NAME ExtUtil::SVDmaker - Automating creating CPAN distributions SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::SVDmaker; $svd = new ExtUtils::SVDmaker( @options ); $svd = new ExtUtils::SVDmaker( \%options ); $svd->vmake( @targets, \%options ); $svd->vmake( @targets ); $svd->vmake( \%options ); DESCRIPTION The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" program module extends the Perl language (Perl is the system). The input to "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" is the __DATA__ section of Software Version Description (SVD) program module. The __DATA__ section must contain SVD forms text database in the DataPort::FileType::DataDB format. Use the "" (SVD make) cover script for ExtUtils::SVDmaker to process a SVD database module as follows: vmake -pm=Docs::Site_SVD::MySVDmodule The preferred location for SVD program modules is Docs::Site_SVD:: The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module extends the automation of releasing a Perl distribution file as follows: * The input data for the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module is a form database as the __DATA__ section of a SVD program module. The database is in the format of DataPort::FileType::FormDB. This is an efficient text database that is very close in format to hard copy forms and may be edited by text editors * The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module compares the contents of the current release with the previous release and automatically updates the version and date for files that have changed * "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module generates a SVD program module POD from the form database data contained in the __DATA__ section of the SVD program module. * "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" modulegenerates MANIFEST, README and Makefile.PL distribution files from the form database data * "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module builds the distribution *.tar.gz file using Perl code instead of starting tar and gzip process via a makefile build by MakeFile.PL. This greatly increases portability and performance. * Runs the installation tests on the distribution files using the "Test::Harness" module directly. It does not build any makefile using the MakeFile.PL and starting a Test::Harness process via the makefile. This greatly increases portability and performance. The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module is one of the end user, functional interface modules for the US DOD STD2167A bundle. The top level modules that establish the functional interface of interest to the end user are the "Test::STDmaker" and "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" modules. The rest of the modules are design modules for the US DOD STD2167A bundle. They are broken out as separate modules because they may have uses outside of the US DOD STD2167A bundle. The Test::STDmaker module has a number of design modules not shown in the above dependency tree. See Test::STDmaker for more detail. SVD Program Module Format The input(s) for the "fgenerate" method are Softare Version Description (SVD) Program Modules (PM). A SVD PM consists of three sections as follows: Perl Code Section The code section contains the following Perl scalars: $VERSION, $DATE, and $FILE. The "ExtUtils::STDmaker" automatically generates this section. SVD POD Section (DOD Tailoring) The Software Version Description (SVD) Plain Old Documentation (POD) section is in a slightly tailored United States (US) Department of Defense (DOD) SVD Data Item Description (DID) format. The tailoring is that paragraph 2 of the SVD DID is renamed from "REFERENCE DOCUMENTS" to "SEE ALSO" and moved to the end. The content of paragraph, 1.2 System Overview, is changed to include a brief statement of the software features and capabilities. The system is always the same, the Perl language. This makes better use of this space. The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module automatically generates this section. SVD Form Database Section This section contains a SVD Form Database that the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module uses to generate the Perl code section and the SVD POD section. Assumed Directory Structure The directory structure assumed by the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module is as follows: $TOP_DIR -+- lib -- * -- $ | +- bin | +- $REPOSITORY_DIR -+- $DISTNAME-$PREVIOUS_VERSION -+- lib | +- bin | +- Makefile.PL | +- README | +- MANIFEST | +- $DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar.gz $DISTNAME-$VERSION.ppd $DISTNAME-$VERSION.html $RELEASE_DIR = File::Spec-catdir($TOPDIR, $REPOSITORY_DIR, $DISTNAME-$PREVIOUS_VERSION) When the $PREVIOUS_DISTNAME is different than the $DISTNAME, the directory structure is as follows: $TOP_DIR -+- lib -- * -- $ | +- bin | +- $REPOSITORY_DIR -+- $PREVIOUS_DISTNAME-$PREVIOUS_VERSION -+- lib | +- bin | +- Makefile.PL | +- README | +- MANIFEST | +- $DISTNAME-$VERSION -+- lib | +- bin | +- Makefile.PL | +- README | +- MANIFEST | +- $DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar.gz $DISTNAME-$VERSION.ppd $DISTNAME-$VERSION.html $RELEASE_DIR = File::Spec->catdir($TOPDIR, $REPOSITORY_DIR, $DISTNAME-$VERSION) SVD Form Database Fields The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module uses the DataPort::FileType::FormDB lenient format to access the data. This is a very compact database form. The fields are a merge of the data required by the United States (US) Department of Defense (DOD) SVD Data Item Description (DID) and the ExtUtils::MakeMaker module. The following are the database file fields: ABSTRACT field This field should be a one line description of the module. It Will be included in PPD file. AUTHOR field This field should contain the name (and email address) of package author(s). It is used in PPD (Perl Package Description) files for PPM (Perl Package Manager) and as the "prepared by" entry in the title page of the generated SVD module POD section. AUTO_REVISE field This is the list of files (excluding the generated files MANIFEST,, README and the $ ($SVD is the program module name supplied with the -pm option which is usually Docs::Site_SVD::$DISTNAME_$VERSION, DISTNAME field VERSION field), that the ExtUtils::SVDmaker module will copy from the $TOP_DIR to the $RELEASE_DIR (See Assumed Directory Structure) and automatically update the $VERSION and $DATE variables in the $RELEASE_DIR file. The file specification may contain BSD globbing metacharaters such as the '*'. An example of a AUTO_REVISE field is lib/Test/STD/ t/Test/STDmaker/* lib/Test/ => tlib/Test/ The ExtUtils::SVDmaker assumes the files in the AUTO_REVISE field are be relative to the $TOP_DIR. Another features of the AUTO_REVISE field is that the files in the $RELEASE_DIR can be rename with a line such as the following: top_dir_relative_file => release_dir_relative_file This is useful in arranging the test software in libraries in the distribution. The best place for a test library is the under the test script itself. CAPABILITIES field This field shall briefly state the purpose the software, its features and capabilities. CHANGE2CURRENT field This field is normally left blank. This field only comes into play when the previous and current distribution names are different. In this case the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module, after it has restored the previous release directory, will copy each file from the previous release directory to the current release directory. Before the copy, the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module evals for each restored file, the "CHANGE2CURRENT" field. The file name for the current release is contained in the variable $file. Thus, the Perl statements in the "CHANGE2CURRENT" field should be use to change the names of files from a previous release with different files names for the current release. For example, to moved the top level from "lib/SVD" to "lib/ExtUtils", use the following: return if $file =~ s=lib/SVD/;^ CHANGES field This field should contain a list of all changes incorporated into the software version since the previous version. It may include a brief history of changes to other versions. This field should identify, as applicable, the problem reports, change proposals, and change notices associated with each change and the effects, if any, of each change on system operation and on interfaces with other hardware and software. CLASSIFICATION field This field should include security other restrictions on the handling of the software. COMPRESS field This field is the program for compression. Normally this will be "gzip". COMPRESS_SUFFIX field This field is the default suffix for compressed files. Normally this is '.gz'. CSS field The Casscading Style Sheet (css) file for the readme html. Normally this is "help.css". DISTNAME field This is the name for distributing the package (by tar file). For library modules, this should be the package name with the '::' characters replaced with the '-' character. DOCUMENT_OVERVIEW field This field should summarize the purpose and contents of this document and shall describe any security or privacy considerations associated with its use. END_USER field This field is the "prepare for" entry in the title page of the generated SVD module POD section. FREEZE field Normally this field will be set to 0 in order to make dry-runs of the distribution. When set to 0, the version of the master library will not be changed. Set this field to 1 for the finalized distribution. The version number for any master library module that changed since the last distribution will be updated. HTML field This field is for HTML code at the end of the SVD POD section. For example,

INSTALLATION field This field should include the following information: * Instructions for installing the software version. * Identification of other changes that have to be installed for this version to be used, including site-unique adaptation data not included in the software version * Security, privacy, or safety precautions relevant to the installation LICENSE field This field should contain any restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions. Any copyright notice should also be included in this field. NOTES field This field should contain any general information that aids in understanding this document (e.g., background information, glossary, rationale). This field shall include an alphabetical listing of all acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings as used in this document and a list of any terms and definitions needed to understand this document. PREREQ_PM field This field contains the names of modules that need to be available to run this extension (e.g. Fcntl for SDBM_File) followed by the desired version is the value. This field should use Perl array notation. For examples: 'Fcntl' => '0', 'Test::Tech' => '1.09', If the required version number is 0, any installed version is acceptable. PREVIOUS_DISTNAME field This field is normally left blank. Supply this field when the previous distribution name is different. PREVIOUS_RELEASE field This field is the version of the previous release. PROBLEMS field This field should identify any possible problems or known errors with the software version at the time of release, any steps being taken to resolve the problems or errors, and instructions (either directly or by reference) for recognizing, avoiding, correcting, or otherwise handling each one. The information presented shall be appropriate to the intended recipient of the SVD (for example, a user agency may need advice on avoiding errors, a support agency on correcting them). REPLACE field This is the list of files that the ExtUtils::SVDmaker module will copy from the $TOP_DIR to the $RELEASE_DIR entact without revising the $VERSION and $DATE variables. This is useful for say files used as expected files in a test where the $VERSION and $DATE variables should not be changed. The file specification may contain BSD globbing metacharaters such as the '*'. An example of a REPLACE field is t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/* The ExtUtils::SVDmaker assumes the files in the REPLACE field are be relative to the $TOP_DIR. Another features of the REPLACE field is that the files in the $RELEASE_DIR can be rename with a line such as the following: top_dir_relative_file => release_dir_relative_file REPOSITORY field This field is the repositories that the current distribution will be released. For example, http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ REPOSITORY_DIR field The value for the REPOSITORY_DIR is normally "packages". This is the directory where all release files are found. The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module uses the REPOSITORY_DIR as follows: * First it locates the $TOP_DIR of the package specified by the -pm option. * It locates the repository directory by using REPOSITORY_DIR field as a sub directory of the $TOP_DIR. See Assumed Directory Structure RESTRUCTURE field This field is Perl statements that the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" uses to rearrange the directory tree of the release directory. For example, to eliminate the "lib\SVD" subtree, enter the following: use File::Path; rmtree 'lib\SVD'; The evaluation takes place after all "CHANGE2CURRENT" field processing and with the cwd the current release directory, not the previous release directory if they are different. See also CHANGE2CURRENT field; REVISION field Enter the revision for the STD POD. The revision field, in accordance with standard engineering drawing practices are letters A .. B AA .. ZZ except for the orginal revision which is -. SEE_ALSO field This field shall list the number, title, revision, and date of all referenced and related documents. This field shall also identify the source for all documents. A simple POD link, when applicable, will satisfy these requirements. SUPPORT field Point of contact to be consulted if there are problems or questions with the installation TITLE field This field is the "title" entry in the title page of the generated SVD module POD section. TEMPLATE field This is the template that the "$svd-"gen> method uses to generate the SVD POD file. TESTS field List of tests for determining whether the version has been installed properly and meets its requirements. VERSION field This field is the version of the release. The version should be a decimal number of the format "\d\.\d\d" starting with "0.01". targets For this discussion of the targets, the directory structure shown in the REPOSITORY_DIR field item applies. all target The all target executes the following target sequence: check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise write_svd_pm makemake test tar gzip ppd auto_revise target This target uses the relative files specified in the AUTO_REVISE field. FOr each of the these files, $file, it will compare ($TOP_DIR $file) with ($RELEASE_DIR $file), scrubing any date and version so they are not compared. If the contents of ($TOP_DIR $file) is different than the ($RELEASE_DIR $file), this target will update the ($RELEASE_DIR $file) to the ($TOP_DIR $file) and appropriately change the version and date. The $TOP_DIR and $RELEASE_DIR used in this description is as established by REPOSITORY_DIR field item. Before performing the above sequence, this target will ensure that the following sequence of targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous check_svd_db target This target checks the integrity of the SVD database and creates derived fields such as "TOP_DIR" helpful in processing other targets. clear target The following targets are executed only once no matter how many times they are specified. The target "clear" will clear the block and allow them to be executed again. check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise write_svd_pm readme_html makemake dist target The dist target executes the following target sequence: check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise write_svd_pm makemake tar gzip ppd gzip target The gzip target will compress the file $DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar (DISTNAME field VERSION field), in the directory $REPOSITORY_DIR After creating the compressed file $DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar.gz in the directory $REPOSITORY_DIR the gzip target will delete the "$DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar.gz" file. Before generating the "$DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar.gz" compress file, the gzip target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise write_svd_pm makemake tar makemake target This target generates the following files: README MANIFEST Makefile.PL Before generating the above files, the makemake target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise ppd target The ppd target will create the ppd file $DISTNAME-$VERSION.ppd that describes the distribution using XML in the directory $REPOSITORY_DIR Before generating the ppd file, the ppd target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise readme_html target This target generates the file $DISTNAME-$VERSION.html in the directory $REPOSITORY_DIR The $REPOSITORY_DIR scalar used in this description is as established by REPOSITORY_DIR field item. Before generating the $DISTNAME-$VERSION.html files, the readme_html target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise write_svd_pm restore_previous target Before generating the above files, this target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db tar target The tar target will archive the files specified in the MANIFEST file into the file $DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar in the directory $REPOSITORY_DIR Before generating the $DISTNAME-$VERSION.tar archive file (DISTNAME field VERSION field), the tar target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise write_svd_pm makemake test target The test target will run the tests specified in the TESTS field using the Test::Harness Before generating the above files, this target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise write_svd_pm target This target generates the Perl and POD section of the SVD program module from the __DATA__ section. It updates both the copy in the $TOP_DIR subtree and the $RELEASE_DIR subtree. The $TOP_DIR and $RELEASE_DIR used in this description is as established by REPOSITORY_DIR field item. Before generating the above files, this target will ensure that the following sequence targets have been executed once check_svd_db restore_previous auto_revise # no target A lack of a target is the same as "all readme_html" REQUIREMENTS Requirements are coming soon. DEMONSTRATION ######### # perl SVDmaker.d ### ~~~~~~ Demonstration overview ~~~~~ The results from executing the Perl Code follow on the next lines as comments. For example, 2 + 2 # 4 ~~~~~~ The demonstration follows ~~~~~ use vars qw($loaded); use File::Glob ':glob'; use File::Copy; use File::Path; use File::Spec; use File::Package; use File::SmartNL; use Text::Scrub; my $loaded = 0; my $snl = 'File::SmartNL'; my $fp = 'File::Package'; my $s = 'Text::Scrub'; my $w = 'File::Where'; my $fs = 'File::Spec'; ################## # UUT not loaded # $fp->is_package_loaded('ExtUtils::SVDmaker') # '' # ################## # Load UUT # my $errors = $fp->load_package( 'ExtUtils::SVDmaker' ) $errors # '' # ###### # Add the SVDmaker test lib and test t directories onto @INC # unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir( cwd(), 't'); unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir( cwd(), 'lib'); rmtree( 't' ); rmtree( 'lib' ); mkpath( 't' ); mkpath( 'lib' ); mkpath( $fs->catfile( 't', 'Test' )); mkpath( $fs->catfile( 't', 'Data' )); mkpath( $fs->catfile( 't', 'File' )); copy ($fs->catfile('expected',''),$fs->catfile('lib','')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected',''),$fs->catfile('lib','')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected','SVDtest0A.t'),$fs->catfile('t','SVDtest1.t')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected','SVDtest0A.t'),$fs->catfile('t','SVDtest1.t')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected','Test',''),$fs->catfile('t','Test','')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected','Data',''),$fs->catfile('t','Data','')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected','Data',''),$fs->catfile('t','Data','')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected','Data',''),$fs->catfile('t','Data','')); copy ($fs->catfile('expected','File',''),$fs->catfile('t','File','')); rmtree 'packages'; $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile('lib', '')) # '#!perl ## ## Documentation, copyright and license is at the end of this file. ## #package module1; #use 5.001; #use strict; #use warnings; #use warnings::register; #use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE); #$VERSION = '0.01'; #$DATE = '2003/08/04'; #$FILE = __FILE__; ##### ## Using an object to pass localized object data ## between functions. Makes the functions reentrant ## where out right globals can be clobbered when ## used with different threads (processes??) ## #sub new #{ # my ($class, $test_log) = @_; # $class = ref($class) if ref($class); # bless {}, $class; #} ###### ## Test method ## #sub hello #{ # "hello world" # #} #1 #__END__ #=head1 NAME #module1 - SVDmaker test module #=cut #### end of file ###' # $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile('lib', '')) # '#!perl ## ## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD) ## are at the end of this file. ## #package SVDtest1; #use strict; #use warnings; #use warnings::register; #use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE ); #$VERSION = '0.01'; #$DATE = '2003/08/04'; #$FILE = __FILE__; #1 #__DATA__ #DISTNAME: SVDtest1^ #VERSION:1.09^ #REPOSITORY_DIR: packages^ #FREEZE: 0^ #PREVIOUS_DISTNAME: ^ #PREVIOUS_RELEASE: ^ #REVISION: -^ #AUTHOR : Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #ABSTRACT: #Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module. #^ #TITLE : ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker^ #END_USER: General Public^ #COPYRIGHT: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds^ #CLASSIFICATION: NONE^ #TEMPLATE: ^ #CSS: help.css^ #SVD_FSPEC: Unix^ #REPOSITORY: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #^ #COMPRESS: gzip^ #COMPRESS_SUFFIX: gz^ #CHANGE2CURRENT: ^ #RESTRUCTURE: ^ #AUTO_REVISE: #lib/ #lib/ #t/SVDtest1.t #t/Test/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/File/ #^ #PREREQ_PM: 'File::Basename' => 0^ #TESTS: t/SVDtest1.t^ #EXE_FILES: ^ #CHANGES: #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #^ #CAPABILITIES: The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. ^ #PROBLEMS: There are no open issues.^ #DOCUMENT_OVERVIEW: #This document releases ${NAME} version ${VERSION} #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #^ #LICENSE: #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #\=over 4 #\=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #\=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #\=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #^ #INSTALLATION: #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: #${REPOSITORY} #^ #SUPPORT: 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #NOTES: #The following are useful acronyms: #\=over 4 #\=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #\=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #\=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #\=item DID #Data Item Description #\=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #\=item STD #Software Test Description #\=item SVD #Software Version Description #\=back #^ #SEE_ALSO: #\=over 4 #\=item L #\=back #^ #HTML: #


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#^ #~-~ #' # $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile('t', 'SVDtest1.t')) # '#!perl ## ## #use 5.001; #use strict; #use warnings; #use warnings::register; #use vars qw($VERSION $DATE); #$VERSION = '0.01'; #$DATE = '2003/08/04'; ####### ## ## T: ## ## use a BEGIN block so we print our plan before Module Under Test is loaded ## #BEGIN { # use FindBin; # use File::Spec; # use Cwd; # ######## # # The working directory for this script file is the directory where # # the test script resides. Thus, any relative files written or read # # by this test script are located relative to this test script. # # # use vars qw( $__restore_dir__ ); # $__restore_dir__ = cwd(); # my ($vol, $dirs) = File::Spec->splitpath($FindBin::Bin,'nofile'); # chdir $vol if $vol; # chdir $dirs if $dirs; # ####### # # Pick up any testing program modules off this test script. # # # # When testing on a target site before installation, place any test # # program modules that should not be installed in the same directory # # as this test script. Likewise, when testing on a host with a @INC # # restricted to just raw Perl distribution, place any test program # # modules in the same directory as this test script. # # # use lib $FindBin::Bin; # ######## # # Using Test::Tech, a very light layer over the module "Test" to # # conduct the tests. The big feature of the "Test::Tech: module # # is that it takes expected and actual references and stringify # # them by using "Data::Secs2" before passing them to the "&Test::ok" # # Thus, almost any time of Perl data structures may be # # compared by passing a reference to them to Test::Tech::ok # # # # Create the test plan by supplying the number of tests # # and the todo tests # # # require Test::Tech; # Test::Tech->import( qw(finish is_skip ok plan skip skip_tests tech_config) ); # plan(tests => 3); #} #END { # ######### # # Restore working directory and @INC back to when enter script # # # @INC = @lib::ORIG_INC; # chdir $__restore_dir__; #} ######## ## ## ok: 1 ## #use File::Package; #my $fp = 'File::Package'; #my $loaded; #print "# UUT not loaded\n"; #ok( [$loaded = $fp->is_package_loaded('module1')], # ['']); #expected results ######## ## ## ok: 2 ## #print "# Load UUT\n"; #my $errors = $fp->load_package( 'module1' ); #skip_tests(1) unless skip( # $loaded, # condition to skip test # [$errors], # actual results # ['']); # expected results #my $m = new module1; #print "# test hello world\n"; #ok($m->hello, 'hello world', 'hello world'); #__END__ #=head1 NAME #SVDmaker.t - test script for Test::tech #=head1 SYNOPSIS # SVDmaker.t #=head1 NOTES #=head2 Copyright #copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds. #head2 License #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #=over 4 #=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #=cut ### end of test script file ## #' # unlink 'SVDtest1.log'; no warnings; open SAVE_OUT, ">&STDOUT"; open SAVE_ERR, ">&STDERR"; use warnings; open STDOUT,'> SVDtest1.log'; open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"; my $svd = new ExtUtils::SVDmaker( ); my $success = $svd->vmake( {pm => 'SVDtest1'} ); close STDOUT; close STDERR; open STDOUT, ">&SAVE_OUT"; open STDERR, ">&SAVE_ERR"; my $output = $snl->fin( 'SVDtest1.log' ); $output # 't/SVDtest1....1..3 ## Running under perl version 5.006001 for MSWin32 ## Win32::BuildNumber 635 ## Current time local: Thu May 13 21:46:00 2004 ## Current time GMT: Fri May 14 01:46:00 2004 ## Using version 1.24 ## Test::Tech : 1.24 ## Data::Secs2 : 1.22 ## Data::SecsPack: 0.07 ## Data::Startup : 0.06 ## =cut ## UUT not loaded #ok 1 ## Load UUT #ok 2 ## test hello world #ok 3 #ok #All tests successful. #Files=1, Tests=3, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) #' # ################## # All tests successful # $output =~ /All tests successful/ # '1' # $s->scrub_date( $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'lib', '' ) ) ) # '#!perl ## ## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD) ## are at the end of this file. ## #package SVDtest1; #use strict; #use warnings; #use warnings::register; #use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE ); #$VERSION = '0.01'; #$DATE = '1969/02/06'; #$FILE = __FILE__; #use vars qw(%INVENTORY); #%INVENTORY = ( # 'lib/' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 'MANIFEST' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'generated new'], # 'Makefile.PL' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'generated new'], # 'README' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'generated new'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/SVDtest1.t' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Test/' => [qw(1.24 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.06 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(1.22 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.07 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/File/' => [qw(1.17 1969/02/06), 'new'], #); ######### ## The ExtUtils::SVDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__ ## token to automatically generate this file. ## ## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead ## the data after the __DATA__ token. ## ## ANY CHANGES MADE BEFORE the __DATA__ token WILL BE LOST ## ## the next time ExtUtils::SVDmaker generates this file. ## ## #=head1 NAME #ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker #=head1 Title Page # Software Version Description # for # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker # Revision: - # Version: 0.01 # Date: 1969/02/06 # Prepared for: General Public # Prepared by: Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Classification: NONE #=head1 1.0 SCOPE #This paragraph identifies and provides an overview #of the released files. #=head2 1.1 Identification #This release, #identified in L<3.2|/3.2 Inventory of software contents>, #is a collection of Perl modules that #extend the capabilities of the Perl language. #=head2 1.2 System overview #The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. #=head2 1.3 Document overview. #This document releases SVDtest1 version 0.01 #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #=head1 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION #All file specifications in this SVD #use the Unix operating #system file specification. #=head2 3.1 Inventory of materials released. #This document releases the file # SVDtest1-0.01.tar.gz #found at the following repository(s): # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions #are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Copyright. #copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds #=item Copyright holder contact. # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=item License. #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #=over 4 #=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #=back #=head2 3.2 Inventory of software contents #The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, #consists of the following files: # file version date comment # ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # MANIFEST 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # Makefile.PL 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # README 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # t/SVDtest1.t 0.01 1969/02/06 new # t/Test/ 1.24 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 0.06 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 1.22 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 0.07 1969/02/06 new # t/File/ 1.17 1969/02/06 new #=head2 3.3 Changes #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #=head2 3.4 Adaptation data. #This installation requires that the installation site #has the Perl programming language installed. #There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of #configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this #installation particular to any installation site. #=head2 3.5 Related documents. #There are no related documents needed for the installation and #test of this release. #=head2 3.6 Installation instructions. #Instructions for installation, installation tests #and installation support are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Installation Instructions. #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #=item Prerequistes. # 'File::Basename' => 0 #=item Security, privacy, or safety precautions. #None. #=item Installation Tests. #Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) #as part of the installation: # t/SVDtest1.t #=item Installation support. #If there are installation problems or questions with the installation #contact # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=back #=head2 3.7 Possible problems and known errors #There are no open issues. #=head1 4.0 NOTES #The following are useful acronyms: #=over 4 #=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #=item DID #Data Item Description #=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #=item STD #Software Test Description #=item SVD #Software Version Description #=back #=head1 2.0 SEE ALSO #=over 4 #=item L #=back #=for html #


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#=cut #1; #__DATA__ #DISTNAME: SVDtest1^ #VERSION: 0.01^ #REPOSITORY_DIR: packages^ #FREEZE: 0^ #PREVIOUS_DISTNAME: ^ #PREVIOUS_RELEASE: ^ #REVISION: -^ #AUTHOR : Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #ABSTRACT: #Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module. #^ #TITLE : ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker^ #END_USER: General Public^ #COPYRIGHT: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds^ #CLASSIFICATION: NONE^ #TEMPLATE: ^ #CSS: help.css^ #SVD_FSPEC: Unix^ #REPOSITORY: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #^ #COMPRESS: gzip^ #COMPRESS_SUFFIX: gz^ #CHANGE2CURRENT: ^ #RESTRUCTURE: ^ #AUTO_REVISE: #lib/ #lib/ #t/SVDtest1.t #t/Test/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/File/ #^ #PREREQ_PM: 'File::Basename' => 0^ #TESTS: t/SVDtest1.t^ #EXE_FILES: ^ #CHANGES: #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #^ #CAPABILITIES: The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. ^ #PROBLEMS: There are no open issues.^ #DOCUMENT_OVERVIEW: #This document releases ${NAME} version ${VERSION} #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #^ #LICENSE: #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #\=over 4 #\=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #\=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #\=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #^ #INSTALLATION: #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: #${REPOSITORY} #^ #SUPPORT: 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #NOTES: #The following are useful acronyms: #\=over 4 #\=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #\=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #\=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #\=item DID #Data Item Description #\=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #\=item STD #Software Test Description #\=item SVD #Software Version Description #\=back #^ #SEE_ALSO: #\=over 4 #\=item L #\=back #^ #HTML: #


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#^ #~-~ #' # ################## # generated SVD POD # $s->scrub_date( $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'lib', '' ) ) ) # '#!perl ## ## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD) ## are at the end of this file. ## #package SVDtest1; #use strict; #use warnings; #use warnings::register; #use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE ); #$VERSION = '0.01'; #$DATE = '1969/02/06'; #$FILE = __FILE__; #use vars qw(%INVENTORY); #%INVENTORY = ( # 'lib/' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 'MANIFEST' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'generated new'], # 'Makefile.PL' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'generated new'], # 'README' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'generated new'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/SVDtest1.t' => [qw(0.01 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Test/' => [qw(1.24 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.06 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(1.22 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.07 1969/02/06), 'new'], # 't/File/' => [qw(1.17 1969/02/06), 'new'], #); ######### ## The ExtUtils::SVDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__ ## token to automatically generate this file. ## ## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead ## the data after the __DATA__ token. ## ## ANY CHANGES MADE BEFORE the __DATA__ token WILL BE LOST ## ## the next time ExtUtils::SVDmaker generates this file. ## ## #=head1 NAME #ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker #=head1 Title Page # Software Version Description # for # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker # Revision: - # Version: 0.01 # Date: 1969/02/06 # Prepared for: General Public # Prepared by: Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Classification: NONE #=head1 1.0 SCOPE #This paragraph identifies and provides an overview #of the released files. #=head2 1.1 Identification #This release, #identified in L<3.2|/3.2 Inventory of software contents>, #is a collection of Perl modules that #extend the capabilities of the Perl language. #=head2 1.2 System overview #The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. #=head2 1.3 Document overview. #This document releases SVDtest1 version 0.01 #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #=head1 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION #All file specifications in this SVD #use the Unix operating #system file specification. #=head2 3.1 Inventory of materials released. #This document releases the file # SVDtest1-0.01.tar.gz #found at the following repository(s): # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions #are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Copyright. #copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds #=item Copyright holder contact. # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=item License. #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #=over 4 #=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #=back #=head2 3.2 Inventory of software contents #The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, #consists of the following files: # file version date comment # ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # MANIFEST 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # Makefile.PL 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # README 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # t/SVDtest1.t 0.01 1969/02/06 new # t/Test/ 1.24 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 0.06 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 1.22 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 0.07 1969/02/06 new # t/File/ 1.17 1969/02/06 new #=head2 3.3 Changes #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #=head2 3.4 Adaptation data. #This installation requires that the installation site #has the Perl programming language installed. #There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of #configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this #installation particular to any installation site. #=head2 3.5 Related documents. #There are no related documents needed for the installation and #test of this release. #=head2 3.6 Installation instructions. #Instructions for installation, installation tests #and installation support are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Installation Instructions. #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #=item Prerequistes. # 'File::Basename' => 0 #=item Security, privacy, or safety precautions. #None. #=item Installation Tests. #Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) #as part of the installation: # t/SVDtest1.t #=item Installation support. #If there are installation problems or questions with the installation #contact # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=back #=head2 3.7 Possible problems and known errors #There are no open issues. #=head1 4.0 NOTES #The following are useful acronyms: #=over 4 #=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #=item DID #Data Item Description #=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #=item STD #Software Test Description #=item SVD #Software Version Description #=back #=head1 2.0 SEE ALSO #=over 4 #=item L #=back #=for html #


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#=cut #1; #__DATA__ #DISTNAME: SVDtest1^ #VERSION: 0.01^ #REPOSITORY_DIR: packages^ #FREEZE: 0^ #PREVIOUS_DISTNAME: ^ #PREVIOUS_RELEASE: ^ #REVISION: -^ #AUTHOR : Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #ABSTRACT: #Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module. #^ #TITLE : ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker^ #END_USER: General Public^ #COPYRIGHT: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds^ #CLASSIFICATION: NONE^ #TEMPLATE: ^ #CSS: help.css^ #SVD_FSPEC: Unix^ #REPOSITORY: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #^ #COMPRESS: gzip^ #COMPRESS_SUFFIX: gz^ #CHANGE2CURRENT: ^ #RESTRUCTURE: ^ #AUTO_REVISE: #lib/ #lib/ #t/SVDtest1.t #t/Test/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/File/ #^ #PREREQ_PM: 'File::Basename' => 0^ #TESTS: t/SVDtest1.t^ #EXE_FILES: ^ #CHANGES: #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #^ #CAPABILITIES: The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. ^ #PROBLEMS: There are no open issues.^ #DOCUMENT_OVERVIEW: #This document releases ${NAME} version ${VERSION} #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #^ #LICENSE: #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #\=over 4 #\=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #\=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #\=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #^ #INSTALLATION: #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: #${REPOSITORY} #^ #SUPPORT: 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #NOTES: #The following are useful acronyms: #\=over 4 #\=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #\=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #\=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #\=item DID #Data Item Description #\=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #\=item STD #Software Test Description #\=item SVD #Software Version Description #\=back #^ #SEE_ALSO: #\=over 4 #\=item L #\=back #^ #HTML: #


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#^ #~-~ #' # ################## # generated packages SVD POD # $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'MANIFEST' ) ) # 'lib/ #MANIFEST #Makefile.PL #README #lib/ #lib/ #t/SVDtest1.t #t/Test/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/File/' # ################## # generated MANIFEST # $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'Makefile.PL' ) ) # ' ##### ## ## The module ExtUtils::STDmaker generated this file from the contents of ## ## SVDtest1 ## ## Don't edit this file, edit instead ## ## SVDtest1 ## ## ANY CHANGES MADE HERE WILL BE LOST ## ## the next time ExtUtils::STDmaker generates it. ## ## #use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; #my $tests = join ' ',unix2os('t/SVDtest1.t'); #WriteMakefile( # NAME => 'SVDtest1', # DISTNAME => 'SVDtest1', # VERSION => '0.01', # dist => {COMPRESS => 'gzip', # 'gz' => 'gz'}, # test => {TESTS => $tests}, # PREREQ_PM => {'File::Basename' => 0}, # # ($] >= 5.005 ? # (AUTHOR => ' Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE', # ABSTRACT => 'Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module.', ) : ()), #); #use File::Spec; #use File::Spec::Unix; #sub unix2os #{ # my @file = (); # foreach my $file (@_) { # my (undef, $dir, $file_unix) = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath( $file ); # my @dir = File::Spec::Unix->splitdir( $dir ); # push @file, File::Spec->catfile( @dir, $file_unix); # } # @file; #} #' # ################## # generated Makefile.PL # $s->scrub_date($snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'README' ) )) # 'NAME # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker #Title Page # Software Version Description # for # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker # Revision: - # Version: 0.01 # Date: 1969/02/06 # Prepared for: General Public # Prepared by: Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Classification: NONE #1.0 SCOPE # This paragraph identifies and provides an overview of the released # files. # 1.1 Identification # This release, identified in 3.2, is a collection of Perl modules that # extend the capabilities of the Perl language. # 1.2 System overview # The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. # 1.3 Document overview. # This document releases SVDtest1 version 0.01 providing description of # the inventory, installation instructions and other information necessary # to utilize and track this release. #3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION # All file specifications in this SVD use the Unix operating system file # specification. # 3.1 Inventory of materials released. # This document releases the file # SVDtest1-0.01.tar.gz # found at the following repository(s): # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # # Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions are as # follows: # Copyright. # copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Copyright holder contact. # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # License. # Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and # binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the # following conditions are met: # 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must # retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and # the following disclaimer. # 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS # SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL # SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY # OF SUCH DAMAGE. # 3.2 Inventory of software contents # The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, consists of the # following files: # file version date comment # ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # MANIFEST 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # Makefile.PL 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # README 0.01 1969/02/06 generated new # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # lib/ 0.01 1969/02/06 new # t/SVDtest1.t 0.01 1969/02/06 new # t/Test/ 1.24 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 0.06 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 1.22 1969/02/06 new # t/Data/ 0.07 1969/02/06 new # t/File/ 1.17 1969/02/06 new # 3.3 Changes # This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. # 3.4 Adaptation data. # This installation requires that the installation site has the Perl # programming language installed. There are no other additional # requirements or tailoring needed of configurations files, adaptation # data or other software needed for this installation particular to any # installation site. # 3.5 Related documents. # There are no related documents needed for the installation and test of # this release. # 3.6 Installation instructions. # Instructions for installation, installation tests and installation # support are as follows: # Installation Instructions. # To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl # release or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # # Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. # The distribution file is at the following respositories: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # # Prerequistes. # 'File::Basename' => 0 # Security, privacy, or safety precautions. # None. # Installation Tests. # Most Perl installation software will run the following test # script(s) as part of the installation: # t/SVDtest1.t # Installation support. # If there are installation problems or questions with the # installation contact # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # 3.7 Possible problems and known errors # There are no open issues. #4.0 NOTES # The following are useful acronyms: # .d extension for a Perl demo script file # .pm extension for a Perl Library Module # .t extension for a Perl test script file # DID Data Item Description # POD Plain Old Documentation # STD Software Test Description # SVD Software Version Description #2.0 SEE ALSO # ExtUtils::SVDmake #' # ################## # generated README # $s->scrub_architect($s->scrub_date($snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1.ppd' ) ))) # ' # SVDtest1 # Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module. # E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> # # # # # # # #' # ################## # generated ppd # -e File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01.tar.gz' ) # '1' # ################## # generated distribution # skip_tests(0); ####### # Freeze version based on previous version # unlink File::Spec->catfile('t','SVDtest1.t'); unlink File::Spec->catfile('lib',''),File::Spec->catfile('lib', ''); copy (File::Spec->catfile('expected',''),File::Spec->catfile('lib','')); copy (File::Spec->catfile('expected',''),File::Spec->catfile('lib','')); copy (File::Spec->catfile('expected','SVDtest0B.t'),File::Spec->catfile('t','SVDtest1.t')); rmtree (File::Spec->catdir( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01')); unlink 'SVDtest1.log'; no warnings; open SAVE_OUT, ">&STDOUT"; open SAVE_ERR, ">&STDERR"; use warnings; open STDOUT,'> SVDtest1.log'; open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"; $svd = new ExtUtils::SVDmaker( ); $success = $svd->vmake( {pm => 'SVDtest1'} ); close STDOUT; close STDERR; open STDOUT, ">&SAVE_OUT"; open STDERR, ">&SAVE_ERR"; $output = $snl->fin( 'SVDtest1.log' ); $output # 't/SVDtest1....1..3 ## Running under perl version 5.006001 for MSWin32 ## Win32::BuildNumber 635 ## Current time local: Thu May 13 21:46:02 2004 ## Current time GMT: Fri May 14 01:46:02 2004 ## Using version 1.24 ## Test::Tech : 1.24 ## Data::Secs2 : 1.22 ## Data::SecsPack: 0.07 ## Data::Startup : 0.06 ## =cut ## UUT not loaded #ok 1 ## Load UUT #ok 2 ## test hello world #ok 3 #ok #All tests successful. #Files=1, Tests=3, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) #' # ################## # All tests successful # $output =~ /All tests successful/ # '1' # $s->scrub_date( $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'lib', '' ) ) ) # '#!perl ## ## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD) ## are at the end of this file. ## #package SVDtest1; #use strict; #use warnings; #use warnings::register; #use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE ); #$VERSION = '0.02'; #$DATE = '1969/02/06'; #$FILE = __FILE__; #use vars qw(%INVENTORY); #%INVENTORY = ( # 'lib/' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'revised 0.01'], # 'MANIFEST' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'generated, replaces 0.01'], # 'Makefile.PL' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'generated, replaces 0.01'], # 'README' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'generated, replaces 0.01'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'revised 0.01'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/SVDtest1.t' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'revised 0.01'], # 't/Test/' => [qw(1.24 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.06 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(1.22 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.07 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/File/' => [qw(1.17 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], #); ######### ## The ExtUtils::SVDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__ ## token to automatically generate this file. ## ## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead ## the data after the __DATA__ token. ## ## ANY CHANGES MADE BEFORE the __DATA__ token WILL BE LOST ## ## the next time ExtUtils::SVDmaker generates this file. ## ## #=head1 NAME #ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker #=head1 Title Page # Software Version Description # for # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker # Revision: - # Version: 0.02 # Date: 1969/02/06 # Prepared for: General Public # Prepared by: Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Classification: NONE #=head1 1.0 SCOPE #This paragraph identifies and provides an overview #of the released files. #=head2 1.1 Identification #This release, #identified in L<3.2|/3.2 Inventory of software contents>, #is a collection of Perl modules that #extend the capabilities of the Perl language. #=head2 1.2 System overview #The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. #=head2 1.3 Document overview. #This document releases SVDtest1 version 0.02 #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #=head1 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION #All file specifications in this SVD #use the Unix operating #system file specification. #=head2 3.1 Inventory of materials released. #This document releases the file # SVDtest1-0.02.tar.gz #found at the following repository(s): # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions #are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Copyright. #copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds #=item Copyright holder contact. # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=item License. #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #=over 4 #=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #=back #=head2 3.2 Inventory of software contents #The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, #consists of the following files: # file version date comment # ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # MANIFEST 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # Makefile.PL 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # README 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/SVDtest1.t 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # t/Test/ 1.24 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 0.06 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 1.22 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 0.07 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/File/ 1.17 1969/02/06 unchanged #=head2 3.3 Changes #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #=head2 3.4 Adaptation data. #This installation requires that the installation site #has the Perl programming language installed. #There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of #configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this #installation particular to any installation site. #=head2 3.5 Related documents. #There are no related documents needed for the installation and #test of this release. #=head2 3.6 Installation instructions. #Instructions for installation, installation tests #and installation support are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Installation Instructions. #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #=item Prerequistes. # 'File::Basename' => 0 #=item Security, privacy, or safety precautions. #None. #=item Installation Tests. #Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) #as part of the installation: # t/SVDtest1.t #=item Installation support. #If there are installation problems or questions with the installation #contact # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=back #=head2 3.7 Possible problems and known errors #There are no open issues. #=head1 4.0 NOTES #The following are useful acronyms: #=over 4 #=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #=item DID #Data Item Description #=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #=item STD #Software Test Description #=item SVD #Software Version Description #=back #=head1 2.0 SEE ALSO #=over 4 #=item L #=back #=for html #


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#=cut #1; #__DATA__ #DISTNAME: SVDtest1^ #VERSION: 0.02^ #REPOSITORY_DIR: packages^ #FREEZE: 1^ #PREVIOUS_DISTNAME: ^ #PREVIOUS_RELEASE: 0.01^ #REVISION: -^ #AUTHOR : Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #ABSTRACT: #Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module. #^ #TITLE : ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker^ #END_USER: General Public^ #COPYRIGHT: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds^ #CLASSIFICATION: NONE^ #TEMPLATE: ^ #CSS: help.css^ #SVD_FSPEC: Unix^ #REPOSITORY: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #^ #COMPRESS: gzip^ #COMPRESS_SUFFIX: gz^ #CHANGE2CURRENT: ^ #RESTRUCTURE: ^ #AUTO_REVISE: #lib/ #lib/ #t/SVDtest1.t #t/Test/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/File/ #^ #PREREQ_PM: 'File::Basename' => 0^ #TESTS: t/SVDtest1.t^ #EXE_FILES: ^ #CHANGES: #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #^ #CAPABILITIES: The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. ^ #PROBLEMS: There are no open issues.^ #DOCUMENT_OVERVIEW: #This document releases ${NAME} version ${VERSION} #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #^ #LICENSE: #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #\=over 4 #\=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #\=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #\=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #^ #INSTALLATION: #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: #${REPOSITORY} #^ #SUPPORT: 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #NOTES: #The following are useful acronyms: #\=over 4 #\=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #\=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #\=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #\=item DID #Data Item Description #\=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #\=item STD #Software Test Description #\=item SVD #Software Version Description #\=back #^ #SEE_ALSO: #\=over 4 #\=item L #\=back #^ #HTML: #


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#^ #~-~ #' # ################## # generated SVD POD # $s->scrub_date( $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'lib', '' ) ) ) # '#!perl ## ## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD) ## are at the end of this file. ## #package SVDtest1; #use strict; #use warnings; #use warnings::register; #use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE ); #$VERSION = '0.02'; #$DATE = '1969/02/06'; #$FILE = __FILE__; #use vars qw(%INVENTORY); #%INVENTORY = ( # 'lib/' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'revised 0.01'], # 'MANIFEST' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'generated, replaces 0.01'], # 'Makefile.PL' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'generated, replaces 0.01'], # 'README' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'generated, replaces 0.01'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'revised 0.01'], # 'lib/' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/SVDtest1.t' => [qw(0.02 1969/02/06), 'revised 0.01'], # 't/Test/' => [qw(1.24 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.06 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(1.22 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/Data/' => [qw(0.07 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], # 't/File/' => [qw(1.17 1969/02/06), 'unchanged'], #); ######### ## The ExtUtils::SVDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__ ## token to automatically generate this file. ## ## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead ## the data after the __DATA__ token. ## ## ANY CHANGES MADE BEFORE the __DATA__ token WILL BE LOST ## ## the next time ExtUtils::SVDmaker generates this file. ## ## #=head1 NAME #ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker #=head1 Title Page # Software Version Description # for # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker # Revision: - # Version: 0.02 # Date: 1969/02/06 # Prepared for: General Public # Prepared by: Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Classification: NONE #=head1 1.0 SCOPE #This paragraph identifies and provides an overview #of the released files. #=head2 1.1 Identification #This release, #identified in L<3.2|/3.2 Inventory of software contents>, #is a collection of Perl modules that #extend the capabilities of the Perl language. #=head2 1.2 System overview #The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. #=head2 1.3 Document overview. #This document releases SVDtest1 version 0.02 #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #=head1 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION #All file specifications in this SVD #use the Unix operating #system file specification. #=head2 3.1 Inventory of materials released. #This document releases the file # SVDtest1-0.02.tar.gz #found at the following repository(s): # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions #are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Copyright. #copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds #=item Copyright holder contact. # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=item License. #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #=over 4 #=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #=back #=head2 3.2 Inventory of software contents #The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, #consists of the following files: # file version date comment # ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # MANIFEST 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # Makefile.PL 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # README 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/SVDtest1.t 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # t/Test/ 1.24 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 0.06 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 1.22 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 0.07 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/File/ 1.17 1969/02/06 unchanged #=head2 3.3 Changes #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #=head2 3.4 Adaptation data. #This installation requires that the installation site #has the Perl programming language installed. #There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of #configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this #installation particular to any installation site. #=head2 3.5 Related documents. #There are no related documents needed for the installation and #test of this release. #=head2 3.6 Installation instructions. #Instructions for installation, installation tests #and installation support are as follows: #=over 4 #=item Installation Instructions. #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #=item Prerequistes. # 'File::Basename' => 0 #=item Security, privacy, or safety precautions. #None. #=item Installation Tests. #Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) #as part of the installation: # t/SVDtest1.t #=item Installation support. #If there are installation problems or questions with the installation #contact # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE #=back #=head2 3.7 Possible problems and known errors #There are no open issues. #=head1 4.0 NOTES #The following are useful acronyms: #=over 4 #=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #=item DID #Data Item Description #=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #=item STD #Software Test Description #=item SVD #Software Version Description #=back #=head1 2.0 SEE ALSO #=over 4 #=item L #=back #=for html #


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#=cut #1; #__DATA__ #DISTNAME: SVDtest1^ #VERSION: 0.02^ #REPOSITORY_DIR: packages^ #FREEZE: 1^ #PREVIOUS_DISTNAME: ^ #PREVIOUS_RELEASE: 0.01^ #REVISION: -^ #AUTHOR : Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #ABSTRACT: #Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module. #^ #TITLE : ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker^ #END_USER: General Public^ #COPYRIGHT: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds^ #CLASSIFICATION: NONE^ #TEMPLATE: ^ #CSS: help.css^ #SVD_FSPEC: Unix^ #REPOSITORY: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # #^ #COMPRESS: gzip^ #COMPRESS_SUFFIX: gz^ #CHANGE2CURRENT: ^ #RESTRUCTURE: ^ #AUTO_REVISE: #lib/ #lib/ #t/SVDtest1.t #t/Test/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/File/ #^ #PREREQ_PM: 'File::Basename' => 0^ #TESTS: t/SVDtest1.t^ #EXE_FILES: ^ #CHANGES: #This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. #^ #CAPABILITIES: The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. ^ #PROBLEMS: There are no open issues.^ #DOCUMENT_OVERVIEW: #This document releases ${NAME} version ${VERSION} #providing description of the inventory, installation #instructions and other information necessary to #utilize and track this release. #^ #LICENSE: #Software Diamonds permits the redistribution #and use in source and binary forms, with or #without modification, provided that the #following conditions are met: #\=over 4 #\=item 1 #Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified #must retain the above copyright notice, this list of #conditions and the following disclaimer. #\=item 2 #Redistributions in binary form must #reproduce the above copyright notice, #this list of conditions and the following #disclaimer in the documentation and/or #other materials provided with the #distribution. #\=back #SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, #PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE #'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, #INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR #A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT #SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED #TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY #OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, #OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF #ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN #ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #^ #INSTALLATION: #To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl release #or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # #Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. #The distribution file is at the following respositories: #${REPOSITORY} #^ #SUPPORT: 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE^ #NOTES: #The following are useful acronyms: #\=over 4 #\=item .d #extension for a Perl demo script file #\=item .pm #extension for a Perl Library Module #\=item .t #extension for a Perl test script file #\=item DID #Data Item Description #\=item POD #Plain Old Documentation #\=item STD #Software Test Description #\=item SVD #Software Version Description #\=back #^ #SEE_ALSO: #\=over 4 #\=item L #\=back #^ #HTML: #


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#^ #~-~ #' # ################## # generated packages SVD POD # $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'MANIFEST' ) ) # 'lib/ #MANIFEST #Makefile.PL #README #lib/ #lib/ #t/SVDtest1.t #t/Test/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/Data/ #t/File/' # ################## # generated MANIFEST # $snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'Makefile.PL' ) ) # ' ##### ## ## The module ExtUtils::STDmaker generated this file from the contents of ## ## SVDtest1 ## ## Don't edit this file, edit instead ## ## SVDtest1 ## ## ANY CHANGES MADE HERE WILL BE LOST ## ## the next time ExtUtils::STDmaker generates it. ## ## #use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; #my $tests = join ' ',unix2os('t/SVDtest1.t'); #WriteMakefile( # NAME => 'SVDtest1', # DISTNAME => 'SVDtest1', # VERSION => '0.02', # dist => {COMPRESS => 'gzip', # 'gz' => 'gz'}, # test => {TESTS => $tests}, # PREREQ_PM => {'File::Basename' => 0}, # # ($] >= 5.005 ? # (AUTHOR => ' Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE', # ABSTRACT => 'Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module.', ) : ()), #); #use File::Spec; #use File::Spec::Unix; #sub unix2os #{ # my @file = (); # foreach my $file (@_) { # my (undef, $dir, $file_unix) = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath( $file ); # my @dir = File::Spec::Unix->splitdir( $dir ); # push @file, File::Spec->catfile( @dir, $file_unix); # } # @file; #} #' # ################## # generated Makefile.PL # $s->scrub_date($snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01', 'README' ) )) # 'NAME # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker #Title Page # Software Version Description # for # ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest - Test SVDmaker # Revision: - # Version: 0.02 # Date: 1969/02/06 # Prepared for: General Public # Prepared by: Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Classification: NONE #1.0 SCOPE # This paragraph identifies and provides an overview of the released # files. # 1.1 Identification # This release, identified in 3.2, is a collection of Perl modules that # extend the capabilities of the Perl language. # 1.2 System overview # The ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDtest module is a SVDmaker test module. # 1.3 Document overview. # This document releases SVDtest1 version 0.02 providing description of # the inventory, installation instructions and other information necessary # to utilize and track this release. #3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION # All file specifications in this SVD use the Unix operating system file # specification. # 3.1 Inventory of materials released. # This document releases the file # SVDtest1-0.02.tar.gz # found at the following repository(s): # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # # Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions are as # follows: # Copyright. # copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds # Copyright holder contact. # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # License. # Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and # binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the # following conditions are met: # 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must # retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and # the following disclaimer. # 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS # SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL # SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY # OF SUCH DAMAGE. # 3.2 Inventory of software contents # The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, consists of the # following files: # file version date comment # ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # MANIFEST 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # Makefile.PL 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # README 0.02 1969/02/06 generated, replaces 0.01 # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # lib/ 0.02 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/SVDtest1.t 0.02 1969/02/06 revised 0.01 # t/Test/ 1.24 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 0.06 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 1.22 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/Data/ 0.07 1969/02/06 unchanged # t/File/ 1.17 1969/02/06 unchanged # 3.3 Changes # This is the original release. There are no preivious releases to change. # 3.4 Adaptation data. # This installation requires that the installation site has the Perl # programming language installed. There are no other additional # requirements or tailoring needed of configurations files, adaptation # data or other software needed for this installation particular to any # installation site. # 3.5 Related documents. # There are no related documents needed for the installation and test of # this release. # 3.6 Installation instructions. # Instructions for installation, installation tests and installation # support are as follows: # Installation Instructions. # To installed the release file, use the CPAN module in the Perl # release or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: # # Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. # The distribution file is at the following respositories: # http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ # # Prerequistes. # 'File::Basename' => 0 # Security, privacy, or safety precautions. # None. # Installation Tests. # Most Perl installation software will run the following test # script(s) as part of the installation: # t/SVDtest1.t # Installation support. # If there are installation problems or questions with the # installation contact # 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE # 3.7 Possible problems and known errors # There are no open issues. #4.0 NOTES # The following are useful acronyms: # .d extension for a Perl demo script file # .pm extension for a Perl Library Module # .t extension for a Perl test script file # DID Data Item Description # POD Plain Old Documentation # STD Software Test Description # SVD Software Version Description #2.0 SEE ALSO # ExtUtils::SVDmake #' # ################## # generated README # $s->scrub_architect($s->scrub_date($snl->fin( File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1.ppd' ) ))) # ' # SVDtest1 # Objectify the Test module, #adds the skip_test method to the Test module, and #adds the ability to compare complex data structures to the Test module. # E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> # # # # # # # #' # ################## # generated ppd # -e File::Spec->catfile( 'packages', 'SVDtest1-0.01.tar.gz' ) # '1' # ################## # generated distribution # ##### # Clean up # unlink 'SVDtest1.log'; unlink File::Spec->catfile('lib',''),File::Spec->catfile('lib', ''); rmtree 'packages'; rmtree 't'; QUALITY ASSURANCE The module "t::ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDmaker" is the Software Test Description(STD) module for the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker". module. To generate all the test output files, run the generated test script, and run the demonstration script, execute the following in any directory: tmake -verbose -replace -run -pm=t::ExtUtils::SVDmaker::SVDmaker Note that must be in the execution path "$ENV{PATH}" and the "t" directory on the same level as the "lib" that contains the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module. NOTES COPYRIGHT HOLDER The holder of the copyright and maintainer is Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE COPYRIGHT NOTICE copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds. All Rights Reserved BINDING REQUIREMENTS NOTICE Binding requirements are indexed with the pharse 'shall[dd]' where dd is an unique number for each header section. This conforms to standard federal government practices, STD490A In accordance with the License, Software Diamonds is not liable for any requirement, binding or otherwise. LICENSE Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 Commercial installation of the binary or source must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, a license fee must be paid to Softwareware Diamonds. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SEE ALSO Test::STDmaker ExtUtils::SVDmaker Tie::Form Tie::Layers Test::Tech File::FileUtil Test::STD::TestUtil US DOD Software Development Standard US DOD Specification Practices Software Version Description (SVD) DID Version Description Document (VDD) DID NAME Docs::Site_SVD::ExtUtils_SVDmaker - Automate creating CPAN distributions Title Page Software Version Description for Docs::Site_SVD::ExtUtils_SVDmaker - Automate creating CPAN distributions Revision: F Version: 0.07 Date: 2004/05/22 Prepared for: General Public Prepared by: E E Copyright: copyright 2003 Software Diamonds Classification: NONE 1.0 SCOPE This paragraph identifies and provides an overview of the released files. 1.1 Identification This release, identified in 3.2, is a collection of Perl modules that extend the capabilities of the Perl language. 1.2 System overview The system is the Perl programming language software. As established by the Perl referenced documents, the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" program module extends the Perl language. The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module extends the automation of releasing a Perl distribution file as follows: * The input data for the "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module is a form database in the __DATA__ section of the SVD program module. The database is in the format of DataPort::FileType::FormDB. This is an efficient text database that is very close in format to hard copy forms and may be edited by text editors * The "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module compares the contents of the current release with the previous release and automatically updates the version and date for files that have changed * "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module generates a SVD program module POD from the form database data contained in the __DATA__ section of the SVD program module. * "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module generates the MANIFEST, README and Makefile.PL distribution files from the form database data * "ExtUtils::SVDmaker" module builds the distribution *.tar.gz file using Perl code instead of starting tar and gzip process via a makefile build by MakeFile.PL. This greatly increases portability and performance. * Runs the installation tests on the distribution files using the "Test::Harness" module directly. It does not build any makefile using the MakeFile.PL and starting a Test::Harness process via the makefile. This greatly increases portability and performance. The ExtUtils::SVDmaker module is one of the end user, functional interface modules for the US DOD STD2167A bundle. Two STD2167A bundle end user modules are as follows: Test::STDmaker module generates Test script, demo script and STD document POD from a text database in the Data::Port::FileTYpe::FormDB format. ExtUtils::SVDmaker module generates SVD document POD and distribution *.tar.gz file including a generated Makefile.PL README and MANIFEST file from a text database in the Data::Port::FileTYpe::FormDB format. 1.3 Document overview. This document releases ExtUtils::SVDmaker version 0.07 providing description of the inventory, installation instructions and other information necessary to utilize and track this release. 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION All file specifications in this SVD use the Unix operating system file specification. 3.1 Inventory of materials released. This document releases the file ExtUtils-SVDmaker-0.07.tar.gz found at the following repository(s): http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions are as follows: Copyright. copyright 2003 Software Diamonds Copyright holder contact. 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE License. These files are a POD derived works from the hard copy public domain version freely distributed by the United States Federal Government. The original hardcopy version is always the authoritative document and any conflict between the original hardcopy version governs whenever there is any conflict. In more explicit terms, any conflict is a transcription error in converting the origninal hard-copy version to this POD format. Software Diamonds assumes no responsible for such errors. Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 Commercial installation of the binary or source must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, a license fee must be paid to Softwareware Diamonds. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2 Inventory of software contents The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, consists of the following files: file version date comment ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ 0.07 2004/05/22 revised 0.06 MANIFEST 0.07 2004/05/22 generated, replaces 0.06 Makefile.PL 0.07 2004/05/22 generated, replaces 0.06 README 0.07 2004/05/22 generated, replaces 0.06 lib/ExtUtils/ 1.09 2004/05/22 revised 1.08 t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/SVDmaker.d 0.01 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/ 0.01 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/SVDmaker.t 0.06 2004/05/13 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/lib/ 0.03 2004/05/22 revised 0.02 t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/ 1.04 2004/05/22 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/Test/ 1.26 2004/05/22 revised 1.25 t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/Data/ 1.26 2004/05/22 revised 1.23 t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/Data/ 0.08 2004/05/22 new t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/Data/ 0.07 2004/05/22 revised 0.06 t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/Makefile 0.04 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/Makefile2.PL 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/Makefile3.PL 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/MANIFEST2 0.04 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.04 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.04 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/README2 0.05 2004/05/13 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/README3 0.06 2004/05/13 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest-0.01.html 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest.ppd 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest0A.t 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest0B.t 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest2-0.01.html 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.05 2004/05/13 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest2.ppd 0.04 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest2.t 0.04 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest3-0.02.html 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/ 0.06 2004/05/13 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/SVDtest3.ppd 0.03 2003/08/04 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/Test/ 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/Data/ 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/Data/ 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/Data/ 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/expected/File/ 0.05 2004/05/11 unchanged 3.3 Changes Changes are as follows: ExtUtils::SVDmaker-0.01 Change the name from SVD::SVDmaker to ExtUtils::SVDmaker. The CPAN keepers have a no new top levels unless absolutely necessary policy. Added tests. ExtUtils::SVDmaker-0.02 Drop tailing and starting white space for SEE_ALSO. Extra lines feeds was causing pod2hmtl to misbehave and not pick up on the links manpage. Fixed error in calculation of $formDB->{PM_File_Relative} Removed requirement for external Unix commands. Added code to replace the extenal Unix commands. The is no longer the need for nmake, make, tar, gzip, gunzip. Change the test so that test support program modules resides in distribution directory tlib directory instead of the lib directory. Because they are no longer in the lib directory, test support files will not be installed as a pre-condition for the test of this module. The test of this module will precede immediately. The test support files in the tlib directory will vanish after the installtion. ExtUtils::SVDmaker-0.03 Fix some more problems due to Archive::Tar does tar correctly, (length of file contents does not match length in header) when use non Unix "\n" ExtUtils::SVDmaker-0.04 Broke out the tar and gzip software into the modules Archive::TarGzip. Hopefully dealing with the Text '\n' problem by isolating and testing these functions separately. They also have high probability of being useful outside this module. ExtUtils::SVDmaker-0.05 The lastest build of Test::STDmaker expects the test library in the same directory as the test script. Coordiated with the lastest Test::STDmaker by moving the test library from tlib to t/ExtUtils, the same directory as the test script and deleting the test library "File::TestPath" program module. Added addition code to the test target to isolate the program module under test. Before the test, the @INC directories are stipped back to the first one contain Perl. This is to isolate the test to only the virgin Perl distribution program modules. The test target then creates a require directory under the same directory as the test script and copies over all prequesite program modules to this directory. After the test target performs the test it restores @INC and removes the require directory tree. Hopefully this will eliminate many time consuming distributions failure due to using program modules that that are not part of the distributions. SWitch from "DataPort::Maker" to "File::Maker". Eliminated the use of "File::Data" and "File::TestPath" ExtUtils::SVDmaker-0.06 Verbatim NAME section from template. Replaced. ExtUtils::SVDmaker-0.07 Escape the SVD template POD '=' commands so that they do not confuse the CPAN to which is the real POD. 3.4 Adaptation data. This installation requires that the installation site has the Perl programming language installed. There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this installation particular to any installation site. 3.5 Related documents. There are no related documents needed for the installation and test of this release. 3.6 Installation instructions. Instructions for installation, installation tests and installation support are as follows: Installation Instructions. To installed the release package, use the CPAN module pr PPM module in the Perl release or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. If all else fails, the file may be manually installed. Enter one of the following repositories in a web browser: http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Right click on 'ExtUtils-SVDmaker-0.07.tar.gz' and download to a temporary installation directory. Enter the following where $make is 'nmake' for microsoft windows; otherwise 'make'. gunzip ExtUtils-SVDmaker-0.07.tar.gz tar -xf ExtUtils-SVDmaker-0.07.tar perl Makefile.PL $make test $make install On Microsoft operating system, nmake, tar, and gunzip must be in the exeuction path. If tar and gunzip are not install, download and install unxutils from VERY IMPORTANT: The distribution package contains the cover "" perl command script. Manually copy this into the execution path in order to use "SVDmaker" from the command line. Rename it if there is a name conflict or just do not like the name. Prerequistes. 'Archive::TarGzip' => '0.03', 'File::AnySpec' => '1.13', 'File::Maker' => '0.03', 'File::Package' => '1.16', 'File::SmartNL' => '1.14', 'File::Where' => '0', 'Text::Replace' => '0', 'Text::Column' => '0', 'Text::Scrub' => '1.13', 'Tie::Form' => '0.01', 'Tie::Layers' => '0.04', 'Tie::Gzip' => '1.15', Security, privacy, or safety precautions. None. Installation Tests. Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) as part of the installation: t/ExtUtils/SVDmaker/SVDmaker.t Installation support. If there are installation problems or questions with the installation contact 603 882-0846 Esupport@SoftwareDiamonds.comE 3.7 Possible problems and known errors Open issues are as follows: * Should format $svd->{PREREQ_PM_TEXT} into a table. * Need to generted the requirements and add the addressed requirements to the tests. 4.0 NOTES This document uses the following acronyms: .d extension for a Perl demo script file .pm extension for a Perl Library Module .t extension for a test file DID Data Item Description DOD Department of Defense POD Plain Old Documentation SVD Software Version Description STD Software Test Description US United States 2.0 SEE ALSO ExtUtils::SVDmaker Test::STDmaker Test::Tech Test File::Maker Tie::Form Tie::Layers Text::Column Text::Replace Text::Scrub Specification Practices Software Development Software Version Description (SVD) DID