cpIRC is a C++ interface to the Internet Relay Chat protocol (RFC 1459). Although currently in the early stages of coding, the aim is to make it into
a fully blown C++ implementation of the protocol. You can essentially look at it as the C++ version of the Perl Net::IRC module. Like the Net::IRC Perl module,
cpIRC is built around handlers/hooks/callbacks and is a simple event driven model - for every type of event that the IRC server throws back at
the client, the user can have their own particular function called.
NOTE: Although the latest version of cpIRC should compile under an ANSI C++ compiler on Windows/Linux/Unix/Sun/*BSD, it has only been compiled on
a Windows 2000 Professional machine with Micrsoft Visual C++ 6, and under Sun Solaris with G++.
Latest version is v0.1.6 (Apr 12). Notable changes:
Rewrote socket writing code
Made IRC::privmsg and IRC::notice functions more like printf
Added a RAW IRC command function
From v0.1.5 (Apr 5):
Fixed user tracking bug when users QUIT (yes really, it's fixed this time!). Thanks to Rohn Adams for picking this one up
From v0.1.4 (Mar 4):
Fixed user tracking bug when users QUIT - this bug was not actually fixed properly, I suggest you all use cpIRC 0.1.5
From v0.1.3 (Feb 12):
Started channel user tracking
Saves channel user list on joining a channel
Updates channel user list on users joining and parting a channel
Parses MODE events from server, and updates channel user list
Currently under development: Updated documentation
Added is_op() and is_voice() functions
From v0.1.2 (Feb 5):
Implemented MODE and NICK commands
From v0.1.1 (Feb 1):
Removed recursive callback routine
Fixed buffer overrun when receiving from IRC server