ResourcePool - A connection caching and pooling framework Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by Markus Winand See COPYRIGHT section in the ResourcePool(3pm) manpage. Recent Changes -------------- * From this release on, the ResourcePool package will not contain resource bindings anymore. The previously included bindings for DBI and Net::LDAP are available in the ResourcePool-Resource-DBI and ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP packages on CPAN. * Applied patch from James G Smith which introduced the is_created method to ResourcePool::Singleton. This does not change the behavior of any ResourcePool module. Installation ------------ ResourcePool is a pure perl implemented module and should therefore run everywhere where perl is already installed. The well known procedure is: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Examples -------- Are included in the manpages which come with this distribution. The ResourcePool::BigPicture(3pm) manpage is the right point to start to get the overview, after that feel free to visit the ResourcePool(3pm) and ResourcePool::LoadBalancer(3pm) manpages. Resource bindings ----------------- To do something usefull with ResourcePool you will need resource bindings. There are some bindings available for download from CPAN. Those bindings live in the ResourcePool::Resource namespace, for example the Net::LDAP binding has the name ResourcePool::Resource::Net::LDAP, if you can not find the required bindings, please consult the ResourcePool::ExtensionGuide(3pm) manpage for details how to create one. Available bindings on CPAN (as of 2002-12-22): Net::LDAP DBI The Net::LDAP and DBI bindings where included in the ResourcePool core package in all 0.99xx versions of ResourcePool. Since release 1.0000 they are no longer included in this package and have to be installed seperately. More information ---------------- Can be found at the ResourcePool homepage