NAME Sub::Declaration - declare subs with named parameters VERSION 0.9 SYNOPSIS use Sub::Declaration; sub mysub($scalar, \@array,) { $array[$scalar] += $_ foreach (@_); } method mymethod($scalar, %hash) { print $hash{$scalar}, "\n"; } DESCRIPTION Sub::Declaration has three purposes: * Allowing subroutines to be declared and defined with a named list of arguments, as in most familiar programming languages. * Creating aliases of these parameters to the appropriate values. * Allowing methods to be created with automatic declaration of the variable containing the object reference. Why Another Module? There are already several modules for handling named subroutine parameters, such as Perl6::Parameters, Sub::Parameters, and Sub::NamedParams. So why another one? The following reasons: * I wanted to implement the automatic aliasing of the parameters to lexical variables, in order to allow Perl's standard pass-by-reference to be used when necessary. In particular, I wanted to be able to specify that an array or hash reference is expected, and set things up so it is not necessary to dereference each use of the array or hash. * I wanted an unobtrusive syntax for declaring the parameters. If this were all I wanted I'd just have used Perl6::Parameters. The syntax for specifying parameters in the other modules just struck me as rather clunky. * I wanted to be able to declare methods and have the "$self" variable automatically created and populated. INSTALLATION To install this module type the standard incantation: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Filter::Simple Lexical::Util Symbol COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright 2004 Kevin Michael Vail This program is free software. It may be copied and/or redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself.