NAME XML::Chain - chained way of manipulating and inspecting XML documents SYNOPSIS use XML::Chain qw(xc); # basics my $div = xc('div', class => 'pretty') ->c('h1')->t('hello') ->up ->c('p', class => 'intro')->t('world') ->root ->a( xc('p')->t('of chained XML.') ); say $div->as_string; #



of chained XML.

DESCRIPTION ☢ at this moment XML::Chain is in early prototype phase ☢ This module provides fast and easy way to create and manipulate XML elements via set of chained method calls. EXPORTS xc Exported factory method creating new XML::Chain::Selector object with a document element as provided in parameters. For example: my $icon = xc('i', class => 'icon-download icon-white'); # See "c, append_and_current" in XML::Chain::Selector for the element parameter description and "CHAINED METHODS" in XML::Chain::Selector for methods of returned object. xc($name, @attrs) scalar with 1+ arguments Element with $name will be create as document element and @attrs will be added to it in the same order. In case of hash reference passed as argument, key + values will be set as attributes, in alphabetical sorted key name order. xc($xml_libxml_ref) In case of XML::LibXML, it will be set as document element. xc($what_ref) Any other reference will be passed to "slurp($what)" in IO::Any which will be then parsed by "load_xml" in XML::LibXML and result set as document element. say xc([$tmp_dir, 't01.xml'])->as_string say xc(\'



') ->find('//h1')->count xc($scalar) Element with $scalar will be create as document element. say xc('body'); CHAINED METHODS, METHODS and ELEMENT METHODS See XML::Chain::Selector and XML::Chain::Element. CHAINED DOCUMENT METHODS xc('body')->t('save me')->set_io_any([$tmp_dir, 't01.xml'])->store; # $tmp_dir/t01.xml file now consists of: save me xc([$tmp_dir, 't01.xml'])->empty->c('div')->t('updated')->store; # $tmp_dir/t01.xml file now consists of:
set_io_any Store $what of IO::Any for future use with -store() > store Calls IO::Any-spew($io_any, $self->as_string, {atomic => 1}) > to save XML back it it's original file of the the target set via set_io_any. TODO - partial/special tidy (on elements inside xml) - per ->data() storage - ->each(sub {...}) / ->map(sub {}) / ->grep(sub {}) - setting and handling namespaces and elements with ns prefixes - ~ton of selectors and manipulators to be added CONTRIBUTORS & CREDITS Initially inspired by Strophe.Builder, then also by jQuery. The following people have contributed to the XML::Chain by committing their code, sending patches, reporting bugs, asking questions, suggesting useful advice, nitpicking, chatting on IRC or commenting on my blog (in no particular order): Mohammad S Anwar you? Also thanks to my current day-job-employer BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests via AUTHOR Jozef Kutej COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2017 Jozef Kutej, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML::Chain::Selector - selector for traversing the XML::Chain SYNOPSIS my $user = xc('user', xmlns => 'testns') ->auto_indent({chars=>' 'x4}) ->a(xc('name')->t('Johnny Thinker')) ->a(xc('username')->t('jt')) ->c('bio') ->a(xc('div', xmlns => '') ->a(xc('h1')->t('about')) ->a(xc('p')->t('...'))) ->a(xc('greeting')->t('Hey')) ->up; say $user->as_string; Will print: Johnny Thinker jt



DESCRIPTION CHAINED METHODS c, append_and_select Appends new element to current elements and changes context to them. New element is defined in parameters: $xc->c('i', class => 'icon-download icon-white') # First parameter is name of the element, then followed by optional element attributes. t, append_text Appends text to current elements. xc('span')->t('some')->t(' ')->t('more text') # some more text First parameter is name of the element, then followed by optional element attributes. root Sets document element as current element. say xc('p') ->t('this ') ->a(xc('b')->t('is')) ->t(' important!') ->root->as_string; #

this is important!

up, parent Traverse current elements and replace them by their parents. find say $xc->find('//p/b[@class="less"]')->text_content; Look-up elements by xpath and set them as current elements. children Set all current elements child nodes as current elements. first Set first current elements as current elements. empty Removes all child nodes from current elements. rename my $body = xc('bodyz')->rename('body'); # Rename node name(s). each # rename using each $body->rename('body'); $body ->a(xc('p.1')->t(1)) ->a(xc('p.2')->t(2)) ->a(xc('div')->t(3)) ->a(xc('p.3')->t(4)) ->each(sub { $_->rename('p') if $_->name =~ m/^p[.]/ }); is($body, '





','rename using each()'); Loops through all selected elements and calls callback for each of them. remap xc('body')->a('p', i => 1)->children->remap( sub { (map {xc('e', i => $_)} 1 .. 3), $_; } )->root; #

Replaces all selected elements by callback returned elements. rm, remove_and_parent my $pdiv = xc('base') ->a(xc('p')->t(1)) ->a(xc('p')->t(2)) ->a(xc('div')->t(3)) ->a(xc('p')->t(4)); my $p = $pdiv->find('//p'); # $pdiv->find('//p[position()=3]')->rm->name eq 'base' # $p->count == 2 # deleted elements are skipped also in old selectors #



Deletes current elements and returnes their parent. auto_indent my $simple = xc('div') ->auto_indent(1) ->c('div')->t('in') ->root; say $simple->as_string; Will print:
Turn on/off tidy/auto-indentation of document elements. Default indentation characters are tabs. Argument can be either true/false scalar or a hashref with indentation options. Currently {chars=' 'x4} > will set indentation characters to be four spaces. NOTE Currently works only on element on which as_string() is called using HTML::Tidy. In the future it is planned to be possible to set indentation on/off also for nested elements. For example not to indent embedded html elements. WARNING HTML::Tidy has a circular reference and leaks memory when used. Better don't use auto_indent() at in this version in persistent environments. CHAINED DOCUMENT METHODS See "CHAINED DOCUMENT METHODS" in XML::Chain. METHODS as_string, toString Returns string representation of current XML elements. Call root before to get a string representing the whole document. $xc->as_string $xc->root->as_string as_xml_libxml Returns array of current elements as XML::LibXML objects. text_content Returns text content of all current XML elements. count / size say $xc->find('//b')->count; Return the number of current elements. single my $lxml_el = $xc->find('//b')->first->as_xml_libxml; Checks is there is exactly one element in current elements and return it as XML::Chain::Element object. AUTHOR Jozef Kutej COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2017 Jozef Kutej, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML::Chain::Element - helper class for XML::Chain representing single element SYNOPSIS xc('body')->c(h1)->t('title')->root DESCRIPTION Returned by "single" in XML::Chain::Selector call. METHODS name return element name as_xml_libxml Returns XML::LibXML::Element object. XML::Chain::Selector methods All of the XML::Chain::Selector methods works too. AUTHOR Jozef Kutej COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2017 Jozef Kutej, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.