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Fw: [pci] PCI bridge project status


I would like to point out, that PCI specification is not a closhed
specification (it
can be improved or changed).
On my opinion, the PCI spec will improve the most by a designer(s) through
a designing phase of a part(s) of a core.

Feel free to comment the spec and to participate to the PCI core.

Regards, Tadej.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miha Dolenc" <mihapci@email.si>
To: <pci@opencores.org>; <cores@opencores.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 4:15 PM
Subject: [pci] PCI bridge project status

> Hello everyone!
>    Me and Tadej prepared a bit of PCI bridge core specification(not
> yet) . It's available at:
> http://www.opencores.org/cgi-bin/cvsget.cgi/pci/docs/pci_specification.pdf
> Comments, feedback, advices are welcome.
> If anyone would like to help with RTL design, verification or
> is welcome to post a message on PCI mailing list with information on what
> he/she is interested in regarding PCI bridge project.
> Regards,
>     Miha Dolenc