=encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME ful - a useI> pragma that will ascend dirs to automatically "Bind Bpper Bib" directories and add them to C<@INC>. =head1 NOTICE If you felt your blood boil when you first discovered this module, don't worry, you're not alone. This module name not only effectively breaks all of the "rules," but is also non-descript, duplicates existing functionality, and is purely a vanity project. (Maybe you should C) =head1 SYNOPSIS One line to rule them all. use ful; Within C when your project looks like this: project-root/ ├── bin/ │ └── utils/ │ └── a-script.pl ├── lib/ ├── vendor/ │ └── SomeOrg/ │ └── Some/ │ └── Module.pm If you need more than just the C directory, you can do this: use ful qw/vendor lib/; Instead of: use lib::relative '../../lib'; use lib::relative '../../vendor'; # or use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../vendor"; # or even BEGIN { use Path::Tiny; my $base = path(__FILE__)->parent; $base = $base->parent until -d "$base/lib" or $base->is_rootdir; unshift @INC, "$base/lib", "$base/vendor"; } =head1 VERSION 0.03 =head1 SUPPORT Support is by the author. Please file bug reports or ask questions at L.