NAME Cookieville - REST API for your database VERSION 0.01 DESCRIPTION Cookieville is a a web application which allow you to inspect and run queries on your SQL database using a REST interface. This application need a DBIx::Class based schema to work. It will query the result files on disk to gather meta information about the schema instead of looking into the running database. THIS SERVER IS CURRENTLY EXPERIMENTAL AND WILL CHANGE WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. SYNOPSIS $ COOKIEVILLE_SCHEMA="My::Schema" cookieville daemon --listen http://*:5000 Connection arguments will be read from "$HOME/.cookieville". Example: $ cat $HOME/.cookieville { 'My::Schema' => [ 'DBI:mysql:database=some_database;host=localhost', 'dr_who', 'MostS3cretpassWord', ], } TIP: Give ".cookieville" the file mode 0600 to protect your passwords. RESOURCES * GET / Returns a description of this application: { "version": "0.01", "source": "", "resources": { "schema_source_list": [ "GET", "/sources" ], "schema_for_source": [ "GET", "/:source/schema" ], "source_search": [ "GET", "/:source/search?q=:json&limit=:int&order_by:json" ], "source_delete": [ "DELETE", "/:source/:id" ], "source_patch": [ "PATCH", "/:source/:id" ], "source_update_or_insert": [ "PUT", "/:source" ] } } The environment variable "COOKIEVILLE_INFO" can be used to limit the data returned: COOKIEVILLE_INFO=source,resources * GET /sources Returns a list of available sources (resultsets). Example: [ "Users", "Posts" ] * GET /:source/schema Returns the schema for the given "source". * GET /:source/search?q=:json&limit=:int&page=:int&order_by=:json Does a SELECT from the given "source". "q" will be deserialized and used as the query part. "limit", "page" and "order_by" are optional. The return value will be a JSON document containing the rows. Example: { data: [ { "id": 1002, "name": "Jan Henning Thorsen", "age": 31 }, { "id": 3005, "name": "Billy West", "age": 62 } ] } TODO: Make sure integers from the database are actual integers in the result JSON. The format .csv is also supported. Example: GET /Users.csv?q={"age":31}&order_by=name * DELETE /:source/:id Used to DELETE a single row identified by "id". The return value will be a JSON document with the number of rows deleted: {"n":1} NOTE: This will be "{"n":0}" if the record was already deleted. * PATCH /:source/:id Used to do a (partial) UPDATE of a single row identified by "id". The HTTP body must be a JSON structure with the data to update to. The return value will have the new document. Example: { "data": { "id": 1002, "name": "Jan Henning Thorsen", "age": 31 } } Will return 404 if the given "id" does not match any records in the database. * PUT /:source Used to INSERT or UPDATE a single row. The HTTP body must be a JSON structure with the data to insert or update. The return value will be a JSON document containing all the data for the inserted or updated row. Example: { "inserted": true, # or false "data": { "id": 1002, "name": "Jan Henning Thorsen", "age": 31 } } Error handling The API will return "200 OK" on success and another error code on failure: * 400 Return the document below on invalid input data. "message" holds a description of what is missing. Example: { "message": "Missing (q) query param." } * 401 Return the document below on when not authorized. "message" holds a description of why not. Example: { "message": "Invalid token." } * 404 Return the document below if the given resource could not be found. "message" holds a description of what is not found. Examples: { "message": "Resource not found" } { "message": "No source by that name." } { "message": "No matching records in database." } * 500 { "message": "Internal server error." } Generic error when something awful happens. "message" might not make any sense. Look at the server log for more details. Other error codes might be added in future releases. Queries The queries (referred to as the "q" query param in the API) are passed on as the first argument to "search" in DBIx::Class. ATTRIBUTES connect_args $array_ref = $self->connect_args; Looks in "$HOME/.cookieville" to find connect args for "schema_class". See "SYNOPSIS" for details. schema_class $class_name = $self->schema_class; Returns the class name used to connect to the database. This defaults to the environment variable "COOKIEVILLE_SCHEMA". HELPERS db $obj = $self->db; Returns an instance of "schema_class". METHODS setup_routes Used to setup the "RESOURCES". startup Will set up "RESOURCES" and add "HELPERS". COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - ""