NAME HTML::Stream - HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities DESCRIPTION The HTML::Stream Perl5 module provides you with an object-oriented (and subclassable) way of outputting HTML. Basically, you open up an "HTML stream" on an existing filehandle, and then do all of your output to the HTML stream. You can intermix HTML-stream-output and ordinary-print-output, if you like. Here's small sample of the different ways you can use this module: use HTML::Stream qw(:funcs); $HTML = new HTML::Stream \*STDOUT; # The vanilla interface... $HTML->tag('A', HREF=>"$href"); $HTML->tag('IMG', SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO"); $HTML->text($caption); $HTML->tag('_A'); # The chocolate interface (with whipped cream)... $HTML -> A(HREF=>"$href") -> IMG(SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO") -> t($caption) -> _A; # The strawberry interface... output $HTML [A, HREF=>"$href"], [IMG, SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO"], $caption, [_A]; Please see the HTML::Stream module for full details. KIT CONTAINS HTML::Stream The Perl module itself. html2perlstream (in the ./bin directory) New! A Perl program for generating HTML::Stream code from HTML. You give the HTML you want to generate, and it spits out a .pl file. REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION HTML::Stream None for basic functionality, although you will need HTML::Entities if you want to do some of the fancier Latin-1 escaping/unescaping. html2perlstream You'll need to have HTML::Parser (and anything it depends on, probably HTML::Entities) installed. * POSSIBLY-OLD COPIES OF HTML::Entities AND HTML::Parser HAVE BEEN PLACED IN THE ./etc DIRECTORY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. However, they will *not* be installed during this toolkit's installation process, and I STRONGLY urge you to get fresh, up-to-date copies from the CPAN ( WHERE TO GET IT Any CPAN site, in directory authors/Eryq. Go to for details. AUTHOR Eryq, 11 Jan 1997