that if you haven't used the paths given here you # must change the command path in /etc/menu/simlife. The addition to the menu # will only appear when the window manager is restarted. # This is optional. To have the icon appear under X for icewm do this: cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icewm/icons/ ln -s /usr/opt/simlife/simlife-icon-16x16.xpm simlife_16x16.xpm ln -s /usr/opt/simlife/simlife-icon-16x16.xpm simlife_32x32.xpm # and add the following line to /etc/X11/icewm/winoptions simlife.icon: simlife # To run SimLife from the command line: /usr/opt/simlife/simlife & # You could always either alias this or use a soft link to a directory on the # path to save typing the whole path. Note that 'deprecated' error messages # which appear are harmless and can be ignored. 4. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) Mark Summerfield 1999. All Rights Reserved. SimLife may be used/distributed under the GPL. Contact: - please include 'simlife' in the subject line. The program was developed under Debian GNU/Linux 2.0.