Sather is an object oriented language designed to be simple, efficient, safe, flexible and non-proprietary. One way of placing it in the "space of languages" is to say that it aims to be as efficient as C, C++, or Fortran, as elegant as and safer than Eiffel, and support higher-order functions and iteration abstraction as well as Common Lisp, CLU or Scheme.

Note: Sather has now been converted to the GPL/LGPL licence. This last release from ICSI is available here . It is essentially a re-release of 1.2 beta, for the purpose of changing the licence.

Continuing development of Sather may be found at the GNU site. Thanks to Norbert Nemec for making this happen!
General information
The features of Sather
The Sather 1.1 manual and specification
Publications related to Sather.
pSather, the distributed language extension.
Search these pages (at ICSI) with glimpse
Getting started
Get the free Sather compiler, libraries and browser from ICSI.
Frequently asked questions about Sather.
Documentation and Tutorials
The Sather Library.
Try asking questions in comp.lang.sather.
Tools for Sather programmers.
Sign the guest book.
Sather is a collaboration between ICSI and people all over the world.
A short history of Sather.
The "Who's who" of the Sather group.
Contributed code.
There is another dialect of Sather at Karlsruhe called Sather-K.
Porting the Sather Compiler.
Performance of the Sather 1.1 Compiler and some user testimonials
The future of Sather.
The dark side of Sather.
Some incomplete projects.

If you use Sather or find it of interest, send us a postcard!
Web Pages designed by Holger Klawitter. Send comments to
Last updated :03/07/2005 11:41:18