version 2.000001
Adenosine is a tiny script wrapper for curl . It
provides a simple, concise shell interface for interacting with REST
Since it is just a command you run in your shell and not in its own
separate command environment you have access to all the powerful shell
tools, such as perl, awk, grep, sed, etc. You can use adenosine in
pipelines to process data from REST services, and PUT or POST the data
right back. You can even pipe the data in and then edit it interactively
in your text editor prior to PUT or POST.
Cookies are supported automatically and stored in a file locally. Most
of the arguments are remembered from one call to the next to save
typing. It has pretty good defaults for most purposes. Additionally,
adenosine allows you to easily provide your own options to be passed
directly to curl, so even the most complex requests can be accomplished
with the minimum amount of command line pain.
Here is a nice screencast showing adenosine (née resty) in action
(by Jan-Piet Mens).
Quick Start
From git
Grab the files from github:
$ git clone
Source the exports before using it. (You can put this line in your
~/.bashrc file if you want.)
$ . app-adenosine-prefab/adenosine-exports
If you are a Perl user you can install adenosine from CPAN as follows:
$ cpanm App::Adenosine
And then source the function wrappers as follows:
$ eval $(adenosine exports)
Set the REST host to which you will be making your requests (you can do
this whenever you want to change hosts, anytime).
$ adenosine*
Make some HTTP requests.
$ GET /blogs.json
[ {"id" : 1, "title" : "first post", "body" : "This is the first post"}, ... ]
$ PUT /blogs/2.json '{"id" : 2, "title" : "updated post", "body" : "This is the new."}'
{"id" : 2, "title" : "updated post", "body" : "This is the new."}
$ DELETE /blogs/2
$ POST /blogs.json '{"title" : "new post", "body" : "This is the new new."}'
{"id" : 204, "title" : "new post", "body" : "This is the new new."}
What's Next?
Check out some of the plugins available for adenosine! Right now there's
just two, "Rainbow" and "Stopwatch". To use them, edit the bin/adenosine
file and uncomment the plugin lines.
Want to add some features? Fork the "frioux/app-adenosine" repository
and send pull requests!
A Work In Progress
Adenosine was ported to Perl from resty
due to a number of issues .
Because adenosine is not a simple shell function it does not use env
vars as much, and so is less "persistent" than resty when it comes to
various settings. I'm completely willing to fix this by wrapping
adenosine with a small shell function that sets various environment
variables, but I'd rather get it released with a few exciting features
resty does not have. With that in mind, patches are always welcome.
Please get in touch if you'd like one of the currently unsupported resty
features to be fixed and I'll certainly do what I can to get it working.
Any part of the doc marked with "!!!" is a place to look out for an
source adenosine-exports [-W] [remote] # load functions into shell !!!
adenosine [-v] # prints current request URI base !!!
adenosine [OPTIONS] # sets the base request URI !!!
HEAD [path] [OPTIONS] # HEAD request
OPTIONS [path] [OPTIONS] # OPTIONS request
GET [path] [OPTIONS] # GET request
DELETE [path] [OPTIONS] # DELETE request
PUT [path] [data] [OPTIONS] # PUT request
POST [path] [data] [OPTIONS] # POST request
TRACE [path] [OPTIONS] # TRACE request
-Q Don't URL encode the path.
-q Send query string with the path. A '?' is prepended to
and concatenated onto the .
-W Don't write to history file (only when sourcing script). !!!
-V Edit the input data interactively in 'vi'. (PUT and POST
requests only, with data piped to stdin.)
-v Verbose output. When used with the adenosine command itself
this prints the saved curl options along with the current
URI base. Otherwise this is passed to curl for verbose
curl output.
Any curl options will be passed down to curl.
Configuration, Data File Locations
Adenosine creates a few files in either your "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}" and
"${XDG_DATA_HOME}" directory (if your system uses the XDG directory
standard) or in the ~/.resty directory, otherwise.
Using Existing, Pre-v2.1 Configuration Files With v2.1
If you had resty installed before version 2.1 and your system uses the
XDG config directory standard and you want to continue using your
existing configuration files, please make a backup of your ~/.resty
directory and then do:
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/resty" "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/resty"
$ mv ~/.resty/c "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/resty"
$ mv ~/.resty/* "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/resty"
Request URI Base
The request URI base is what the eventual URI to which the requests will
be made is based on. Specifically, it is a URI that may contain the "*"
character one or more times. The "*" will be replaced with the "path"
parameter in the "OPTIONS", "HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", or "DELETE"
request as described above.
For example:
$ adenosine '*.json'*.json
and then
$ GET /5
{ "the_response" : true }
would result in a `GET` request to the URI
If no "*" character is specified when setting the base URI, it's just
added onto the end for you automatically.
HTTPS URIs can be used, as well. For example:
$ adenosine ''*
URI Base History
The URI base is saved to an rc file (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/resty/host or
~/.resty/host) each time it's set, and the last setting is saved in an
environment variable "!!!" ($_resty_host). The URI base is read from the
rc file when resty starts up, but only if the $_resty_host environment
variable is not set. In this way you can make requests to different
hosts using resty from separate terminals, and have a different URI base
for each terminal.
If you want to see what the current URI base is, just run "adenosine"
with no arguments. The URI base will be printed to stdout.
The Optional Path Parameter
The HTTP verbs ("OPTIONS", "HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", and "DELETE")
first argument is always an optional URI path. This path must always
start with a "/" character. If the path parameter is not provided on the
command line, adenosine will just use the last path it was provided
with. This "last path" is stored in an environment variable
($_resty_path), so each terminal basically has its "!!!" own "last
URL Encoding Of Path Parameter
Adenosine will always URL encode
path, except for slashes. (Slashes in path elements need to be manually
encoded as %2F.) This means that the "?", "=", and "&" characters will
be encoded, as well as some other problematic characters. To disable
this behavior use the "-Q" option.
Query Strings, POST Parameters, And Both At The Same Time
There are three ways to add a query string to the path. The first,
mentioned above, is to disable URL encoding with the "-Q" option, and
include the query string with the path parameter, like this:
$ GET '/blogs/47?param=foo&otherparam=bar' -Q
To specify a query string without disabling URL encoding on the path the
"-q" option is used, like this:
$ GET /blogs/47 -q 'param=foo&otherparam=bar'
Finally, you can use the curl "-d" and "-G" options, like this:
$ GET /blogs/47 -d 'param=foo' -d 'otherparam=bar' -G
However, if you want to pass both GET parameters in the query string and
POST parameters in the request body, curl cannot support this by itself.
Using the "-q" or "-Q" adenosine options with the "-d" curl option will
accomplish this, like so:
$ POST '/blogs/47?param=foo&otherparam=bar' -Q -d 'postparam=baz'
POST/PUT Requests and Data
Normally you would probably want to provide the request body data right
on the command line like this:
$ PUT /blogs/5.json '{"title" : "hello", "body" : "this is it"}'
But sometimes you will want to send the request body from a file
instead. To do that you pipe in the contents of the file:
$ PUT /blogs/5.json < /tmp/t # !!!
Or you can pipe the data from another program, like this:
$ myprog | PUT /blogs/5.json # !!!
Or, interestingly, as a filter pipeline with
$ GET /blogs/5.json | jsawk '"Bob Smith";this.tags.push("news")' | PUT
Notice how the "path" argument is omitted from the "PUT" command.
Edit PUT/POST Data In Vi
With the "-V" options you can pipe data into "PUT" or "POST", edit it in
vi, save the data (using ":wq" in vi, as normal) and the resulting data
is then PUT or POSTed. This is similar to the way "visudo" works, for
$ GET /blogs/2 | PUT -V
This fetches the data and lets you edit it, and then does a PUT on the
resource. If you don't like vi you can specify your preferred editor by
setting the "EDITOR" environment variable.
Errors and Output
For successful 2xx responses, the response body is printed on stdout.
You can pipe the output to stuff, process it, and then pipe it back to
adenosine, if you want.
For responses other than 2xx the response body is dumped to stderr.
Passing Command Line Options To Curl
Anything after the (optional) "path" and "data" arguments is passed on
to "curl".
For example:
$ GET /blogs.json -H "Range: items=1-10"
The "-H "Range: items=1-10"" argument will be passed to "curl" for you.
This makes it possible to do some more complex operations when
$ POST -v -u user:test
In this example the "path" and "data" arguments were left off, but "-v"
and "-u user:test" will be passed through to "curl", as you would
Here are some useful options to try:
verbose output, shows HTTP headers and status on stderr
junk session cookies (refresh cookie-based session)
<-u $username:$password>
HTTP basic authentication
<-H $header>
add request header (this option can be added more than once)
Setting The Default Curl Options
Sometimes you want to send some options to curl for every request. It
would be tedious to have to repeat these options constantly. To tell
adenosine to always add certain curl options you can specify those
options when you call adenosine to set the URI base. For example:
$ adenosine -H "Accept: application/json" -u user:pass
Every subsequent request will have the "-H "Accept:..."" and "-u
user:..." options automatically added. Each time adenosine is called
this option list is reset.
Per-Host/Per-Method Curl Configuration Files
Adenosine supports a per-host/per-method configuration file to help you
with frequently used curl options. Each host (including the port) can
have its own configuration file in the ~/.resty directory. The file
format is
$ GET [arg] [arg] ...
$ PUT [arg] [arg] ...
$ POST [arg] [arg] ...
$ DELETE [arg] [arg] ...
Where the "arg"s are curl command line arguments. Each line can specify
arguments for that HTTP verb only, and all lines are optional.
So, suppose you find yourself using the same curl options over and over.
You can save them in a file and adenosine will pass them to curl for
you. Say this is a frequent pattern for you:
$ adenosine localhost:8080
$ GET /Blah -H "Accept: application/json"
$ GET /Other -H "Accept: application/json"
$ POST /Something -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u user:pass
$ POST /SomethingElse -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u user:pass
It's annoying to add the "-H" and "-u" options to curl all the time. So
create a file ~/.resty/localhost:8080, like this:
GET -H "Accept: application/json"
POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -u user:pass
Then any GET or POST requests to localhost:8080 will have the specified
options prepended to the curl command line arguments, saving you from
having to type them out each time, like this:
$ GET /Blah
$ GET /Other
$ POST /Something
$ POST /SomethingElse
Sweet! Much better.
Exit Status
Successful requests (HTTP respose with 2xx status) return zero.
Otherwise, the first digit of the response status is returned (i.e., 1
for 1xx, 3 for 3xx, 4 for 4xx, etc.) This is because the exit status is
an 8 bit integer---it can't be greater than 255. If you want the exact
status code you can always just pass the "-v" option to curl.
Using Adenosine In Shell Scripts "!!!"
Since adenosine creates the REST verb functions in the shell, when using
it from a script you must "source" it before you use any of the
functions. However, it's likely that you don't want it to be overwriting
the adenosine host history file, and you will almost always want to set
the URI base explicitly.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Load adenosine, don't write to the history file, and set the URI base
. /path/to/adenosine-exports -W '*.json'
# GET the JSON list of users, set each of their 'disabled' properties
# to 'false', and PUT the modified JSON back
GET /users | jsawk 'this.disabled = false' | PUT
Here the "-W" option was used when loading the script to prevent writing
to the history file and an initial URI base was set at the same time.
Then a JSON file was fetched, edited using jsawk
, and re-uploaded to the server.
Working With JSON or XML Data
JSON REST web services require some special tools to make them
accessible and easily manipulated in the shell environment. The
following are a few scripts that make dealing with JSON data easier.
* Jsawk can be used to process and
filter JSON data from and to adenosine, in a shell pipeline. This
takes care of parsing the input JSON correctly, rather than using
regexes and sed, awk, perl or the like, and prints the resulting
output in correct JSON format, as well.
GET /blogs.json |jsawk -n 'out(this.title)' # prints all the blog titles
* The included "pp" script will pretty-print JSON for you.
GET /blogs.json |pp # pretty-prints the JSON output from adenosine
* Another way to format JSON output:
$ echo '{"json":"obj"}' | python -mjson.tool
"json": "obj"
* The "tidy" tool can be used to format HTML/XML:
$ ~$ echo "value" | tidy -xml -q -i
Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.