Enemies are like fatal dangers except that they can be neutralized by the agent and they are objects, not a tile type. They can be on tiles of the types clear and fatal danger. (Fatal dangers are fatal and dangerous to agents but not to enemies.) The agent can neutralize an enemy by facing it and performing the action Neutralize. The range can be set to a natural number where 0 means unlimited. There is an option to neutralize every enemy within that range, or just the first it hits. Neutralizing requires and consumes ammunition. The amount of ammunition that the agent has is a property of the world that can be set to a natural number or unlimited. If the rule Can_Recharge_Ammunition_At_Home is used, Agent_Ammunition is set to Ammunition_Limit when the agent is at a home location. When and only when an enemy is neutralized, the agent percieves Enemy_Neutralized. Note that this percept gives no information about the number of enemies that have been neutralized by the action unless the rule Neutralization_Stops_At_First_Enemy is used. Then the agent can know that exactly 1 enemy has been neutralized. There can be exacly 0 or 1 enemy at a tile. Enemies and ammunition are shown as for example fires and fire extinguishers or as creatures and arrows, depending on the theme used. (FIXME THE AMMUNITION IS NOT DISPLAYED, NO SHOOTING ANIMATION YET) Worlds can be designed so that enemies become items when neutralized. This is useful for scenarios where the agent is a cleaning device that should clean all dirt and extinguish all fires and clean up the leftovers after the fires.