NAME Command::Do - The power of the Sun in the palm of your hand VERSION version 0.06 SYNOPSIS in yourcmd: use YourCmd; YourCmd->run; in lib/ package YourCmd; use Command::Do; field name => { required => 1, alias => 'n', optspec => '=s' }; method run => { input => ['name'], using => sub { exit print "You sure have a nice name, " . shift->name; } }; and, finally, at the command line: $ yourcmd --name "Handsome" You sure have a nice name, Handsome or, ... use one CLI (command-line interface) to rule them all. #!/usr/bin/env perl package Bit; use Command::Do; fld command => { required => 1, min_length => 2, filters => ['trim', 'strip', sub { $_[0] =~ s/\W/\_/g; $_[0] }] }; mth run => { input => ['command'], using => sub { my ($self) = @_; my $class = $self->class($self->command); if ($class) { $class->run # run child command class } } }; bld sub { my ($self) = @_; $self->command(shift @ARGV); }; package main; Bit->new->run 1; DESCRIPTION Command::Do is an extremely easy method for creating, validating, executing, and organizing command-line applications. Command::Do inherits most of its functionality from the ever-awesome Validation::Class and Getopt::Long. Command::Do is both simple, effective and anti-complicated. It is very unassumming and flexible. It does not impose a particular application configuration and its dependencies are trivial. ... sometimes you need an all-in-one command script: package yourcmd; use Command::Do; mixin all => { filters => [qw/trim strip/] }; field file => { mixin => 'all', optspec => 's@', # 100% Getopt::Long Compliant alias => ['f'] # directive is attached to the option spec }; # self-validating routines method run => { input => ['file'], using => sub { exit print join "\n", @{shift->file}; } }; yourcmd->run; ... sometimes you need a suite of commands: package yourcmd; use YourCmd; set { # each command is independent and can invoke sub-classes classes => 1, # loads and registers yourcmd::* }; # happens before new build sub { my $self = shift; $self->{next_command} = shift @ARGV; return $self; }; sub run { my $self = shift; my $next_command = $self->{next_command}; # e.g. sub_cmd # invokes other commands using the class method, see Validation::Class my $sub = $self->class($next_command); # load lib/YourCmd/ return $sub->run; }; yourcmd->run; Please note: Command::Do is very minimalistic and tries to remain unassuming, each class field (see Validation::Class) that is to be used as a command line option must have an "optspec" directive defined. The optspec directive should be a valid Getopt::Long option specification minus a name and aliases which are deduced from the field name and alias directive. package ...; use Command::Do; field verbose => { optspec => '', # sets flag, same as '!' alias => 'v' }; # this is the equivalent to the following Getopt::Long statement # GetOptions('verbose|v!' => \$variable); Furthermore, in addition to being a class that represents a command that does stuff, Command::Do is: com-man-do: A soldier specially trained to carry out raids. In English, the term commando means a specific kind of individual soldier or military unit. In contemporary usage, commando usually means elite light infantry and/or special operations forces units, specializing in amphibious landings, parachuting, rappelling and similar techniques, to conduct and effect attacks. (per wikipedia) ... which is how I like to think about the command-line scripts I author. AUTHOR Al Newkirk COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by awncorp. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.