SYNOPSIS use Data::Object 'deduce'; my $object = deduce [1..9]; $object->isa('Data::Object::Array'); # 1 $object->count; # 9 DESCRIPTION Data::Object provides functions for promoting Perl 5 native data types to objects which provide common methods for operating on the data. Note: This is an early release available for testing and feedback and as such is subject to change. # given [2..5]; $object = data_array [2..5]; $object->isa('Data::Object::Array'); The data_array function returns a Data::Object::Array instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_array function is an alias to this function. # given sub { 1 }; $object = data_code sub { 1 }; $object->isa('Data::Object::Code'); The data_code function returns a Data::Object::Code instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_code function is an alias to this function. # given 5.25; $object = data_float 5.25; $object->isa('Data::Object::Float'); The data_float function returns a Data::Object::Float instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_float function is an alias to this function. # given {1..4}; $object = data_hash {1..4}; $object->isa('Data::Object::Hash'); The data_hash function returns a Data::Object::Hash instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_hash function is an alias to this function. # given -100; $object = data_integer -100; $object->isa('Data::Object::Integer'); The data_integer function returns a Data::Object::Object instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_integer function is an alias to this function. # given 100; $object = data_number 100; $object->isa('Data::Object::Number'); The data_number function returns a Data::Object::Number instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_number function is an alias to this function. # given qr/test/; $object = data_regexp qr/test/; $object->isa('Data::Object::Regexp'); The data_regexp function returns a Data::Object::Regexp instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_regexp function is an alias to this function. # given qr/\w+/; $object = data_scalar qr/\w+/; $object->isa('Data::Object::Scalar'); The data_scalar function returns a Data::Object::Scalar instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_scalar function is an alias to this function. # given 'abcdefghi'; $object = data_string 'abcdefghi'; $object->isa('Data::Object::String'); The data_string function returns a Data::Object::String instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_string function is an alias to this function. # given undef; $object = data_undef undef; $object->isa('Data::Object::Undef'); The data_undef function returns a Data::Object::Undef instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_undef function is an alias to this function. # given 0; $object = data_universal 0; $object->isa('Data::Object::Universal'); The data_universal function returns a Data::Object::Universal instance which wraps the provided data type and can be used to perform operations on the data. The type_universal function is an alias to this function. # given 'List::Util'; $package = load 'List::Util'; # List::Util if loaded The load function attempts to dynamically load a module and either dies or returns the package name of the loaded module. # given qr/\w+/; $object = deduce qr/\w+/; $object->isa('Data::Object::Scalar'); The deduce function returns a data type object instance based upon the deduced type of data provided. # given {1,2,3,{4,5,6,[-1]}} $deep = deduce_deep {1,2,3,{4,5,6,[-1]}}; # produces ... # Data::Object::Hash { # 1 => Data::Object::Number ( 2 ), # 3 => Data::Object::Hash { # 4 => Data::Object::Number ( 5 ), # 6 => Data::Object::Array [ Data::Object::Integer ( -1 ) ], # }, # } The deduce_deep function returns a data type object. If the data provided is complex, this function traverses the data converting all nested data to objects. Note: Blessed objects are not traversed. # given qr/\w+/; $type = deduce_type qr/\w+/; # SCALAR The deduce_type function returns a data type description for the type of data provided, represented as a string in capital letters. # given bless({1..4}, 'Data::Object::Hash'); $object = detract $object; # {1..4} The detract function returns a value of native type, based upon the underlying reference of the data type object provided. # given {1,2,3,{4,5,6,[-1, 99, bless({}), sub { 123 }]}}; my $object = deduce_deep $object; my $revert = detract_deep $object; # produces ... # { # '1' => 2, # '3' => { # '4' => 5, # '6' => [ -1, 99, bless({}, 'main'), sub { ... } ] # } # } The detract_deep function returns a value of native type. If the data provided is complex, this function traverses the data converting all nested data type objects into native values using the objects underlying reference. Note: Blessed objects are not traversed. SEE ALSO * Data::Object::Array * Data::Object::Code * Data::Object::Float * Data::Object::Hash * Data::Object::Integer * Data::Object::Number * Data::Object::Regexp * Data::Object::Scalar * Data::Object::String * Data::Object::Undef * Data::Object::Universal * Data::Object::Autobox POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 19: Unknown directive: =function Around line 30: Unknown directive: =function Around line 41: Unknown directive: =function Around line 52: Unknown directive: =function Around line 63: Unknown directive: =function Around line 74: Unknown directive: =function Around line 85: Unknown directive: =function Around line 96: Unknown directive: =function Around line 107: Unknown directive: =function Around line 118: Unknown directive: =function Around line 129: Unknown directive: =function Around line 140: Unknown directive: =function Around line 149: Unknown directive: =function Around line 159: Unknown directive: =function Around line 177: Unknown directive: =function Around line 186: Unknown directive: =function Around line 195: Unknown directive: =function