NAME Digest::ED2K - Calculate ED2K digests SYNOPSIS # Functional use Digest::ED2K qw(ed2k ed2k_hex ed2k_base64); my $digest = ed2k $data; my $hexdigest = ed2k_hex $data my $base64_digest = ed2k_base64 $data; # Object Oriented use Digest::ED2K; my $ctx = Digest::ED2K->new; $ctx->add($bytes); $ctx->addfile(*FILE); my $digest = $ctx->digest; my $hexdigest = $ctx->hexdigest; my $base64_digest = $ctx->b64digest; DESCRIPTION Digest::ED2K progressively calculates ED2K digests of data. FUNCTIONS Digest::ED2K implements the following functions. `ed2k' my $digest = ed2k $bytes, ...; Generate binary ED2K digest for string. `ed2k_hex' my $hexdigest = ed2k_hex $bytes, ...; Generate hex ED2K digest for string. `ed2k_base64' my $base64_digest = ed2k_base64 $bytes, ...; Generate base64 ED2K digest for string. METHODS Digest::ED2K inherits all methods from Digest::base (See Digest for documentation) and implements the following new ones. `new' my $ctx = Digest->new('ED2K'); my $ctx = Digest::ED2K->new; Construct a new Digest::ED2K object. `add' $ctx = $ctx->add($bytes, ...); Append binary data. `clone' my $ctx_clone = $ctx->clone; Clone this message context. `digest' my $digest = $ctx->digest; Binary ED2K digest for this message context. REPOSITORY SEE ALSO Digest, Digest::MD4 AUTHOR Benjamin Herweyer COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Benjamin Herweyer. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.