LMSC Operating Rules Revised July 14, 1995 Page 13 of 26 IEEE 802 -- 95/20 FILE: RULE0795.DOC OPERATING RULES OF IEEE PROJECT 802, LAN MAN STANDARDS COMMITTEE (LMSC) Revised effective July 14, 1995 1. OVERVIEW Project 802 (P802) is a Standards Committee which reports to the Standards Activity Board (SAB) of the IEEE Computer Society. It operates under sponsorship of the IEEE Computer Society. In the event of any conflict between these rules and the IEEE Computer Society rules, the rules of the IEEE Computer Society shall take precedence. The P802 Standards Committee is directed by a Sponsor Executive Committee which oversees the operation of a standards sponsoring organization (see Figure 1 PROJECT 802 REPORTING RELATIONSHIP). The P802 Sponsor Executive Committee serves as the Executive Committee for both the sponsor ballot groups as well as the Standards Development Groups. The standards sponsoring organization is designated as the LAN MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) and includes the Sponsor Executive Committee, a balloting pool for forming LMSC Sponsor balloting groups, and a set of Standards Development Groups. The terms "local area network" (LAN) and "metropolitan area network" (MAN) encompass a number of data communications technologies and the applications of these technologies. There is no single technology that is applicable to all applications. Correspondingly, no single local or metropolitan area network standard is adequate for all applications. In recognition of these facts, the standards developing organization has been divided into Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups to standardize a small number of the technologies applicable to local or metropolitan area networks (see Figure 2 STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT GROUPS). UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY 3 3 (IEEE CS) 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 STANDARDS ACTIVITIES BOARD 3 3 (SAB) 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 3 UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 PROJECT 802 LAN MAN STANDARDS COMMITTEE 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ' 3 UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 3 3 LMSC SPONSOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 3 3 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 3 3 3 3 3 UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 3 3 SPONSOR BALLOTING 3 3 STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT3 3 3 3 POOL A¨ 3 GROUPS 3 3 3 AAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 3 3 BALLOT GROUP 1 A¨ 3 3 AAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU3 3 3 3 BALLOT GROUP 2 A¨ 3 3 AAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU3 3 3 3 BALLOT GROUP 3 A¨ 3 3 AAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU3 3 3 3 BALLOT GROUP N 3 3 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU Figure 1 PROJECT 802 REPORTING RELATIONSHIP UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 SPONSOR 3 3 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 3 UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 UŽŽŽAŽŽŽ¨ 3 UŽŽŽAŽŽŽ¨ UŽŽŽAŽŽŽ¨ UŽŽŽAŽŽŽ¨ 3 UŽŽŽAŽŽŽ¨ 3WORKING3 3 3WORKING3 3WORKING3 3WORKING3 3 3 STUDY 3 3 GROUP 3 3 3 GROUP 3 3 GROUP 3 3 GROUP 3 3 3 GROUP 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU 3 3 3 3 UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ UŽŽŽŽŽŽŽAŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ¨ 3 TECHNICAL 3 3 TECHNICAL 3 3ADVISORY GROUP 3 3ADVISORY GROUP 3 AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU AŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽU Figure 2 STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT GROUPS The division of the Standards Development Groups into Working Groups, Study Groups, and Technical Advisory Groups is necessitated by: a)Getting the standards out in a reasonable time, with each group working at its own pace and reflecting the maturity of the particular technology. b)Each group maintaining and revising its own standard, as appropriate. On the other hand, overall coordination of the Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups is necessary to: a)Keep the individual standards within the scope of Project 802's charter. b)Prevent overlap or conflict between the individual standards. c)Promote common technologies between the individual standards in the interest of compatibility. The P802 Sponsor Executive Committee provides this coordination as a portion of its function. Described below are the rules under which the LMSC will operate. 2. LAN MAN STANDARDS COMMITTEE PLENARY The Plenary session consists of the opening and closing Plenary meetings, Executive Committee meetings and Working Group meetings. The Plenary meeting is a meeting of individuals interested in local and metropolitan area network standards. The function of the Plenary meetings is information dissemination: a)Status reports from the Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups. b)Liaison reports from other standards organizations such as ASC X3, ECMA, etc. c)Reports on schedules for future Plenary and Working Group meetings. d)Announcements and general news. The main object of the Opening Plenary meeting will be to welcome new attendees and to inform the 802 membership about what is being done in the Working Groups and Executive Committee Study Groups. This report must include background on the relationship of the work to other Groups. It should not be a detailed statement about Standards Numbers and Progress. This should be done at the Closing Plenary meeting. At most 10 minutes should be taken by each Working Group for this material. There is no membership requirement for attendance at the Plenary session; it is an open forum. The Plenary meetings are conducted by the LMSC Chair or a designated delegate. The LMSC Treasurer may collect fees from all attendees of any meeting held in conjunction with the Plenary session to cover the expenses of operating the LAN MAN Standards Committee. 3. LMSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The LMSC Executive Committee functions as the Sponsor Executive Committee (SEC) and the Executive Committee of the standards developing organization. It shall be referred throughout this document as the Executive Committee. 3.1 Function The function of the Executive Committee is to oversee the operation of the LAN MAN Standards Committee in the following ways: a)Charter the Study Groups, Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups. b)Appoint the initial Chairs of the Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups. (The Chairs of Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups are confirmed or elected by the Working Group and Technical Advisory Group members themselves.) c)Provide procedural and, if necessary, technical guidance to the Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups as it relates to their charters. d)Oversee Working Group and Technical Advisory Group operation to see that it is within the scope of Project 802, and the charter of the Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups. e)Examine and approve Working Group draft standards for proper submission to sponsor ballot group (see Section 4); not for technical content. f)Consider complaints of Working Group and Technical Advisory Group members and the resolutions of the Plenary, Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups. g)Manage the Functional Requirements and other global Project 802 issues. h)Handle press releases and other external organization matters. i)Manage Project 802 logistics, i.e., concurrent Working Group and Technical Advisory Group meetings, finances, etc. j)Oversee formation of sponsor ballot groups and sponsor ballot process. 3.2 Membership Executive Committee membership, including all rights and responsibilities thereof, is acquired by Working Group/Technical Advisory Group Chairs upon appointment to the position of Chair of a Working Group/Technical Advisory Group and confirmed by the members of the Working Group/Technical Advisory Group, and by all other Executive Committee members when confirmed by the Executive Committee. Membership is retained as in Working Groups (see Retention). All voting members of the Executive Committee shall be members or affiliates of the IEEE or the IEEE Computer Society. Membership of the Executive Committee is composed of the following: a)LAN MAN Standards Committee Chair. The Chair is elected by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the Standards Activities Board. The LMSC Chair is also the Chair of the Executive Committee. b)The Vice Chair, the Executive Secretary, the Recording Secretary, the LMSC Treasurer and ex-officio members of the LMSC Executive Committee. These positions are appointed by the LMSC Chair and confirmed by the Executive Committee. c)Chairs of the Working Groups. d)Chairs of the Technical Advisory Groups (TAG). The 802 Chair will ensure that those 802.0 members who are not Chairs of active Working Groups have specific areas of interest to cover in order to encourage a wider view to be taken than that specifically covered by the Chairs of active Working Groups. Each member of the Executive Committee shall, prior to confirmation by the executive committee, file with the Recording Secretary a letter of endorsement from their sponsoring organization. This letter is to document several key factors relative to their participation on the Executive Committee and is to be signed by both the executive committee member and an individual who has management responsibility for the Executive Committee member. This letter shall contain at least the following: statement of qualification based on technical expertise to fulfill the assignment, and statement of support for providing necessary resources (e.g., time, travel expenses to meetings), and recognition that the individual is expected to act in accordance with the conditions stated in 3.4.1 Voting Guidance dealing with voting "as both a professional and as an individual expert." 3.3 Reaffirmation All members of the Executive Committee are reaffirmed at the first Plenary session of each even numbered year. The Working Group and TAG chairs are reaffirmed by their representative groups while other members of the Executive Committee are reaffirmed in the Executive Committee meeting. 3.4 Voting Rules Voting in the Executive Committee is by simple majority. The Chair only votes to break ties. A quorum is at least one-half of the Executive Committee voting members. 3.4.1 Voting Guidance It is expected that LMSC Executive Committee members will vote as both professionals and as individual experts, except under the Directed Position provisions of Procedure 8, and not as a member of any affiliate block (organization, alliance, company, consortium, special interest group, etc.). If substantive evidence is presented to the LMSC Chair that this provision is violated, the LMSC Executive Committee will meet to consider what, if any, action to take on the presented evidence. Such action may include any action up to and including a recommendation for removal from office. 3.5 Meetings Executive Committee meetings are open to observers. An open discussion or requests to participate in a particular discussion is determined by the Chair. 3.6 Change of Rules These rules of the operation of the LMSC may be changed as described in this section. 3.6.1 Initiation of Proposed Rules Changes Proposed changes shall be in written form and include: a) The purpose, objective, or problem the proposed change is intended to address. b) The specific text of the rule change and the rationale for the chosen text. 2.Proposed changes my be created by: a) Any working group or technical advisory group. A proposal shall require the affirmative vote of at least three fourths of the members present when the vote is taken, quorum requirements shall be as specified in "Voting at a Meeting" in the section, "LMSC Standards Development Groups." b) Any Executive Committee Member Writers of proposed rule changes are encouraged to seek the advice of the LMSC Vice Chair or other experienced members to help form the wording in a manner appropriate for and consistent with the LMSC Operating Rules. 3.6.2 Executive Committee Action on Proposed Rules Changes The proposed rules change shall be presented at an Executive Committee meeting in conjunction with a Plenary Session. The Executive Committee shall take one of three actions on the proposal: Approve for Distribution and Executive Committee Ballot, or Assign for Study, or Reject. Approval for Distribution and Executive Committee Ballot shall require the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of all voting members of the Executive Committee and will result in the distribution of the proposal and an Executive Committee letter ballot on the change. If Approval for Distribution and Executive Committee Ballot is not achieved, a vote to Assign the proposal for study is taken, (see "Assignment of the Proposal to Study"). Assignment for Study shall require the affirmative vote of at least one third of all voting members of the Executive Committee. If less than one- third of the Executive Committee members support further consideration of a proposal then no further action is taken on the proposal and it is Rejected. 3.6.3 Distribution and Executive Committee Ballot The Executive Committee Vice Chair, (or other Executive Committee member designated by the LMSC Chair), shall distribute the proposed change to all persons who have attended the current Plenary Session or one of the preceding two Plenary Sessions at least sixty (60) days prior to the next Plenary Session and further; invite and collect comments for presentation to the Executive Committee. Concurrent with distribution to the LMSC members, an Executive Committee letter ballot shall be conducted, to close thirty (30) days prior to the next Plenary Session. 3.6.4 Assignment of the Proposal to Study: If the Executive Committee votes to assign a proposal to further study, the Executive Committee Vice Chair, (or others designated by the LMSC Chair), shall complete appropriate additional study of the proposal and respond to the Executive Committee expediently for its reconsideration for Distribution and Executive Committee Ballot. 3.6.5 LMSC Approval After distribution of a proposed rules change and an Executive Committee letter ballot has been conducted, the LMSC Vice Chair (or other LMSC Executive Committee member designated in accordance with Section Error! Reference source not found.) shall tabulate the ballot results, attempt to resolve comments, and present the comments and proposed resolution at an Executive Committee meeting in conjunction with a Plenary Session. The Executive Committee shall approve, assign, or fail to accept the proposal. LMSC approval shall require the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of all voting members of the Executive Committee. LMSC approval will result in the rules change becoming effective at the end of Plenary Session during which approval is voted. The revised LMSC Operating Rules shall be forwarded to the Computer Society Standards Activities Board (CS SAB); when the rules are known to be in conflict with the CS SAB Policies and Procedures the cover letter shall request formal CS SAB approval of the variance. In the case where the rules change is in conflict with the Policies and Procedures of CS SAB, the rule change will be put into effect as stated above but will be withdrawn immediately if rejected by the CS SAB. CS SAB rejection shall be announced to the LMSC Executive Committee by the most expeditious means available (e-mail, FAX, regular mail) and to the LMSC membership at the next Plenary Session. If LMSC approval is not achieved, a vote to assign the proposal for further study and recommendation shall be taken. Assignment shall require the affirmative vote of at least one third of all voting members of the Executive Committee, otherwise no further action is taken on the proposal. 4. LAN MAN STANDARDS COMMITTEE (LMSC) The LAN MAN Standard Committee (LMSC) is the standards sponsor organization and focal point for Local and Metropolitan Area Network Standards Sponsor activities. The LMSC includes the Executive Committee and a balloting pool for forming LMSC Sponsor Balloting Groups. All members of the Balloting Groups shall be members or affiliates of the IEEE or the IEEE Computer Society unless otherwise requested by the Executive Committee and approved by the Standards Activity Board. The Balloting Groups are formed by soliciting members of the LMSC balloting pool who are interested in voting on specific documents to be balloted, such as draft standards, recommended practices or guidelines. The LMSC Sponsor Ballots will be administered by the Executive Committee in accordance with Section 5 of the IEEE Standards Manual and Procedure 7 of these rules. 5. LMSC STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT GROUPS The LMSC standards developing organization consists of the Executive Committee and the Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups that develop the draft standards, recommended practices and guidelines. 5.1 LMSC Working Groups 5.1.1 Function The function of the Working Group is to produce a draft standard, recommended practice or guideline. These must be within the scope of the LMSC, the charter of the Working Group and an approved PAR, or a PAR under consideration by the IEEE Standards Board, as established by the Executive Committee. After the approval of the Working Group's standard, recommended practice or guideline, the function of the Working Group is to review, revise, and affirm its documents. 5.1.2 Chair LMSC Working Group Chairs and Vice Chairs shall be elected by the Working Group and confirmed by the LMSC Executive Committee. Terms shall end at the end of the first Plenary session of the next even numbered year. Initial appointments, and temporary appointments to fill vacancies due to resignations or removals for cause, may be made by the Chair of the LMSC, and shall be valid until the end of the next Plenary session. An individual who has served as Chair or Vice Chair of a given Working Group for a total of more than eight years in that office may not be elected to that office again. 1 A Working Group may elect a new Chair at any Plenary session, subject to confirmation by the LMSC Executive Committee. A motion to hold an election must be passed by 75% of the voting members of the Working Group present. 5.1.3 Membership Establishment All persons participating in the initial meeting of the Working Group become voting members of the Working Group. Thereafter, voting membership in a Working Group is established by participating in the meetings of the Working Group at two out of the last four Plenary sessions, and (optionally) a letter of intent to the Chair of the Working Group. Membership starts at the third Plenary session. One duly constituted interim Working Group or task group meeting may be substituted for the Working Group meetings at one of the two Plenary sessions (See Meetings and Participation). Members of the Working Group who have not achieved voting status are known as observers. Liaison members are those designated individuals who provide liaison with other working groups or standards bodies. Working Group members shall be encouraged to join the Computer Society of the IEEE. Although this is not a requirement for membership in the Working Group, members shall be informed that membership in the IEEE Computer Society or in the IEEE will be a requirement for their vote to count if they wish to participate in the Sponsor Ballot group. Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives. No participation credit will be granted to any individual who has outstanding financial obligations to LMSC; retroactive credit for participation in meetings shall not be granted if payment is not made prior to the start of the next meeting. (Note: Assumes LMSC Treasurer personally contacts individual, verbally or in writing, but with some assurance that communication was, in fact, received, and in sufficient time to respond.) Retention Membership is retained by participating in at least two of the last four Plenary session meetings. One duly constituted interim Working Group meeting may be substituted for one of the two Plenary meetings. Participation is defined as at least 75% presence at a meeting. Membership may be declared at the discretion of the Working Group Chair (for contributors by correspondence or other significant contributions to the Working Group). Membership belongs to the individual, not an organization, and may not be transferred. Loss Membership may be lost if two of the last three Working Group letter ballots are not returned, or are returned with an abstention other than "lack of technical expertise." This rule may be excused by the Working Group Chair if the individual is otherwise an active participant. Membership may be re- established as if the person were a new candidate member. Rights The rights of the Working Group members include the following: a)To receive a notice of the next meeting. b)To receive a copy of the minutes. c)To vote at meetings if and only if present. d)To vote by mail on drafts to be submitted to the Sponsor Ballot Group. e)To examine all Working Draft documents. f)To lodge complaints about Working Group operation with the Executive Committee. g)To petition the Executive Committee in writing. (A petition signed by two-thirds of the combined voting members of all Working Groups forces the Executive Committee to implement the resolution.) Meetings and Participation Working Group meetings are open to anyone. Only voting members have the right to participate in the discussions. The privilege of observers to participate in discussions may be granted by the Working Group Chair. Interim Working Group or Technical Advisory Group meetings, as a goal, are to have: 1) Reasonable notification (>4 weeks), 2) Few last minute shifts in location (<< 1 per year), and 3) Notify all Working Group members, observers and liaison people (Notice in writing to all Working Group members, observers, and liaison people in addition to any announcement given at a Plenary). 5.1.4 Operation of the Working Group The operation of the Working Group has to be balanced between democratic procedures that reflect the desires of the Working Group members and the Working Group Chair's responsibility to produce a standard, recommended practice, or guideline, in a reasonable amount of time. Roberts Rules of Order shall be used in combination with these operating rules to achieve this balance. Chair's Function The Chair of the Working Group decides procedural issues. The Working Group members and the Chair decide technical issues by vote. The Working Group Chair decides what is procedural and what is technical. Voting There are two types of votes in the Working Group. These are votes at meetings and votes by letter ballot. Voting at Meeting A vote is carried by a 75% approval of those members voting "Approve" and "Do Not Approve". No quorum is required at meetings held in conjunction with the Plenary session since the Plenary session time and place is established well in advance. A quorum is required at other Working Group meetings. The Working Group Chair may vote at meetings. A quorum is at least one-half of the Working Group members. Voting by Letter Ballots The decision to submit a draft standard or a revised standard to the Sponsor Ballot Group must be ratified by a letter ballot. Other matters may also be decided by a letter ballot at the discretion of the Working Group Chair. The Working Group Chair may vote in letter ballots. The letter ballot response time must be at least forty days from the time of "sending" postmark to the postmark of the returned ballot. The ballot shall contains three choices: ú Approve. (May attach non-binding comments.) ú Do Not Approve. (Must attach specific comments on what must be done to the draft to change the vote to "Approve".) ú Abstain. (Must include reasons for abstention.) To forward a draft standard or a revised standard to the Executive Committee for approval for Sponsor Ballot Group voting, a letter ballot (or confirmation letter ballot) must be done first within the Working Group. A 75 percent approval of the Working Group confirmation letter ballot is necessary with at least 50 percent of the members voting. The 75 percent figure is computed only from the "Approve" and "Do Not Approve" votes. Subsequent confirmation ballots to the Sponsor Ballot Group do not require Executive Committee approval. The Working Group Chair determines if and how negative votes in an otherwise affirmative letter ballot are to be resolved. Normally, the Working Group meets to resolve the negatives. Submission of a draft standard or a revised standard to the Executive Committee must be accompanied by any outstanding negative votes and a statement of why these unresolved negative votes could not be resolved. Working Group Chair's Responsibilities The main responsibility of the Working Group Chair is to produce a draft standard, recommended practice, or guideline, or to revise an existing document. The responsibilities include: a)Call meetings and issue a notice for each meeting at least four weeks prior to the meeting. b)Issue meeting minutes and important requested documents to members of the Working Group, the Executive Committee, and liaison groups. The meeting minutes are to include: ú List of participants ú Next meeting schedule ú Agenda as revised at the start of the meeting ú Voting record . Resolution . Mover and second . Numeric results Sufficient detail shall be presented in the minutes to allow a person knowledgeable of the activity, but not present at the discussion, to understand what was agreed to and why. Minutes shall be distributed within 45 days of the meeting to the attendees of the meeting, all members and all liaison people. c)Maintain liaison with other organizations at the direction of the Executive Committee or at the discretion of the Working Group Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. If in the course of standards development any Working Group utilizes a standard developed or under development by another organization within Project 802, by another IEEE group or by an external organization, the Working Group shall reference that standard and not duplicate it. If a standard cannot be utilized as is and modifications or extensions to the standard are necessary, the Working Group should: 1)define the requirements for such changes, 2)make these requirements known to the other organization, and 3)solicit that organization for the necessary changes. Only if the required changes cannot be obtained from the other organization, can the Working Group, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, develop these changes itself. Even in the latter case, the Working Group should seek the concurrence of the other organization by joint meetings, joint voting rights or other mechanisms on the changes being made. d)Provide a full accounting to the LMSC Treasurer of all fees collected and retained, under authority of Working Group Chair's Authority, to meet Working Group expenses, and the disposition of these funds. e)Speak for the Working Group to the Executive Committee and, in the case of a "Directed Position" vote the will of the Working Group in accordance with Procedure # 8. Working Group Chair's Authority To carry out the responsibilities cited in Working Group Chair's Responsibilities, the Working Group Chair has the authority to: a)Call meetings and issue meeting minutes. b)Decide which issues are technical and which are procedural. c)Establish Working Group rules beyond the Working Group rules set down by the Executive Committee. These rules must be written and all Working Group members must be aware of them. d)Assign/unassign subtasks and task leaders or executors, e.g. secretary, subgroup chair, etc. e)Determine if the Working Group is dominated by an organization, and, if so, treat that organizations' vote as one (with the approval of the Executive Committee). f)Make final determination if and how negative letter ballots are to be resolved when a draft standard, recommended practice, or guideline, is to be sent to the Executive Committee for approval for Sponsor Ballot Group voting. g)Collect fees to meet Working Group expenses. Removal of Working Group Chairs or Vice Chairs. The procedures specified in 5.1.2 Chair are to be followed under normal circumstances. If a Working Group or TAG feels it is being inappropriately led or significantly misrepresented by its Chair or Vice Chair and is unable to resolve the issue internal to the Working Group or TAG, then it is the responsibility of that Working Group to make and pass (75% of voting members present required) a motion to that effect and so notify the 802 Executive Committee with the recommended action and all supporting rationale in written form. The process for removal of committee Chairs, Vice Chairs, and other officers is prescribed in the IEEE Computer Society, Standards Activities Board "SAB Policies and Procedures" Section, Removal of Chairs and Vice Chairs, is included here with relative terminology (e.g., subsidiary committee) translated to LMSC terms (e.g., Working Group). The LMSC Executive Committee may remove the Chair or Vice Chair of a Working Group or TAG for cause. The Chair of the LMSC Executive Committee shall give the individual subject to removal a minimum of thirty (30) days written mail notice, with proof of delivery, of a meeting of the LMSC Executive Committee at which the removal is to be decided. The individual subject to removal shall have the opportunity to confront the evidence for removal, and to argue in his or her behalf. In the clear and documented case of gross misconduct, the Chair of the LMSC Executive Committee may suspend the Chair of a Working Group, with the concurrence of the IEEE Computer Society VP of Standards. A meeting or teleconference of the LMSC Executive Committee shall be convened as soon as practical, but in no case later than thirty (30) days, to review the suspension as provided for above. Precedence of Operating Rules If Working Group operation conflicts with the LMSC Operating Rules, then the LMSC Operating Rules shall take precedence. 5.1.5 Deactivation of Working Group The LMSC Executive Committee may deactivate a Working Group. If the Working Group has not generated standards or recommended practices, the Working Group can be disbanded. If the Working Group has produced standards or recommended practices, the Working Group should be hibernated. Disbanding a Working Group. The disbanding of a Working Group requires a letter ballot of the LMSC Executive Committee. A disbanded Working Group is then completely abolished. Hibernation of a Working Group A Working Group can be hibernated at the request of the Working Group chair and the approval of the LMSC Executive Committee. The hibernating Working Group can be returned to active status by the LMSC Executive Committee. Core of Experts The chair of a hibernating Working Group shall maintain a list of experts that are available to answer questions and provide clarification about the standards and/or recommended practices generated by the Working Group. Inquiries/Interpretations Inquiries and interpretations of standards and recommended practices that were generated by a hibernating Working Group shall be directed to the chair of the hibernating Working Group. The chair shall attempt to resolve the inquiry or interpretation using the core of experts, as necessary. If the chair is unable to resolve the inquiry or interpretation, the chair may petition the LMSC Executive Committee to activate the Working Group. Executive Committee Representation The chair of a hibernating Working Group may remain on the LMSC Executive Committee if the chair is able to maintain membership as per Retention. Disbanded Working Groups will not maintain Executive Committee representation. 5.2 LMSC Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) The function of a Technical Advisory Group is to provide assistance to Working Groups. The TAGs operate under the same rules as the Working Groups, with the following exceptions: a)A TAG may not write standards, but may write recommended practices and guidelines. b)A TAG is established by the Executive Committee at the request of one or more Working Groups to provide assistance within a technical topic area. c)The primary responsibility of a TAG is to provide assistance within its topical area as specifically requested by one or more of the Working Groups. d)The decision to submit a draft recommended practice or draft guideline to Sponsor Ballot Group voting shall be governed by the same rules as those governing the submission of a draft standard (see Voting by Letter Ballots). e)Any report generated by a TAG that is forwarded to any Working Group in the name of the TAG, needs to get a 75% approval vote of the TAG members present who vote "Approve" and "Do Not Approve". 5.3 Study Groups Study groups are formed when enough interest has been identified for a particular area of study such as a new access method or modified use of an existing access method. Two types of Study Groups are specified: An Executive Committee Study Group (ECSG) is initiated by vote of the Executive Committee and the ECSG Chair is appointed and approved by the Executive Committee. The ECSG Chair has the same responsibilities as a Working Group Chair as specified in but does not have Executive Committee voting rights. A Working Group Study Group (WGSG) is initiated by vote of the Working Group or TAG and approved by the Executive Committee. The WGSG Chair is appointed and approved by the Working Group or TAG. The Study Group shall have a defined task with specific output and a specific time frame established within which they are allowed to study the subject. It is expected that the work effort to develop a PAR will originate in a ECSG or WGSG. A Study Group shall report its recommendations, shall have a limited lifetime, and is chartered meeting-to-meeting. After the Study Group recommendation(s) has been accepted by the parent body, the Study Group will be disbanded no later than the end of the next Plenary Session. The decision of whether to utilize an existing Working Group or TAG, or to establish a new Working Group or TAG to carry out work items recommended by a Working Group shall be made by the Executive Committee with due consideration of advice from the Study Group. 5.3.1 Study Group Operation Progress of each Study Group shall be presented at opening and closing Plenary meetings by the Working Group, TAG, or ECSG Chair. Study Groups may elect officers, other than the Chair, if necessary and will follow the general operating procedures for Working Groups specified in and 5.1.4. Because of the limited time duration of a Study Group no letter ballots are permitted. 5.3.2 Voting at Study Group Meetings Any person attending a Study Group meeting may vote on all motions (including recommending approval of a PAR). A vote is carried by 75% of those present and voting "Approve" or "Disapprove." Procedure 1 USE OF LMSC FUNDS The purpose of having a LMSC treasury is to: Pay for the cost of conducting the Plenary session and other LMSC meetings held in conjunction with the Plenary session for: - cost of hotel meeting rooms - document reproduction - meeting administration - equipment/supplies/services needed for the efficient conduct of business, etc. Reimburse individuals for LMSC expenses not covered by other sources, e.g. corporations, other IEEE organizations, etc. Expedite the setting of LAN/MAN standards, e.g. printing of draft standards and conducting ballots. The source of funds for LMSC are the joint meeting fees from meeting participants. Specific policies regarding the treasury are listed below: The LMSC Executive Committee shall authorize all expenditures. The LMSC Chair, Executive Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and each Working Group and TAG Chair shall be reimbursed for expenditures up to $200 between LMSC Plenary sessions without specific authorization from the Executive Committee. If circumstances arise where an expense beyond the $200 is likely to occur, this expense should be cleared by contacting 6 members of the LMSC Executive Committee and the LMSC Treasurer and getting their approval. The cost of providing documents or other benefits to parties outside LMSC should be shifted to these parties, e.g. the use of commercial printers, or the IEEE Computer Society, to distribute documents on a cost basis should be encouraged. Major expenses or commitments, such as hotel arrangements or large draft printings, that are to occur between LMSC Plenary sessions should be estimated and approved by the Executive Committee prior to making these commitments. A separate checking account will be kept for LMSC. This account will be administered by the LMSC Treasurer. The Treasurer will provide reports about LMSC finances to the LMSC membership at large at LMSC Plenary sessions and to the Executive Committee. The Treasurer's Report will be included in the Executive Committee meeting minutes which are distributed to the IEEE Computer Society's Executive Director and the IEEE Computer Society's VP for Standards. The LMSC Treasurer shall strive to maintain an operating reserve (uncommitted funds on hand) between 75% and 100% of the expenses of a single LMSC Plenary session. Executive Committee approval of a meeting site for a LMSC Plenary session constitutes authority for the Treasurer to pay all ordinary expenses for that meeting and any extraordinary expenses presented as part of the meeting site proposal. Procedure 2 PROCEDURE FOR PARS 1. Any standards activity whose aim is to produce a Standard, Recommended Practice or Guideline must submit a PAR within six months of beginning their work. Refer to Working Guide for Submittal of Project Authorization Request (PAR) and PAR Form, 1 January 1990. Add pages, as necessary, of more detailed information than is on the PAR form about the Scope, Purpose and Coordination of the proposed project, but include summary text under Scope and Purpose. 2. Submit proposed PAR to LMSC Executive Committee for approval prior to sending outside of LMSC. (Approval is contingent on inclusion of a work plan for the development of managed object definitions, either as part of the PAR or as a part of an additional PAR. See Functional Requirements.) Complete PARs shall be delivered to all Executive Committee members not less than 30 days prior to the day of the Opening Executive Committee meeting of an LMSC Plenary session. At the discretion of the LMSC Chair, PARs for ordinary items (like Maintenance PARs) and PAR changes essential to the orderly conduct of business (like division of existing work items or name changes to harmonize with equivalent ISO JTC-1 work items) may be placed on the Executive Committee agenda if delivered to Executive Committee members 48 hours in advance. Delivery may be assumed if sent by either FAX or e-mail one full working day prior to the deadline, or if sent by express delivery service with guaranteed delivery one working day prior to the deadline, or if sent by US Mail, or Air Mail ten working days prior to the deadline. All PARs must be accompanied by supporting documentation which must include at least: Explanatory technical background material Expository remarks on the status of the development of the PAR, e.g., approved by WG, Draft pending Working Group approval at next meeting, etc. 3. In order to ensure wide consideration by the 802 members, PARs for significant new work (those that will result in a new Standard/Recommended Practice/Guideline or an addition to an existing one) must pass through the following process during the Plenary session week in which Executive Committee approval is sought: The PAR must be presented in summary at the opening Plenary meeting to the general 802 membership. Supporting material must be available in sufficient detail for members of other Working Groups to understand if they have an interest in the proposed PAR, i.e., if they would like to contribute/participate in the proposed work, or identify if there is conflict with existing or anticipated work in their current Working Group. It is highly recommended that a tutorial be given at a previous Plenary session for major new work items. Working Groups, other than the proposing Working Group, must express concerns to the proposing Working Group as soon as possible and must submit written comments to the proposing Working Group and the Executive Committee not later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. The proposing Working Group must respond to commenting Working Groups and to the Executive Committee together with a Final PAR not later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. It will be assumed that insufficient coordination and/or inter Working Group consideration had occurred prior to the submission of the PAR if this deadline is not met, and the proposed PAR will not be considered by the Executive Committee at their closing Executive Committee meeting. 4. Working Group Chair shall sign copyright acknowledgment. 5. LMSC Chair shall sign/initial as sponsor and submit the PAR to the following: a. Chair, CS Standards Activities Board b. Chair, CS Standards Coordinating Committee c. IEEE Standards Office Secretary to NESCOM d. LMSC Recording Secretary for filing. (Names and addresses updated by the LMSC Recording Secretary) Procedure 3 PROCEDURE FOR COORDINATION WITH OTHER STANDARDS BODIES All communications with standards bodies outside of LMSC that are not "Information Only" shall go through the Executive Committee. All communications with standards bodies outside of LMSC that are "Information Only" can go directly to the standards body with a copy to the LMSC Recording Secretary. All communication with government agencies or regulatory agencies shall go through the Executive Committee. Communication between Working Groups and TAGs shall go through the Chair of the Working Group or TAG. Official communication with ASC X3 shall be sent to the X3 Secretariat Director, with a copy to the LMSC Liaison Representative. Official communication with ECMA shall be sent to the ECMA Secretariat, with a copy to the ECMA Liaison to LMSC. All communications shall either be sent under the signature or with the approval of the LMSC Chair. Incoming liaison letters to Executive Committee members shall be sent, as a minimum to the LMSC Chair. Procedure 4 PROCEDURE FOR LIMITING THE LENGTH OF THE IEEE LMSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS The reports from the Working Groups and TAGs should deal primarily with issues related to LMSC as a whole or inter-group coordination. Reports of those items that will be covered in the Plenary meeting should be minimized. Roberts Rules of Order shall be used in Executive Committee meetings. Issues brought before the Executive Committee for resolution by vote should be phrased as a motion and distributed, if possible, to the Executive Committee members before the meeting. The maker of the motion has up to five minutes of uninterrupted time to explain the motion and to answer questions about it. After this, the seconder of the motion will be sought. Each Executive Committee member has two minutes of uninterrupted time to state an opinion about the motion. It is not necessary that all two minutes be used. The following debate will be confined only to the motion. Motions needing concurrence of the Working Group(s) will be tabled for review at the next Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Committee meetings shall end promptly at noon on Monday mornings and at midnight on Thursday evenings. When the Executive Committee meeting on Thursday evening fails to cover all agenda items (except for informational items), the clock stops at midnight for the sole purpose of voting on a Motion to adjourn until the beginning of the Friday Closing Plenary session at which time a specified list of agenda items will be addressed. Discussion on this motion will be limited to the establishment of the Friday agenda. If the Executive Committee so modifies a Working Group's motion that the Working Group Chair believes the Working Group membership may no longer support the revised motion then the Working Group should be given the opportunity to reconsider what action it wishes to take and present it to the Executive Committee at the next Executive Committee meeting. This action can be accomplished by a Privileged Non-debatable "Request To Defer Action" made by the affected Working Group Chair which will automatically cause all action on the motion to be deferred until the end of the next regular Executive Committee meeting. Procedure 5 POLICY FOR DISTRIBUTION OF NEW IEEE LMSC STANDARDS PUBLICATIONS Number of books to be distributed is 250 of each type. Tuesday Afternoon (2 - 5 PM): Handout based solely on Working Group/TAG Chair's designated list for the Working Group/TAG which produced the standard, recommended practice, or guideline. Working Group/TAG Chair has discretion as to who should be on this list, and may choose to reserve a limited number of copies for persons who could not attend the meeting, but in this case, the Working Group/TAG Chair will be responsible for the delivery (mailing, etc.) to such persons. Wednesday Afternoon (1 - 5 PM): Handout to all other LMSC registered attendees who qualify as voting members of at least one 802.x Working Group/TAG based on the voting members list submitted by the Working Group/TAG Chairs. Thursday (9AM - 3PM): Handout of remaining copies to LMSC registered attendees on a first come - first serve basis. No person is entitled to receive more than 1 copy of any book, even though they may qualify in more than 1 of the above categories. Procedure 6 IEEE LMSC DOCUMENT NUMBERING PLAN This numbering scheme applies to all LMSC Working Groups and TAGs. It will cover all draft documents as well as other 802.x Working Group/TAG submissions to provide a complete index of all Working Group/TAG documents. The format for the document numbers will be as follows: either 802.na/Di-yy/m (formal draft standards) or 802.n{tg}-yy/m (all other documents & correspondence) where: n = a Working Group/TAG Designator (i.e. 0, 1, ..., 11), a = a PAR Series Designator (i.e. _, A, B, C,...) for drafts of a document produced under an active PAR, and must include the {/Di} field, i = a Draft Revision Number for working documents produced under an active PAR, which starts at 1 and is increased by 1 with each new revision, yy = a year designator (i.e. 87, 88, 89, ...) to indicate the year in which the document number was assigned, m = a sequence number which starts at 1 at the beginning of each year and is increased by 1 each time a document number is assigned, tg = an optional task group designator to be used specifically for tracking task group submissions that are independent of the Working Group/TAG as a whole. Documents relevant to the whole Working Group/TAG will use the 802.n-yy/m form. The allowed formats for a task group designator are: one letter, two letters, or one letter followed by one number. All other characters are specifically prohibited. Procedure 7 PROCEDURE FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT Update the Working Group or Technical Advisory Group status report and Sponsor Ballot milestone chart after every LMSC meeting. (Administered by LMSC Chair). Send the minutes of each Working Group or Technical Advisory Group meeting, and any new drafts, to the IEEE Standards Secretariat. Prepare or update a list of Working Group or Technical Advisory Group papers, drafts, minutes, etc. which may be of interest to outside people who follow the progress of the work. Send the list and the materials to the IEEE Standards Secretariat. (Administered by the LMSC Executive Secretary) Sponsor ballots will be conducted by the IEEE Standards Secretariat. (Two response ballots with a copy to the Standards Secretariat and a copy to the Working Group Chair) Procedure 8 PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHING A DIRECTED POSITION Members of the LMSC Executive Committee have a responsibility to act in the best interest of the LMSC as a whole. Working Group Chairs have a responsibility to represent their Working Group on the Executive Committee. At times these responsibilities are in conflict with each other. Decisions of a Working Group may be of such a nature that the Working Group members deem it necessary to "Direct" the Working Group Chair to vote a specific way on Executive Committee motions related to a Working Group decision. When directed, through the process described below, the Working Group Chair shall vote as mandated by the Working Group resolution for the specified subject on any formal vote(s) in the Executive Committee. It would be anticipated that the use of a directed (i.e., instructed) vote is an exceptional situation and hence used infrequently, e.g., critical PAR votes, formation of new Working Groups and Study Groups. Working Group developed positions are not to be considered as automatic "Directed Positions." After a Working Group motion has been passed that establishes the Working Group's position, a separate Directed Position (75% required to pass per Voting) motion is required to make that Working Group Position a Directed Position. A Directed Position motion applies only to a specific, bounded, Working Group issue that is to be brought before the Executive Committee. Directed Position motions may not be combined, nor may any procedure be adopted that diminishes the extraordinary nature of establishing a "Directed Position." The Working Group Chair, however, has the freedom to express other views in an attempt to persuade members of the Executive Committee to consider them, however, such views shall be identified as distinct from and not the formal Working Group Directed Position. The Working Group Chair is required to disclose to the Working Group his/her intent to offer a position contrary to a Directed Position. When presenting a Directed Position to the Executive Committee, the Working Group Chair is obligated to present and support the Working Group's Directed Position Motion with voting results, along with pros and cons behind the motion. INDEX 1. OVERVIEW 1 2. LAN MAN STANDARDS COMMITTEE PLENARY 3 3. LMSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 3 3.1 FUNCTION 4 3.2 MEMBERSHIP 4 3.3 REAFFIRMATION 5 3.4 VOTING RULES 5 3.4.1 VOTING GUIDANCE 5 3.5 MEETINGS 5 3.6 CHANGE OF RULES 5 3.6.1 INITIATION OF PROPOSED RULES CHANGES 5 3.6.2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ACTION ON PROPOSED RULES CHANGES 6 3.6.3 DISTRIBUTION AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BALLOT 6 3.6.4 ASSIGNMENT OF THE PROPOSAL TO STUDY: 6 3.6.5 LMSC APPROVAL 7 4. LAN MAN STANDARDS COMMITTEE (LMSC) 7 5. LMSC STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT GROUPS 7 5.1 LMSC WORKING GROUPS 8 5.1.1 FUNCTION 8 5.1.2 CHAIR 8 5.1.3 MEMBERSHIP 8 ESTABLISHMENT 8 RETENTION 9 LOSS 9 RIGHTS 9 MEETINGS AND PARTICIPATION 9 5.1.4 OPERATION OF THE WORKING GROUP 10 CHAIR'S FUNCTION 10 VOTING 10 VOTING AT MEETING 10 VOTING BY LETTER BALLOTS 10 WORKING GROUP CHAIR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 11 WORKING GROUP CHAIR'S AUTHORITY 12 REMOVAL OF WORKING GROUP CHAIRS OR VICE CHAIRS. 12 PRECEDENCE OF OPERATING RULES 13 5.1.5 DEACTIVATION OF WORKING GROUP 13 DISBANDING A WORKING GROUP. 13 HIBERNATION OF A WORKING GROUP 13 CORE OF EXPERTS 13 INQUIRIES/INTERPRETATIONS 13 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATION 14 5.2 LMSC TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUPS (TAG) 14 5.3 STUDY GROUPS 14 5.3.1 STUDY GROUP OPERATION 15 5.3.2 VOTING AT STUDY GROUP MEETINGS 15 PROCEDURE 1 USE OF LMSC FUNDS 16 PROCEDURE 2 PROCEDURE FOR PARS 17 PROCEDURE 3 PROCEDURE FOR COORDINATION WITH OTHER STANDARDS BODIES 19 PROCEDURE 4 PROCEDURE FOR LIMITING THE LENGTH OF THE IEEE LMSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS 20 PROCEDURE 5 POLICY FOR DISTRIBUTION OF NEW IEEE LMSC STANDARDS PUBLICATIONS 21 PROCEDURE 6 IEEE LMSC DOCUMENT NUMBERING PLAN 22 PROCEDURE 7 PROCEDURE FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT 23 PROCEDURE 8 PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHING A DIRECTED POSITION 24 INDEX ERROR! _______________________________ 1 Chair and Vice Chair incumbents in Nov. 1994 (the time this clause is approved) are deemed to be serving terms ending at the end of the first plenary in 1996. They may be re-elected at least twice or the number of times which will result in a tenure that does not exceed ten (10) years, which ever is longer. This grandfather clause ceases to have any effect at end of the first plenary in 1998; at which time this footnote shall automatically be deleted.