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RE: [ethmac] some clarification needed

Hi, Satya,
DMA descriptors are described in the document as "Linked List Descriptors". So look for that.
  -----Original Message-----
From: owner-ethmac@opencores.org [mailto:owner-ethmac@opencores.org]On Behalf Of satya
Sent: 13. december 2001 14:42
To: ethmac@opencores.org
Subject: [ethmac] some clarification needed

Hi Igor,
You have mentioned about the DMA Descriptors in the dma_doc.pdf. But while going through the core,I dint find the descriptors defined in the modules(particularly wishbonedma.v)
can u please tell me in which those DMA descriptors were specified in the code.
Thanks and Regards
- satya