NAME JSONY - Relaxed JSON with a little bit of YAML SYNOPSIS use JSONY; my $data = decode_jsony $jsony_string; DESCRIPTION JSONY is a data language that is simlar to JSON, just more chill. All valid JSON is also valid JSONY (and represents the same thing when deocded), but JSONY lets you omit a lot of the syntax that makes JSON a pain to write. JSONY SYNTAX Here is some examples of JSONY followed by equivalent JSON: Words don't need quotes. A list of things is an array: foo bar baz [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ] Strings with spaces can use single or double quotes: 'foo bar' # <= This is (a comment indicating) a string # More commenting "baz boom " [ "foo bar ", "baz boom " ] Hashes still need curly braces: { foo { bar baz } num -1.2e3 } { "foo": { "bar": "baz" }, "num": -1.2e3 } More soon... NOTE: You may want to look at the tests (especially "t/decode.t") to see the full abilities of JSONY. STATUS BEWARE!!! JSONY is mst's idea, and ingy's Pegex based implementation. The language is just a baby, and will change a lot, or may go away entirely. Development people are currently working on this in "#jsony" in Please drop by. AUTHORS Ingy döt Net (ingy) Matt S. Trout (mst) COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2011 Ingy döt Net LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.