NAME Business::ID::NPWP - Validate Indonesian taxpayer registration number (NPWP) VERSION version 0.03 SYNOPSIS use Business::ID::NPWP; # OO-style my $npwp = Business::ID::NPWP->new($str); die "Invalid NPWP!" unless $npwp->validate; print $npwp->taxpayer_code, "\n"; # also, kode_wajib_pajak() print $npwp->serial, "\n"; # also, nomor_urut() print $npwp->check_digit, "\n"; print $npwp->local_tax_office_code, "\n"; # also, kode_kpp() print $npwp->branch_code, "\n"; # also, kode_cabang() # procedural style validate_npwp($str) or die "Invalid NPWP!"; DESCRIPTION This module can be used to validate Indonesian taxpayer registration number, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP). NPWP is composed of 15 digits as follow: ST.sss.sss.C-OOO.BBB "S" is a serial number from 0-9 (so far haven't seen 7 and up, but it's probably possible). "T" denotes taxpayer type code (0 = government treasury [bendahara pemerintah], 1-3 = company/organization [badan], 4/6 = invidual entrepreneur [pengusaha perorangan], 5 = civil servants [pegawai negeri, PNS], 7-9 = individual employee [pegawai perorangan]). "sss.sss" is a 6-digit serial code for the taxpayer, probably starts from 1. It is distributed in blocks by the central tax office (kantor pusat dirjen pajak, DJP) to the local tax offices (kantor pelayanan pajak, KPP) throughout the country for allocation to taypayers. "C" is a check digit. It is apparently using Luhn (modulus 10) algorithm on the first 9 digits on the NPWP. "OOO" is a 3-digit local tax office code (kode KPP). "BBB" is a 3-digit branch code. 000 means the taxpayer is the sole branch (or, for individuals, the head of the family). 001, 002, and so on denote each branch. METHODS new $str Create a new "Business::ID::NPWP" object. validate() Return true if NPWP is valid, or false if otherwise. In the case of NPWP being invalid, you can call the errstr() method to get a description of the error. errstr() Return validation error of NPWP, or undef if no error is found. See "validate()". normalize() Return formatted NPWP, or undef if NPWP is invalid. pretty() Alias for normalize(). taxpayer_code() Return 2-digit taxpayer code component of NPWP, or undef if NPWP is invalid. kode_wajib_pajak() Alias for taxpayer_code(). kode_wp() Alias for taxpayer_code(). serial() Return 6-digit serial component of NPWP, or undef if NPWP is invalid. check_digit() Return check digit component of NPWP, or undef if NPWP is invalid. local_tax_office_code() Return 3-digit local tax office code component of NPWP, or undef if NPWP is invalid. kode_kpp() Alias for local_tax_office_code(). branch_code() Return 3-digit branch code component of NPWP, or undef if NPWP is invalid. kode_cabang() Alias for branch_code(). FUNCTIONS validate_npwp($string) Return true if NPWP is valid, or false if otherwise. If you want to know the error details, you need to use the OO version (see the "errstr" method). Exported by default. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-business-id-npwp at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Business::ID::NPWP You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN 1; AUTHOR Steven Haryanto COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.