NAME Module::Load::In::INIT - Load modules in INIT phase VERSION This document describes version 0.004 of Module::Load::In::INIT (from Perl distribution Module-Load-In-INIT), released on 2018-01-15. SYNOPSIS In the command-line: % perl -MModule::Load::In::INIT=Mod::One,Mod::Two='Some;Import;Args' "Mod::One" and "Mod::Two" will be loaded in the INIT phase instead of BEGIN phase. Specify options for Module::Load::In::INIT itself: % perl -MModule::Load::In::INIT=-ignore_load_error,Mod::One,Mod::Two DESCRIPTION This module can load (or perhaps defer loading) modules in the INIT phase instead of the BEGIN phase. One use-case where it is useful: monkey-patching a module (using a Module::Patch-based module) in a fatpacked script (see Module::FatPack or App::FatPacker), e.g.: % perl -MSome::Module::Patch::Foo "Some::Module::Patch::Foo" will try to load "Some::Module" then patch it. This might fail when module is loaded by the fatpack handler (which is a require hook) as by the time "Some::Module::Patch::Foo" is loaded, the fatpack handler has not been setup yet, and "Some::Module" is not available elsewhere (on the filesystem). This, however, works: % perl -MModule::Load::In::INIT=Some::Module::Patch::Foo Loading of "Some::Module::Patch::Foo" (and by extension, "Some::Module") is deferred to the INIT phase. By that time, the fatpack require hook has been setup and "Some::Module" can be (or might already be) loaded by it. Caveat: Module::Load::In::INIT itself must be loaded in the BEGIN phase, or INIT phase at the latest. OPTIONS You can specify options for Module::Load::In::INIT itself via import argument that starts with dash ("-"). Known options: -ignore_load_error If set, then require() error will be ignored. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018, 2017 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.