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Re: [usb] USB 2.o PHY update


Good day!

  I am new to this mailing list and would like to ask your expertise on 
USB.  I am currently on the process of planning  an ASIC for a printer 
that would support USB 2.0 but have no idea on which PHY chip to use.  
Can you recommend any PHY chip and or USB IPs available in the 

Thank You very much... your response will be a great help.

Marvin Rodriguez
Hardware Group
ADTX Systems Inc.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rudolf Usselmann <rudi@a... > 
To: USB Mailing List <usb@o... > 
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 10:03:29 +0700 
Subject: [usb] USB 2.o PHY update 

> After some searching on the net, I found out that there is a common 
> Transceiver (PHY) interface that several companies have agreed to. 
> The 
> specification is called UTMI. 
> I have also found a few more announced PHYs. 
> Below list includes everything I have today about USB 2.0 PHYs. 
> UTMI Specification 
> ================== 
> Announced PHY chips 
> =================== 
> Lucent USS2X1 
> http://www.lucent.com/micro/usb/usbdocs.shtml 
> NEC uPD720120 
> http://www.necel.com/home.nsf/Main?ReadForm&Multimedia+Products 
> Philips ISP1501 
> http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/pip/isp1501-01/ 
> IP Cores 
> ======== 
> tm 
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