WWW::3172::Crawler - A simple web crawler for CSCI 3172 Assignment 1
version v0.002
use WWW::3172::Crawler;
my $crawler = WWW::3172::Crawler->new(host => '', max => 50);
my $stats = $crawler->crawl;
# Present the stats however you want
The constructor takes a mandatory 'host' parameter, which specifies the
starting point for the crawler. The 'max' parameter specifies how many
pages to visit, defaulting to 200.
Additional settings are:
* debug - whether to print debugging information
* ua - a LWP::UserAgent object to use to crawl. This can be used to
provide a mock useragent which doesn't connect to the internet for
* callback - a coderef which gets called for each page crawled. The
coderef is called with two parameters: the URL and a hashref of
data. This can be used to do incremental processing, instead of
doing the crawl run all at once and returning a large hashref of
data. This also reduces memory requirements.
host => '',
callback=> sub {
my $url = shift;
my $data = shift;
print "Got data about $url:\n";
print "Stems: @{ $data->{stems} }\n";
Begins crawling at the provided link, collecting statistics as it goes.
The robot respects robots.txt. At the end of the crawling run, reports
some basic statistics for each page crawled:
* Description meta tag
* Keywords meta tag
* Page size
* Load time
* Page text
* Keywords extracted from page text using the following technique:
1) Split page text on whitespace
2) Skip stopwords
3) "Normalize" to remove non-ASCII characters
4) Run Porter's stemming algorithm
The data is returned as a hash keyed on URL.
Image, video, and audio are also fetched, evaluated for size and speed.
Crawling ends when there are no more URLs in the crawl queue, or the
maximum number of pages is reached.
URLs are crawled in order of the number of appearances the crawler has
seen. This is somewhat similar to Google's PageRank algorithm, where
popularity of a page, as measured by inbound links, is a major factor in
a page's ranking in search results.
The project homepage is .
The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive
Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit to find a
CPAN site near you, or see
The development version lives at
and may be cloned from
. Instead of sending
patches, please fork this project using the standard git and github
The development version is on github at
and may be cloned from
No bugs have been reported.
Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at
Mike Doherty
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Mike Doherty.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.