Name File::DataClass - Structured data file IO with OO paradigm Version This document describes version v0.19.$Rev: 1 $ of File::DataClass Synopsis use File::DataClass::Schema; $schema = File::DataClass::Schema->new ( path => [ qw(path to a file) ], result_source_attributes => { source_name => {}, }, tempdir => [ qw(path to a directory) ] ); $schema->source( q(source_name) )->attributes( [ qw(list of attr names) ] ); $rs = $schema->resultset( q(source_name) ); $result = $rs->find( { name => q(id of field element to find) } ); $result->$attr_name( $some_new_value ); $result->update; @result = $rs->search( { 'attr name' => q(some value) } ); Description Provides CRUD methods for structured data stored in files of different formats The documentation for this distribution starts in the class File::DataClass::Schema Configuration and Environment Defines these class attributes. They are set on first use when an instance of File::DataClass::Schema is created Cache This is a Cache::Cache object which is used to cache the results of reading a file. Maybe of type "Cache" Subroutines/Methods None Diagnostics None Dependencies namespace::autoclean MooseX::ClassAttribute Incompatibilities On "MSWin32" and "Cygwin" it is assumed that NTFS is being used and that it does not support "mtime" so caching on those platforms is disabled Bugs and Limitations There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome Acknowledgements Larry Wall - For the Perl programming language The class structure and API where taken from DBIx::Class The API for the file IO was taken from IO::All Author Peter Flanigan, "" License and Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE