NAME Do ABSTRACT Development Framework SYNOPSIS package User; use Do 'Class'; has 'fname'; has 'lname'; method greet(Str $name) { my $fname = $self->fname; my $lname = $self->lname; "Hey $name, I'm $fname $lname"; } package main; my $user = User->new(fname => 'Al', lname => 'Newkirk'); say $user->greet('You'); 1; DESCRIPTION This package aims to provide a modern Perl development framework and foundational set of types, functions, classes, patterns, and interfaces for jump-starting application development. FRAMEWORK Do (aka Data-Object) is a robust modern Perl development framework, embracing Perl's multi-paradigm programming nature, flexibility and vast ecosystem that many engineers already know and love. FRAMEWORK CORE package main; use Do; fun main() { # ... } 1; The framework's core configuration enables strict, warnings, Perl's 5.14 features, and configures the core type library, method signatures, and autoboxing. FRAMEWORK LIBRARY package App::Library; use Do 'Library'; our $User = declare 'User', as InstanceOf["App::User"]; 1; The framework's library configuration established a Type::Library compliant type library, as well as configuring Type::Utils in the calling package. Read more at Data::Object::Library. FRAMEWORK CLASS package App::User; use Do 'Class'; has 'fname'; has 'lname'; 1; The framework's class configuration configures the calling package as a Moo class, having the "has", "with", and "extends" keywords available. Read more at Data::Object::Class. FRAMEWORK ROLE package App::Queuer; use Do 'Role'; has 'queue'; method dequeue() { # ... } method enqueue($job) { # ... } 1; The framework's role configuration configures the calling package as a Moo role, having the "has", "with", and "extends" keywords available. Read more at Data::Object::Role. FRAMEWORK RULE package App::Queueable; use Do 'Rule'; requires 'dequeue'; requires 'enqueue'; 1; The framework's rule configuration configures the calling package as a Moo role, intended to be used to classify interfaces. Read more at Data::Object::Rule. FRAMEWORK STATE package App::Env; use Do 'State'; has 'vars'; has 'args'; has 'opts'; 1; The framework's state configuration configures the calling package as a singleton class with global state. Read more at Data::Object::State. FRAMEWORK STRUCT package App::Data; use Do 'Struct'; has 'auth'; has 'user'; has 'args'; 1; The framework's struct configuration configures the calling package as a class whose state becomes immutable after instantiation. Read more at Data::Object::Struct. FRAMEWORK ARRAY package App::Args; use Do 'Array'; method command() { return $self->get(0); } 1; The framework's array configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Array class. Read more at Data::Object::Array. FRAMEWORK CODE package App::Func; use Do 'Code'; around BUILD($args) { $self->$orig($args); # ... } 1; The framework's code configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Code class. Read more at Data::Object::Code. FRAMEWORK FLOAT package App::Amount; use Do 'Float'; method currency(Str $code) { # ... } 1; The framework's float configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Float class. Read more at Data::Object::Float. FRAMEWORK HASH package App::Data; use Do 'Hash'; method logline() { # ... } 1; The framework's hash configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Hash class. Read more at Data::Object::Hash. FRAMEWORK INTEGER package App::Phone; use Do 'Integer'; method format(Str $code) { # ... } 1; The framework's integer configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Integer class. Read more at Data::Object::Integer. FRAMEWORK NUMBER package App::ID; use Do 'Number'; method find() { # ... } 1; The framework's number configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Number class. Read more at Data::Object::Number. FRAMEWORK REGEXP package App::Path; use Do 'Regexp'; method match() { # ... } 1; The framework's regexp configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Regexp class. Read more at Data::Object::Regexp. FRAMEWORK SCALAR package App::OID; use Do 'Scalar'; method find() { # ... } 1; The framework's scalar configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Scalar class. Read more at Data::Object::Scalar. FRAMEWORK STRING package App::Title; use Do 'String'; method generate() { # ... } 1; The framework's string configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the String class. Read more at Data::Object::String. FRAMEWORK UNDEF package App::Fail; use Do 'Undef'; method explain() { # ... } 1; The framework's undef configuration configures the calling package as a class which extends the Undef class. Read more at Data::Object::Undef. INSTALLATION If you have cpanm, you only need one line: $ cpanm -qn Do If you don't have cpanm, get it! It takes less than a minute, otherwise: $ curl -L | perl - -qn Do Add Do to the list of dependencies in cpanfile: requires "Do" => "1.00"; # 1.00 or newer If cpanm doesn't have permission to install modules in the current Perl installation, it will automatically set up and install to a local::lib in your home directory. See the local::lib documentation for details on enabling it in your environment. We recommend using a Perlbrew or Plenv environment. These tools will help you manage multiple Perl installations in your $HOME directory. They are completely isolated Perl installations. AUTHOR Al Newkirk, LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. STATUS SEE ALSO To get the most out of this distribution, consider reading the following: Data::Object::Class Data::Object::Role Data::Object::Rule Data::Object::Library Data::Object::Signatures Contributing GitHub