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RE: [usb] Bit Stuffing

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "kw@nie" <kwanie@p... > 
To: <usb@o... > 
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 00:48:40 +0800 
Subject: RE: [usb] Bit Stuffing 

> They can be the same or input faster than output to sustain the 
> output rate, 
> i.e. if output rate is 12Mbps then input cannot be slower or there 
> will be 
> time when there is nothing to output. 
> To stuff bits you need to hold you input whenever there stuffing 
> occurs. 
> This is achievable by buffering. 
>  -----Original Message----- 
> From: 	owner-usb@o...  [mailto:owner-usb@o... ]  On 
> Behalf 
> Of Prashant 
> Sent:	09 March 2002 19:15 
> To:	usb@o...  
> Subject:	[usb] Bit Stuffing 
> Hi All, 
> This is my first mail to this mailing list. 
> Currently I am working on a USB function controller and have 
> started designing the bit stuffer module of it. 
> I am facing a problem here that goes like this..... 
> For a bit stuffer I want to know wheather the input data rate to 
> the stuffer and the output data rate from the stuffer are same. 
> If they are same then how can I stuff a bit without loosing a 
> bit from the data line. 
> How can I design it. 
> Prashant. 
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